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Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
spiritdweller (Aug 30, 2004)
I thought I might package up some sets of Christmas greeting cards, and put them in a few consignment shops...(of course if I make a l'il cash off 'em, Marcello, you'll finally get some donations from me since I'm using your site to make them)... any ideas for some funny ones? I kinda wanna do a batch of funny cartoony ones, and some serious ones? ...something ya don't see every single stinkin' year.... ??
Order or Chaos? Introducing 2drawWiki
marcello (Aug 29, 2004)
So, I am probably making a big mistake by launching this now, but I am curious just what will happen. now has a Wiki. A wiki? Well, it's a bit hard to explain if you are not familiar with the term. In a sense it's a completely chaotic form of documentation, much against the normal methods of publication. It is a website where anyone can edit anything. It makes more sense once you get used to it. Without further adieu, welcome to the [url
Main Forums/ 
Kasha (Aug 20, 2004)
I think this site needs some polls. It'll be fun Cello!! Come'on come'on!
squee (Aug 9, 2004)
There's too much lack of support here at 2draw!! That's why I'm fucking gonna leave until I get some damn support!!! I CANT DRAW LIKE THIS?? I FUCKING DRAW THE BEST I CAN, BUT NO SUPPORT!! I SAY FUCK IT! i'M LEAVING UNTIL I GET SUPPORT!
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Turning Blue?
Diseth (Aug 7, 2004)
Help me please!! I need to turn my lineart into a light blue color, so I could go over in black! I don't know how to do it! PS: I'm new. *looks sheepish.* Sorry.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
JackSprat (Jul 14, 2004)
Okay. this is my first real attempt at a portrait with no reference materials.('member, the last started as an abstract)
I think she looks like a Jasmine...hence the title, though I 'spect I'll prolly have to look at something to get more detail in it. Once again, I have to thank Marcello for this site. I'm REALLY liking the style that I've been using so far, and I owe it all to some friends for bugging me to come here, thereby inspiring my interest and creativity again.
13 comments – latest 4:
JackSprat (Jul 15, 2004)
Well, I suppose if I could get back into it, I could finish it, instead of leaving it as a rough...then it might belong.
davincipoppalag (Jul 16, 2004)
Give the man some space method and let's see where Jack takes this!
JackSprat (edited Jul 17, 2004)
drawn in 2 hours 2 min
Welcome to Elfland.
Well, its the direction that I was headed, but not quite as fine as I'd like, I'll hafta settle for a Naive style for this one, until I learn more to be more effective with each layer.
My inspiration for this one came from a series of books entitled Bordertown, Borderland, etc. Great read about a place where kids run away to that exists only on the edge of Faerie.
emmamommalag (Jul 18, 2004)
Yay, you got more space. Love those little glasses. This turned out great, Jack.. way better than lots I've seen on this board. I like your style.
drawn in 3 hours 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
davincipoppalag (Jul 16, 2004)
This is just a posting because I am curious. I saw that in my points history a mod had edited a comment someplace and put in a penalty. I clicked on it, and it took me to a picture where the only comment I made was still there..unchanged. I don't remember any "controversial" comments and if the mod who did it is around, I am curious as to what comment was considered "text abuse" ( I dont use nifty 2 or cutesey stuff..and I usually don't say anything unless I have something reasonably nice to say...
Zinc (Jul 14, 2004)
Hi, everyone. I'll be gone for maybe the next two weeks. So. During that time I will not be reliable with memos regarding more space. OkayThanks,EveryoneBye. P.S. don't memo hakkai either. she be gone too.
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Please Read.
Fin_beast (edited Jul 14, 2004)
I really need all 2draw users to help me on this one. I am begging you, as you are the experiment. I take 'A Level psychology'(college course) and I am nearly finished organising my coursework. I need your help. I need people to take part in an experiment. I can't say what I am trying to find out, but I will tell you once the results are collected. The experiment will consist of downloading a small program (10kb or so), doing a small test and then sending me a file which is generate...
Main Forums/ 
For Those with Mac OS X & Java Problems
stellarbeams (Jul 12, 2004)
While researching something else, I came across a fix for some Java problems on the Macs with OS X. If simply downloading/installing a new browser (I tried Mozilla) doesn't help you to load the applets, this may be of interest to you. Apparently, the OS X system will only allow the Safari browser to access the latest java plugin. All other browsers are defaulted to the 1.3.1 version. One developer has a fix for this that can be found here: PLEASE NOTE: The f...
1 comment
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