Location: n/a
Date of Birth: n/a
Gender: n/a
Registered: Mar 28, 2005
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
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Random Profile Comment
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.

Suring you could be drawing the devil walking with a blouse au naturel, right now?
Or an insane president thinking?
Or some cereal freezing, for "Justice"?
Or a fat billiard ball hatching a soccer player?
Or some bronze armor ramming a president?
Or an artist saying, "to be or not to be", literally?
1 Submission
thumbnail Id\ don't know hwy this is even in beginner. Its really very good. Great texture. Reminds me of Chal...
Apr 10, 2005
thumbnail scary. BUT GOOD. but scaryyy... ok no. Bt if you look at it long enough, the teeth look very odd. O_...
Apr 9, 2005
thumbnail whoop! So CUTE!
shes not older than 15. XD *sorry hun*
I like this version better.
I decided no...
Apr 3, 2005
0 Forum Posts