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Public Boards/Intermediate 
laurael (Apr 16, 2004)
For 'you know who...'
16 comments – latest 4:
laurael (Apr 17, 2004)
So sorry to hear that happened to you dreadful that must have felt.
This was for you, LovelyLori...saw a post of yours asking for one and decided to give it a go...glad you like it.
LovelyLori (Apr 17, 2004)
I love it! :D
Bagels00000008 (Apr 18, 2004)
This should really be called "Bed Hair"
emmamommalag (May 1, 2004)
Wow, how'd I miss this one. I admire anyone who can draw monkeys. This is great... the details, the hands.. all of it.
drawn in 3 hours 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
muckluck (Apr 16, 2004)
Just listening to Funeral For a Friend, and came up with this.
5 comments – latest 4:
muckluck (Apr 16, 2004)'s a band.......but, thanks anyways. ^_^
mooseflower (Apr 16, 2004)
I have no idea why, but this makes me laugh. X]
granmastern (edited Apr 16, 2004)
well whitepersian lover showed some affection so...
nice pic muckluck
muckluck (Apr 17, 2004)
Thank you! ^_^
drawn in 23 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mooseflower (Apr 15, 2004)
just a little guy with 'different' fashion sense :)
10 comments – latest 4:
mooseflower (Apr 16, 2004)
Thanks, and welcome to 2draw!
Poppyseed (Apr 16, 2004)
mooseflower (Apr 16, 2004)
ehhhh... you're welcome?
laurael (Apr 16, 2004)
Love the way you shade and draw. Can't wait to see what else you'll do...awesome stuff.
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
LovelyLori (Apr 15, 2004)
from National Audubon Society(North American Birds) front cover pic
I don't know what to do the background, that is always a major prob for me... I'd like to make some hint of foliage, blurred .... but damned if I know the best technique for that...and I should've done it in the beginning!
31 comments – latest 4:
laurael (Apr 16, 2004)
I love your boidie. The butt crack, on the other hand, well, let's just say...I now can't get it out of my
Gigandas (Apr 16, 2004)
It's finished XD.I really like the bird's features^^.Something about the wings makes it look incomplete could be that there's too much of a solid area on its wings and it clashes with the detailed texture of its body.But the body itself is really well done.The night sky goes well with it too.Another awesome piece :)...
craptastic_spaztic (Apr 16, 2004)
WOW! Much impressed. Big thumbs up.
Aubrey (Apr 23, 2004)
Very cute Lori, you draw birds really well.
drawn in 4 hours 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
staci (Apr 10, 2004)
29 comments – latest 4:
MaLynne (edited Apr 15, 2004)
he loves it. he couldnt post w/o joining the site tho. he enlarged it as much as he could and is printing us a good copy in his photo printer. it is truly excellent Stac. like the others, i dont know how you do it *hugs* and Marcello is just mad cause it wasnt a laptop...he was WRONG.... rolls my eyes
thug (Apr 15, 2004)
for the record I think it's great!
Kasha (Apr 15, 2004)
ohh god! she is so cute! Great Job Icats.
mooseflower (Apr 17, 2004)
excellent! this is just so adorable... has anyone told you that you're really, really good at realism? *peeks up at other comments* 0_o Oh.
drawn in 6 hours 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
safescene (Apr 3, 2004)
it's a thing...maybe a swamp thing...*raised eyebrow*...or the result of pesticides

I haven't submitted/finished/drawn much here lately, but this one was worth working on
3 comments – latest 4:
safescene (Apr 14, 2004)
drawn in 1 min
ok, NOW I am finished
DinoFlorist (Apr 14, 2004)
It looks nice. It also looks like a good illustration (or that you would be a good illustrator) for those books about Count Olaf and those kids...I can't remember what they are called anymore, but I read them because my Grandma is a librarian and she loves all the childrens books and has me read the hits. I always get the good ones before they are discovered...for instance the first Harry Potter I read before anyone knew about it, but I would have never guessed the big craze that was to come. Oh yeah, lets see those books were about the worst possible scenario...uh...somebody knows what they are, so tell me.
Kasha (Apr 15, 2004)
awesome. I only wish it was a lot bigger. I like ur imagination. : )
mooseflower (Apr 20, 2004)
he he, wouldn't want one of those floating over my head :) -DinoFlorist - they're called a series of unfortunate events.
drawn in 3 hours 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
rosalyn (Apr 13, 2004)
School uniforms, are they a good thing or not. YOU BE THE JUDGE! >:}

b/t/w Don't i look like a dork in a Uniform?
8 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (Apr 14, 2004)
haha better than me i have 1 pair of pants and 2 shirts, and havent changed my socks in about... 2 weeks or so
mooseflower (Apr 18, 2004)
my schools thinking of getting uniforms, light blue tops and kahki bottoms. but then, knowing my school, they won't get around to it until I'm in college.
Knockoff (Apr 18, 2004)
*prays* I'm lucky I don't get them. Fewf.
Anyways, I like this, the background is very pretty.
rosalyn (Apr 18, 2004)
Thankx guys, I hate uniforms!
drawn in 1 hour 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
tappie_chan (Apr 11, 2004)
out of procrastination, a Japanese gothic-glam rock star is born (albeit a rather tame, sorta nerdy one).

p.s. are they called gothic-glam rockers, or do they just fall under the j-pop catagory? oh well...

edit: its not quite finished. i wanna add more definition in the face and do a few more things, but when i try to revise it the bar in the little loading box will get right to the end and freeze. apparently i can't work on it. i'll keep trying for a few days, then i'll just set it to finished. blah...

edit 2: well, it won't let me finish, so i am setting to finished now.
10 comments – latest 4:
bumpinthenight (May 26, 2004)
very nice.... The sparseness of the majority of the picture coupled with the cool shades of the hair really works well... :)
lxveisblind (Jun 24, 2004)
Wow...this is really amazing. I especially like the shine of the hair and lips (random, I know, but still...) My only word of advice is the hairline/eyebrow look a little pixely (if you know what I'm even talking about) But overall this is a really fantastic picture.
evil_cloud (Oct 13, 2004)
Its an odd drawing (that doesnt mean its bad ^-^)

You know better what you were thinking about, but in any case its a good job
mukumuku (Dec 23, 2004)
i think this looks great, i love the watercolor look, it really suits this picture
drawn in 3 hours 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Chari (Apr 12, 2004)
A Dragon in the rain.=3 Oh, and Hello.^^
2 comments – latest 2:
Fin_beast (Apr 12, 2004)
Very nice :)
I love dragons... They rox0rz.
mooseflower (Apr 12, 2004)
I like his expression! if I were him, I would be making that face too -- 'aww dangit, can't blow no fire in the rain...'
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with PaintBBS
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 10, 2004)
Whoever said diamonds are a girl's best friend never had a golden retriever. (Scout's Saturday bath)
18 comments – latest 4:
Aubrey (Apr 13, 2004)
Very cute dog and that is better bubblage than I could ever do, so more power to ya! lol Can't imagine a way to make it look any more like real bubbles. Most dog's fur don't clump up when they get a bath, every dog I've had hasn't anyway. It's only messy when ya give it a good "fluff up" with a towel and that's hardly done when there's still bubbles all over it lol :-D
gloworm043 (edited Apr 15, 2004)
I love your dog! So cute, and I really like the bubbles... :) Very realistic DBA..makes me smile looking at him.
taori (Jun 27, 2004)
hey, my pup's name is scout! only she is not bubbly. love the fuzz and the eyes. very puppy-ish.
JoJoFries (Jan 21, 2005)
I definiatley, totally, and completely agree although not just golden retrievers but all dogs. Who ever said Diamonds are a girls best friend and Dogs are a mans best friend was so mixed up
drawn in 3 hours 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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