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Public Boards/Beginner 
xswirvex (Sep 12, 2006)
a doodle ;]

tommarows my bday yippeh
4 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Sep 12, 2006)
Happy birfday. kool doodle
fleeting_memory (Sep 13, 2006)
cute draw-happy birthday!
patienceisoverrated (Sep 13, 2006)
Happy birthday!!
Sweetcell (Sep 13, 2006)
Happy birfday xswirvex.
drawn in 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Sep 12, 2006)
My favorite couple :]
5 comments – latest 4:
IceKyoko (Sep 12, 2006)
i love how you drew cute!
fleeting_memory (Sep 19, 2006)
aw very cute-and sasuke is...smiling....?
senshi (Sep 19, 2006)
Dood, this reminds me of their fight. and after, when they were like, kids again and they shook hands.. yeah
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Sep 19, 2006)
Yes, a very rare thing to see from Sasuke. :]
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hagaren (Sep 12, 2006)
Hi! <3 Sorry I haven't been on for so long. D: Ever since school started, it feels like I'm going to prison every morning. DDD': Teachers are mean.

Anywho, I'm all about Ed today! The movie just came out, and I can't wait to buy it! x3

Uurgh. I've gotten sloppy. I need more practice. D'x
3 comments – latest 3:
senshi (Sep 12, 2006)
Haha, I just bought the 13th DVD and movie. I watched the last three episodes, I'll watch the movie tomorrow.
Hagaren (Sep 12, 2006)
D:! Nofair. Luckyduck. DD':

THE MOVIE IS AWESOME. Srsly. I watched it online. It kicked serious butt! X3
-is struggling, trying to finish the series in 3 days-
senshi (Sep 12, 2006)
I saw it online too, but it should be better on DVD. since it's bigger and you don't haff ta read subtitles. of course if I could speak Japanese I wouldn't need subtitles but no Japanese class for Senshi, no. They give im a Spanish class that's canceled anyway cause the teacher died er somethin. I don't know, can't remember why it's canceled exactly
drawn in 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
squee (Sep 12, 2006)
Are so awesome. I told her what I wanted, and I got better. GO GO ASIAN HAIRDRESSERS! *arm pump*

I based my hair on three characters:

Miho from Megatokyo
Yuki from Fruits Basket
and Light from Deathnote.

Turned out better than I expected :D So now SQUEE HAS NEW HAIR! HUZZAH!.. I'm cold D:

P.S.: I still have yet to see Jeff *cry*
4 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Sep 12, 2006)
Shweet. how is this based off Miho?
squee (Sep 12, 2006)
The front part, I'm growing out the sides more, and the back is short. 8D
Hagaren (Sep 12, 2006)
Wow! O: That's beautiful! I really like the way you did the shading. Very creative. :)

!!O=3 Ehmegawd! Yuki?! ...Wow. Your hairdresser is amazing. xD

I'm asian! :D And proud. x3
senshi (Sep 12, 2006)
I shee it now. tis deffnitly Shweet.
For some reason, I'm never cold unless I've been touching ice-cream or snow. If I haven't phisically touched one of those, I be Warm.
drawn in 41 min with PaintBBS
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Ruggi (Sep 12, 2006)
Wow it's tough to get a metallic look...
10 comments – latest 4:
Qwerty_Wittle_Fawah (Sep 13, 2006)
I think it looks great...the metal is like an iron...which reminds me of cathedrals cuz sometimes they look drab...but the bg pops it out and the melting is awesome
a_blue_orange (Oct 29, 2006)
whoa thats so crazy!!
It church is melting

I love the litle tiny people in the corner
Krissebaby (Apr 29, 2007)
I love how you captured the dimension in this and the blend of colors in the sky.
Ruggi (Apr 30, 2007)
The angle I picked somehow helped in giving it a 3-D feel, I think...
drawn in 4 hours 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Kaka-Chan (Sep 12, 2006)
heh, my second drawing, Gokuh, not finished yet, buut, hmm,yeah.
1 comment – latest 1:
senshi (Sep 12, 2006)
The lines of his nose shouldn't be so big. leave the parts that are on the outside, clear out the middle
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
shalalaheartattack (Sep 11, 2006)
They have all the luck
8 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Sep 12, 2006)
That kid in fat albert doesn't have a face.
shalalaheartattack (Sep 12, 2006)
This is true. Dumb Donald always wore the infamous pink hat that covered his face. Therefore, it is in question whether or not he had a face or not.
senshi (Sep 12, 2006)
I forgot his name.
He didn't have one, it shows it in the movie, at the end I think.
shalalaheartattack (Sep 12, 2006)
Ah. I haven't seen the movie.
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 8, 2006)
Well last week it was the week my grandmother died since five years ago...........
And every body in my family started to remember about her.........Every one besided me have dream her and said that she loves them so much and miss them.......But not me......I really got sad to see that I don't dream her........But last thursday the day of her dead I dream her.....I was in a field of trees were they bloomed blue flowers and was blowing a calm wind from my back, I was sad but then I hear a voice calling for me then I turn back and there she was my grandma.............She told me the she loves me so much and that no matter what and how long she's been gone she still have her sweet old memories about me and my family, and that I was a really special boy for all the time............And so I say to her "Grandma..... your one of the most sweetest and most beautifull woman I have ever seen.........Thanks"................
And that was all in my dream..............Thanks.............

................Logging of Lore.V.............
10 comments – latest 4:
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 12, 2006)
Your welcome friend...............:]

............Logging of Lore.V............
Sweetcell (Sep 14, 2006)
That's a wonderful story Lore. I lost my Grandma over 20 years ago but I still have memories of her (albiet it's harder to remember) and I treasure them. She had to move from her farm closer to us because she was getting on in years but she was till a tough old lady who always babysat me and my brothers and put up with a lot of our crap. I learned a good share of cooking from her, and the main thing i always remember about her was how she always had fresh baked buns and iced water on hand (seems strange but it was rather popular with my friends) I miss her.

My mom (who was the most wonderful oerson in the world and my best friend) died 5 years ago and it still hurts. Everything I know I learned from her and she was the kind of person who could walk into a room and get everyone smiling and laughing. She was our rock and anchor and it's been less of warm house without her. But I dream about her on occasion and it's enough to make me smile and remember the good times with her.

Your picture captured the feeling of your emotions despite your using blue and your a dearheart for drawing this.

And great to know the story behind your name. I was curious too.
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 14, 2006)
Aaaw Sceetcell thats really sad............but at the same time really beautifull comment from you.........:]
I never have imagined that you loosed both your mom and grandmother some time ago.........
I really wish to give you a hug and cheer you up..........But yes I know that were they are now they will always have you in their heart as well as you will have them in yours............^-^
Thanks for being a great friend Sweetcell and this goes to all of my friends too...........:] THANKS..........."HUGS"...........
.............Logging of Lore.V..........
The_Chosen (edited Oct 17, 2006)
amazing drawing yet so simple I am always amazed at how beautiful yet simple your pics are I love the blue shades blue is my most loved color of all
Edit: of i just noticed alll the detale I can bearly make out some of the details on my lap top and not at all on my desk top I can't beeie all the great stuff I mised
drawn in 3 hours 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Ignis (Sep 12, 2006)
lazy background and colouring..zuko wants to eat the flower...
5 comments – latest 4:
senshi (edited Sep 12, 2006)
Tis no infection, izz uh scortch mark. If there's one thing, Two things I know about, Prince Zuko's one of em. well, former prince.
fleeting_memory (Sep 12, 2006)
I lurve this show! I drew them a while ago but I left out this cutie! I've finally gotten used to his short hair lol.
Normac-yeah it is a doozy :) a burn given to him by his dad-what a happy family.
fire_wolf2319 (Sep 12, 2006)
aaaahhhhh zuko thats so awesome. and his dad burnt him thats the scar not an infection...... well I hope it's not infected.
senshi (Sep 14, 2006)
Dood, the secret of the Fire nation is tomorrow. for me at least. Zuko and Jet joins forces! Shweet
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
oxo-suga-sweetie-oxo (Sep 11, 2006)
Its just a thingy I decided to draw randomly. Yeah...Oh. That heart is totally out of place and isn't going to be there when i ACTUALLY finish the picture. Its just that there was a big empty space...^^"
1 comment – latest 2:
oxo-suga-sweetie-oxo (Sep 11, 2006)
drawn in 54 min
Yeah. That's as finished as its gonna get! so there ya go. its a...thing...And yeah I lied, the heart thing stayed after all. ^^"
senshi (Sep 12, 2006)
It's like a heartless, sweet
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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