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Public Boards/Beginner 
Ana-hime (Apr 11, 2006)
Knock off a few bajillion hours from the time, since I was doing other stuff...

It's a boy. =D
4 comments – latest 4:
Ana-hime (edited Apr 11, 2006)
It's supposed to look like he's slouching, but I guess I failed. :gonk:

EDIT: I don't really feel like coloring this. Dx

Anyone want to color it for me?
Ana-hime (Apr 12, 2006)
drawn in 7 min
cmoon (Sep 25, 2006)
COOL! I love pocky! My favorite flavor is strawberry.... or mabey chocolate!
senshi (Sep 25, 2006)
Why does he have a hairpeice?
Crystal, you've only had strawberry and chocolate.
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
chickenmonster2001 (Sep 24, 2006)
3 comments – latest 3:
fleeting_memory (Sep 25, 2006)
very cute Sora :)
cmoon (Sep 25, 2006)
Sora looks so cute! I LOVE HIM! Who is he hugging?
senshi (Sep 25, 2006)
iz that Chi?
haha, Sora and Chi!
I wonder vwhat Kairi would think about this.
drawn in 5 hours 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Alethea-sama (Sep 24, 2006)
I am having such an Edward obsession since I bought the Movie, "FMA: Conquerer Of Shambala", yesterday XD. And so...I have been doodling Ed everywhere.

This is the first fanart that I have done in like....2 years maybe? I like my OCs a little to much XD. AND YAY FOR KATAKANA! I am loving my japanese class, and I have learned lot already ^__^...Its college level ( im in high school) so its going really fast 0-o....I just barely passed the first test...and I have another one later today...Omg...I need to sleep now. Sorry for the random Japanese class ramble.

5 comments – latest 4:
xiau (edited Sep 25, 2006)
I squealed when I saw this D: It's absolutely gorgeous *__* The face, and hair, and everything~ Aghh (saves it)
The only thing I see wrong with this isn't really in the picture itself, just the Katakana. Ed's name is spelled ????? (Edowaado), not ????? (Edowarudo)
Alethea-sama (Sep 25, 2006)
0-o Opps. LOL I should have just written it in Hiragana. I do fine with Hiragana >>. Thanks Xiau ^__^
Hagaren (Sep 25, 2006)
Holy crap.

Edo was so angsty with Alphonse Heiderich. SO HOT. :'DDD

Seriously, great job with the coloring. Lovelovelove iiitt~ X3
SanzoGirl (Sep 25, 2006)
>w< I love thissss.~<3
Ahhh, the coloring is so pretty, and the line art, and perfect Katakana writing, I wish I could be as neat as you when I write in Katakana. xD;
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Shenzi13 (Sep 24, 2006)
I think the background came out okay. I don't like the wolf, the shading's crappy, but it's alright I guess. Made this for cmoon because she seems to like wolves an aweful lot, so, hope you like it!^^
4 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Sep 24, 2006)
I like teh wolf! not the best shading but iz got good style. and the eyes have good contrast with the fur. and the fur's colors work together well. and teh sunset iz beautiful. and the wolf iz beautiful too. and it's shiny.
I think you get the picture, I should stop now. :)
DMV (Sep 25, 2006)
I like the wolf also..he looks like he was cut out and pasted on another pic.
cmoon (Sep 25, 2006)
That.... looks THE BEST! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE IT! The coloring is great and the wolf is........ TA BESTEST!
It's so good! I gotta draw you a pic now!
^_^ SO COOL!
Shenzi13 (Sep 25, 2006)
Thanks fer tha comments!!!! I know, I forgot to fix that before submiting it, now it lookes like crap!!!
But cmoon, You're welcome!!^^ you don't have to do anything for me if you don't want.
drawn in 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
kkdoodle (Sep 21, 2006)
...haven't been on in a while
3 comments – latest 4:
kkdoodle (Sep 21, 2006)
drawn in 14 min
This isn't the best but as you can see, I've been practicing lately. Check out my deviantart page too! My username there is Kiwilisterine....Thanks for checking out my work! ^^
Raizar (Sep 21, 2006)
I like it.
senshi (edited Sep 21, 2006)
kyute. who does she remind me of?

I remember! it's kinda like that gurl frum Evangelion. I forget her name.
wuz she inspiration?
kkdoodle (Sep 25, 2006)
Um, no actually but she does look similar, I agree. ^^
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
wasashu (Sep 20, 2006)
This is Rehmos from my little mind game, EMC aka. emos may cry.

Drat... the way I drew him looks like ed... dammit this sucks T__T
13 comments – latest 4:
Emi-Sama (Sep 22, 2006)
Haha. well, I'm not emo.
senshi (Sep 24, 2006)
I found something out! His names vincent.
SanzoGirl (Sep 24, 2006)
I am..... >_>; *Emo*
senshi (Sep 25, 2006)
emo isn't anything bad.
drawn in 1 hour 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Alethea-sama (Sep 1, 2006)
....Unfinished only because I may color this >>....OMG theres just something about the uke that I love to no end!! Theres just a cuteness about him that makes him so adorable to me X3 <3

This is as done at its gonna get DX Sorri people who wanted me to color it.....Maybe way later in the future I'll color it >>
6 comments – latest 4:
darkwings45 (Sep 3, 2006)
she wants it.
you can so tell.
broken-lock14 (Sep 3, 2006)
Errr, Darkwings, it's a guy. 8D;;

I like your styleeee. =^*D*^= I want to see color, ohmigorsh. >:I

(Actually, I really like the seme's expression for some reason. XD;; He looks all cool and "Whutevaa."-ish.)
kiketsu (Sep 4, 2006)
omg. i LOVE this!!! EEEEE!!! XDDDD so cute! and i also like the expression on the seme's face. as well as the uke's. i dunno. this is an all around good pic. awesome! :D
Nyuusen (Sep 25, 2006)
jah, if you ever hear one person in a partner ship referred to as 'uke' or 'seme' you can bet it's yaoi. I haven't heard the terms used with a hetero couple.

Looks good. Xd
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Emi-Sama (Sep 22, 2006)
Hi. um, first pic. :)
2 comments – latest 2:
senshi (Sep 22, 2006)
Hi. welcome ta 2draw. Nice first pic
MadeInChina (Sep 24, 2006)
Hi! your drawing is way better than any of mine
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
patienceisoverrated (Sep 11, 2006)
there is a thin line between pretty and trashy when using dodge and burn, and I suspect I just crossed it and stomped on it a few times for good measure.

does anyone want to collab? I'm in a collaby mood.
11 comments – latest 4:
NOVEMBER93 (Sep 22, 2006)
I would like to help, if that's ok
patienceisoverrated (Sep 22, 2006)
for sure. start a canvas and doodle something
NOVEMBER93 (Sep 22, 2006)
I will soon, I swear!
fleeting_memory (Sep 23, 2006)
very soft-bordering on almost too soft, but still very nice-Just be careful not to lose the shape.
drawn in 2 hours 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
squee (Sep 19, 2006)
For Cammo, cuz he said so.

J'adore le kiwy personnes, Cameron.
4 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Sep 19, 2006)
kool kiwy. I'm still not sure what mine would look like if Idrew one.
Noremac (Sep 20, 2006)
woo highland tentra!
NOVEMBER93 (Sep 20, 2006)
Awwww, this is so cute...Good job :D
Punky (Sep 23, 2006)
Nice french. ;)

the hair is cute
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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