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Public Boards/Beginner 
superlink (Jul 19, 2005)
i was bored.
1 comment – latest 1:
sephiroth54321 (edited Jul 19, 2005)
It looks like a diglet...
drawn in 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
nekodesu (Jul 18, 2005)
Scene from Half-Blood Prince.
2 comments – latest 2:
sephiroth54321 (Jul 18, 2005)
his nose is very big.....
nekodesu (Jul 18, 2005)
Yeah...the noses come out big in the profile view for me...=\
drawn in 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Maiko (Jul 17, 2005)
just wanted to submit a quick sketch D: *cowers* don't hit me...
but yes, smoking = bad D: CANCER STICKS ARE EVIL!!
*shrug* :D
I suck at drawing hands >_>
14 comments – latest 4:
sephiroth54321 (Jul 23, 2005)
smoking is bad, but highly addictive <:D
Maiko (Jul 23, 2005)
Smoking murders your lungs and kicks your grannies, right? xD
my god, I actually remember saying that XD
saucy (Aug 13, 2005)
the cigarette is backwards... XP
Maiko (Aug 13, 2005)
yup, I know it is :3 but I don't want to change it, otherwise I'd have to change the hand.
drawn in 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Cooper and sephiroth54321 (Jul 9, 2005)
he loves you but do you love him !
7 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Jul 17, 2005)
I thought it was a girl >_>
Kenshin (Jul 17, 2005)
<_< I love people.
; ;
Cooper (Jul 17, 2005)
It is a boy -_-
sephiroth54321 (Aug 8, 2005)
He forced me to help him with this...otherwise I wouldn't have done it....-_-
drawn in 2 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Cloxboy's Art Trades
Kloxboy (edited Jul 18, 2005)
I'm posting all of my art trades on this thread, if you're not familiar with art trades, check out the Original Art Trade Thread. It's really fun! - Alex Cooper's Original Hook Character - Cloxboy's version of Hook - Cloxboy's Original BombED Character [url:
Public Boards/Advanced 
Kasha (Mar 2, 2005)
I don't like the face.

22 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Jul 17, 2005)
Wonderful picture, Kasha. I'm glad you finished it.
davincipoppalag (Jul 17, 2005)
Promise poppa you will draw more miss Kashalag...we need to reclaim this place from all the spam..
Pantera (Jul 17, 2005)
Beautiful work Kasha :)
Atsever (Aug 20, 2005)
her face is great
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Art Trade
Inu-chan (Jul 16, 2005)
Anyone want to do an art trade with original charachters? (meaning I draw one of yours, you draw one of mine?)
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
oikitsumaru (Jul 15, 2005)
"you're easy breezy and I'm Japaneezy and soon you will mean exactly nothing to me, does that mean anything to you?" -Hikaru Utada, Easy Breezy
Listening to that while drawing an icon for myself. ^_^''
7 comments – latest 4:
oikitsumaru (Jul 15, 2005)
TT__TT eep. wasn't thinking about WWII actually, I hope no one gets offended by this..
tappie_chan (Jul 16, 2005)
hes pretty sexeezy. heh, i had to add my 2 cents since i like the drawing and the song. yayness!
kawaii_otaku323 (Jul 29, 2005)
I AM SO IN LOVE!!!!!! xD ...echem, sori. -.-u
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 6, 2006)
i love this picture...awesome
drawn in 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
ninjapizza (Jul 15, 2005)
1 HOUR AND 40 FREAKIN MINUTES AND ALL I GOT IS THIS!...............I need a hug.
4 comments – latest 4:
sephiroth54321 (Jul 15, 2005)
your title is confusing @.@
ninjapizza (edited Jul 16, 2005)
i meant to title it "a girl AND a cat" but my eyes were in pain and i just wanted to get away from the comp. at that moment so now i did a bunch of work to get a stupid picture AND a stupid name. >: [
Xodiak (Jul 16, 2005)
Nice drawing, I like the girl and the cat. >:D
ninjapizza (edited Jul 16, 2005)
< ( \ /
< ( *
.___/ \
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cold_graffiti (Jul 15, 2005)
had to clear my throat!
3 comments – latest 4:
cold_graffiti (Jul 15, 2005)
drawn in 1 min
there we go and it says ern!
hideyourface (Jul 15, 2005)
haha. Im not sure about the shading on the face, but the lineart is cool, especially on the teeth. Neat idea.
Aikara (Jul 15, 2005)
How delightfully creative.
sephiroth54321 (Jul 15, 2005)
looks painful...
drawn in 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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