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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Childlike_Vampire (Jan 22, 2004)
5 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Jan 23, 2004)
Hah Mecha.
Thats so nice shading there.\
The background Rocks also.
the ship in the upper corner looks awesome! the graduation of colors is so cool! he looks quite stealthy. Supertastic!
Tylop2 (Jan 24, 2004)
Wow...that be why you wanted to do your own...because it owns the hell out of the crap I tried to pass off as a mech....Excelent work, and cool pose.
Look (Jan 24, 2004)
I like his expression, it's like sneaky and evil. The fire in the background is very nicely done!
drawn in 5 hours 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
ladylime (Jan 21, 2004)
uhhh messed up looking plue from rave
4 comments – latest 4:
nyao (Jan 21, 2004)
PLUE!! ^^ COOT!! I luv the froggie! ^^ but plue looks a bit sad...
godjilla (Jan 21, 2004)
you know, I just started reading that comic today...ironic that my knowledge of Plue would come in handy the same day...kawai!!!!!!!!!!!
Maiko (Mar 5, 2004)
ay!!! it's Pluieeee!!! cute XD
Ty854 (Sep 10, 2004)
Wouldnt rain be like acid to the little snowman boy? This is a cute picture tho'. lol
drawn in 20 min with PaintBBS
DMV (Jan 20, 2004)
I know...I know I messed up the stars...oh well?
10 comments – latest 4:
ky (edited Jan 21, 2004)
Marcello, mazi, I give you this.

He's done five guitar pictures in a row. That's not a big deal. And it's not spam, either. (dates, time, etc). Give him a break, it's too early to be saying anything of that worth. He hasn't just drawn guitars...
marcello (Jan 21, 2004)
who said anything about spam? I was just giving some suggestions.
DMV (Jan 21, 2004)
Marcello, mazi this was a series i was working on ...of course I will do other stuff i am not going to just draw giutars, yes different angles would have made it easier for you guys to look at. repetitive maybe but these drawing are what I love doing
there are alot of other people on here who do repetitive drawings and i guess cause there popular, its ok...
but this me and what I love... isn't that what an artist does? thanks for your imput.
ky (Jan 21, 2004)
Marcello, you missed the point of my reply.
drawn in 2 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
KiLi (Jan 16, 2004)
if there's anything wrong with the anatomy, or anything else, i'd appreciate comments...otherwise this will be finished at a later time...or rather, earlier, since it's around midnight...
5 comments – latest 4:
KiLi (edited Jan 17, 2004)
drawn in 2 hours 10 min
yaaaay..done at is kinda non-con..heh.
gaaaah...keep on editing comments and forgetting things. >.< This pic is for nyao! she's such an awesome artist. :D
nyao (Jan 17, 2004)
WAH!!! THANKYOUUUU!!! ^______^ I luv the guyz, and the yaoiness is *drools* good. ^^ Always good to be kept corrupted! ^^
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 18, 2004)
Love the metallic light-play on the hair. Nice work.
WildMageDaine90 (Feb 28, 2004)
the only thing wrong with this is you! Just joking...hey, um, its me (your partner in writing) interesting...not as interesting as what you draw on wednesday...hehe...during math...ok. of on an unnecessary pix
--Sim the Crazy One
drawn in 2 hours 53 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
staci (Jan 17, 2004)
to be fair..i can do better.
6 comments – latest 4:
nyao (Jan 17, 2004)
wow... that is really really good... the details and colors... wow...
cmb (Jan 18, 2004)
very painterly work- will enjoy seeing more!
Look (Jan 26, 2004)
I love teh color, looks so much like a oil painting!
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 28, 2004)
Yes, it tis, a Sunflower. A very sunny one, at that. May I hang this in my greenhouse? :)
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
raijin (Jan 16, 2004)
a sword....
4 comments – latest 4:
sal (Jan 17, 2004)
the flames and the sword look good.. dont like the green background tho...
KiLi (Jan 17, 2004)
very cool, except i agree with sal, green just doesn't seem to fit well as the background. love the details on the sword. ^^
nyao (Jan 17, 2004)
cooo... i like the pixelated lookie. ^^ It's neat, i like sword and stuff. but bg... ya... WELCOME TO 2DRAW!!
ky (Jan 17, 2004)
Green fits because of the red fire. (red, green compliments, duh).

Great job.
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Arisuki_Artemis (Nov 26, 2003) there any way I can get extra room to finish this?
3 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Jan 12, 2004)
For cute. her hair and ears and nose remind me of Gadget from...that Chip and Dale cartoon, lol. Awesome thus far.
Arisuki_Artemis (Jan 13, 2004)
drawn in 11 min
still not quite finito..
ladylime (Jan 15, 2004)
wow great coloring! and cute ears
nyao (Jan 21, 2004)
Nice, this can go in the intermediate board, I believe. But the anatomy is a bit messed up, like the arm/hand, but how should I know? Overall, it's really cute and I like the colourz you chose! ^^
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Childlike_Vampire (Jan 14, 2004)
She be Fae.

Second time I've drawn this, I'm losing patience with the applet...Having pneumonia sucks.
10 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Jan 15, 2004)
Well, thank you very's kind of neat that you say that about the sequel, since it is supposed to be a sort of newer more improved version of this drawing .
nyao (Jan 18, 2004)
wow.... that;s really prettie... i luv the colours and pose... wow...
Maiko (Feb 21, 2004)
wow, taminess OO that is damn sexy
lilypad (Apr 24, 2004)
i quite agree with deadly that if you edited the pic to give it more detail, it would ruin the wonderful mysteryious feeling. marcello, you ARE being overly picky.
drawn in 5 hours 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Aaden (Jan 14, 2004)
Wheee! ^.^ I love Chii. She's just sooo cute.. So I had to draw a picture of her. ::Nodnod.:: Hope you like it!
4 comments – latest 4:
RabidMalikFanGirl (Jan 14, 2004)
Say "Chiis'? Okay. Nvrmind. Very good colors :) Shading is wonderful, but it... just doesn't feel like Chii. But I can't put my finger on it... Probably the eyes...
marcello (Jan 14, 2004)
It's a nice picture. The reason it doesn't look like chii is the face is a bit too long (and chin perhaps to sharp), and also the eyes. she has a much more serious/mature/adult expression than chii. Not that any of that is a problem...
nyao (Jan 14, 2004)
Ya.... I agree with Marcello.... and of course the way you drew the hair.... But it's pretty nice. I just LUVVVV CHII!! ^^
Aaden (Jan 15, 2004)
Hee, Thanks guys. Next time I draw Chii I'll try to work on that stuff ^^
drawn in 2 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
bluesky (Jan 12, 2004)
i know it's messy, and i really apologize, but this is for everyone who's had a bad day, look up, there's always tomorrow... (and to nyao as well; don't feel too bad about what you did friday!)
4 comments – latest 4:
rainstar (Jan 21, 2004)
busky!! (inside joke) u rock to the piont of awesomeness!!!! i love this one!!! who cares if it's messy?? can u draw sumthing 4 me??i will pay u!!!!
Knockoff (Jan 21, 2004)
Uhhhh. pay her.....
Woaw o_O;;.
nyao (Jan 28, 2004)
aw... that's sweet... lol. I'm totally over that now.. LoL. Anyway, I've moved on... (yes, i did REALLY move on! Lol) *wink* thankz! ^^
rainstar (Feb 8, 2004)
bluesky! comment on my horrible first drawing!pleez!!i need feedback-we all know that yours is alraedy great, but i need help!
drawn in 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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