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Public Boards/Advanced 
elly (May 25, 2022)
6 comments – latest 4:
dingaling (May 31, 2022) there really such a thing as an albino hummingbird?...well i wouldnt doubt it
elly (Jun 1, 2022)
yes dingaling, there is such a thing. The photo ref I used was definitely of a real hummingbird. Thank you for your comment! Not enough of that around here any longer
rpgfan123 (Jun 17, 2022)
Very nice bird!
Great work!
Lilbunni_is_drawing (Jul 15, 2022)
this is gorgeous, especially the purple flower and the bird :}
drawn in 2 hours with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
Potato_Z (Jun 6, 2022)
1 comment – latest 1:
rpgfan123 (Jun 17, 2022)
Stick men dancing who would have thought!
Great work!
drawn in 8 min with Kleki
Tabb (Jun 2, 2022)
2 comments – latest 2:
tollstrup1693 (Jun 10, 2022)
Light blue Version of Sonic
rpgfan123 (Jun 17, 2022)
Maybe add some rings.
Great work!
drawn in 18 hours with Kleki
Tabb (Jun 1, 2022)
I’m sad for him😿😫
1 comment – latest 1:
rpgfan123 (Jun 17, 2022)
Paper mario is fun!
Great work.
drawn in 8 min with Kleki
tortugator (Jun 12, 2022)
suit from chainsaw man.
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Jun 13, 2022)
very nice
rpgfan123 (edited Jun 17, 2022)
I don't know who chainsaw man is.
Nice artwork!
drawn in 42 min with Chicken Paint
Caramelpop (Jun 6, 2022)
Mostly music covers and poses from any source, some characters are from games or videos or any social media things( update on Jun 9: so when I’m done with this music cover I’m gonna do the book cover of the comic I’m doing, so stay tuned to that if you want )
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jun 14, 2022)
finished up well
Caramelpop (Jun 14, 2022)
drawn in 5 min
Extra detail :] welp now the book cover ;v;
rpgfan123 (Jun 17, 2022)
Really nice multifandom art.
Great job!
yellow.nutella (Jul 13, 2022)
WOOOAAHHH that's so cool!!! I love your art style, and glad ppl know abt andy's apple farm :D
drawn in 3 hours 9 min with Kleki
AgentKaticorn (Jun 16, 2022)
Just a random froggy, it's cute tho
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Jun 16, 2022)
hi welcome
rpgfan123 (Jun 17, 2022)
Cute chibi frog!
Indeed it is cute.
drawn in 13 min with Kleki
Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje and bitbof (Jun 5, 2022)
4 comments – latest 4:
bitbof (edited Jun 7, 2022)
drawn in 33 min
the red lands triggered hallucinations.
elly (Jun 7, 2022)
I stared at this for a while, and I still am....
davincipoppalag (Jun 8, 2022)
stands next to
elly staring in wonder
rpgfan123 (edited Jun 17, 2022)
This reminds me of diablo immortal.
Great art.
drawn in 54 min with Kleki