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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Jul 8, 2006)
six bras on sale.
10 comments – latest 4:
xwindflyer (Jul 9, 2006)
What if they hqd a bra that was colored red on the left side, and green on the right,,,then you could tell port from starboard?
Axil62 (Jul 10, 2006)
What if, xwindflyer.... what if?
xwindflyer (Jul 10, 2006)
Then you could tell if they were coming or going axil.
Noremac (Jul 11, 2006)
where the hells them boobs? D:
drawn in 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
legethien (Jul 8, 2006)
This was drawn looking at the original image located - here, which was obviously not taken by me, but I don't really know who took it.

It is a lame little rendition of the image and it took far too long (though I went for dinner in between, lol)
I hope it doesn't offend anyone, lol, though I'm prolly a little offended by it myself.

cheers, maria x
6 comments – latest 4:
open (Jul 8, 2006)
Spunky! I love John Lennon. Love the train tracks theme!
Axil62 (Jul 8, 2006)
I agree with contestant number two
whitebunny1063 (Jul 9, 2006)
I missec him:D
Rosemary (Jul 9, 2006)
i love John Lennon..great the shoes too lol
drawn in 1 hour 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cianteed2 (Jul 6, 2006)
"He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man." - Dr. Johnson
13 comments – latest 4:
cianteed2 (Jul 9, 2006)
What do eggs have to do with anything?
mikhail (Jul 10, 2006)
haha.... faggot ass kids... spanking eachother with a pink flyswatter and shit...
pancakes_rock (Jul 13, 2006)
i want a misfits shirt but i cant find one hmmm.
sexy ass drawing dude
squee (Jul 19, 2006)
:o! A7X!!! This .. is.. hot.
drawn in 5 hours 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
chris90 (Apr 13, 2006)
a zombie type creature, just used a rough pen like look.
3 comments – latest 3:
DoOp (edited Apr 13, 2006)
it's really really really scary @^@....... great work making look like a pen-ish look =)
comd (Apr 13, 2006)
That's awesome. It really pops out in the thumbnail, and up close the individual textures take over as a center of interest.
open (Apr 13, 2006)
This is really cool, the bottom elids sagging looks totaly harsh. nice!
drawn in 24 min with PaintBBS
stupidinvader (Mar 7, 2006)
first try on this program. its pretty hard, not like normal drawing at all. fun though.
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Mar 7, 2006)
Yea, it's different. This is pretty good for a first try, too. This might help with learning the applet
stupidinvader (Mar 8, 2006)
thanks man. dyou use a mouse or do you use a drawing pad thing? is one easyer than another? (i used a mouse on this and found it pretty hard to controll)
open (Mar 21, 2006)
Woh, thats a cool first picture, especialy as you used a mouse, whats it of? your mum?
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Ceido and Zack (Jan 19, 2006)
I wouldn't mess with him. If you do, he'll probably do something.

EDIT | Now a collab with Zack. :]

12 comments – latest 4:
Ceido (Feb 17, 2006)
Thanks y'all. I'll have to try another mutant thing again sometime. :)
staci (Feb 17, 2006)
everytime i see this picture/title i sing that whitesnake song...HERE I GO AGAIN ON MY OOOOWN! fyi.
kejoco (Jun 6, 2006)
"...going down the only road I've ever knoooown"

Makes me think of one xod's vagina monsters
good job both of you
Sweetcell (Jun 6, 2006)
Absolutely one of the best pieces on here and should definately have more comments, I love this stuff, fantasy, D&D. Awesome awesome picture.
drawn in 7 hours 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
blahaha and open (Jan 28, 2006)
"I told you to smile, moron!"
"I can't! The pain is just TOO MUCH! *sob*", I hate emos. Always spreading their wrist-juice everywhere and taking my-space photos. XD

*casts +10 Remove Angst*

Um, does anyone want to color this? >_>;
7 comments – latest 4:
blahaha (Jan 29, 2006)
Damn, you're really good at shading. Anyway, I love the coloring; a strange combination of colors that surprisingly work together (to me, at least). A job well done, I do say.
open (Jan 29, 2006)
haha, thanks
~Wolf~ (Feb 4, 2006)
This is defenatly a job well done *gives both of you cookies* lol
NOVEMBER93 (May 27, 2006)
this reminds me of someone i know...just can't put my finger on it though...awesome job you two.
drawn in 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
nekodesu (Jan 27, 2006)
Hand hand used as ref
I think it looks little too veiny though and I think I messed up on the angle because my hand kept changing postion. >_>
4 comments – latest 4:
open (Jan 27, 2006)
ohhh, this is nice
darkshadow (Jan 27, 2006)
that is good
i dont think i is veiny
this is what i have been working on in my sketch book
none on mine look this good

zell381 (Jan 27, 2006)
that's awesome, looks really sketchy
blahaha (Jan 27, 2006)
Wow~ you did this in 11 minutes? Awesometastic. *gives The Thumbs Up Of Victory*
drawn in 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Harurie (Jan 25, 2006)
the title explains it....oh ya and also practice on the shading ^^
I'll start a pic with wings like that on it ^^
4 comments – latest 4:
Punky (Jan 25, 2006)
You sure have been improving over the past while. :) I like the shading.
open (Jan 25, 2006)
Woh, this wing is really cool. Ha, it has made me want to draw wings. arg
Harurie (Jan 26, 2006)
Aww thank you so much =D that made me happy ^^
Hahaha, I'm glad it made you want to draw wings >=D!!
Enjoy ~~
Lolli~Lime (Aug 27, 2006)
^.- Sexxii Wing <3
drawn in 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Ceido and open (Jan 12, 2006)'ve been lookin at medusa again haven't you.

Used stock from 'Mustang-Stock' on
5 comments – latest 4:
woah_pockster (Jan 13, 2006)
I;m in love with the shadows. <3 esp. on the hand of that guy. :] looks almost like a clay animation screen shot :] <234
open (Jan 14, 2006)
Thanks guys. :)
zell381 (Jan 27, 2006)
Realistic. Awesome work.
Ceido (Nov 7, 2006)
Yeah. Thank!
drawn in 6 hours 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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