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Public Boards/Beginner 
xiang (Dec 10, 2005)
hello, :D i'm odviously new here...
and i suck at coloring, so i gave up half way DX
sucky picture, i know. not my best work... just some random girl saying "hi! <3"
3 comments – latest 3:
xiau (Dec 10, 2005)
Haha, your name sounds alot like mine :)
It's really cute for a first submission. Welcome to 2Draw!
kristine (edited Dec 10, 2005)
welcome to 2draw! i like this you should finish it!
xiang (Dec 10, 2005)
thanks <3
i might color it some time soon... but i'll probally post some more drawings first :D
i'm not really into coloring things...
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
hideyourface (Dec 8, 2005)
hot dog.
9 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Dec 9, 2005)
If I stab It with a knife will reality leek out????
Cause that would look so cool!!!!!!!!
hideyourface (edited Dec 9, 2005)

no stabbing :p
kristine (Dec 9, 2005)
mr oizo - "flat beat" i downloaded that song it s so addictive :P
DoOp (Dec 10, 2005)
omg the yellow thing is so cute XD
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
chickenmonster2001 (Dec 9, 2005)
I don't like this one as much do to the horribly hard hairstyle, and apparently the huge monicle. Nonetheless, its fine for the current moment.
5 comments – latest 4:
sinominous (Dec 9, 2005)
im not sure whats going on exactly but that looks painful :( good drawing still just looks painful lol
chickenmonster2001 (Dec 9, 2005)
XD The egg comment made me giggle.

Nonetheless, as I stated above, its a monicle. You know.. those wannabe glasses.
Shoebox (Dec 9, 2005)
Usually monicles are made to see trhough XD You should probably add an eye on the inside (at low opacity) and the little glare streaks on the monicle, then it might be a little more believable *nods*
chickenmonster2001 (Dec 10, 2005)
Thats true. Hm. If I do another monicle, I'll be sure to do that. ^^

..for now though, its time for the xbox 360.
drawn in 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Tabery_kyou (Dec 8, 2005)
I am working on a Lynx cause I like lynxes ^_^
As you can see, I am better at realistic things than cartoony/anime things. :3
6 comments – latest 4:
woah_pockster (Dec 8, 2005)
<:D this is wonderfulllllll and woo hooo I commented before a showcase >:D this is precious and it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling <3 great job :} <33333
xiau (Dec 9, 2005)
Adorable little expression...
Yes, I see a showcase :D And like Kristine said, you'd better not slack off!
Zeal (Dec 10, 2005)
head looks so real ! and FUZZAH!
Tabery_kyou (Dec 12, 2005)
drawn in 48 min
Yay! More fur...lots to go though >_>
It is so hard to get the fur to look right.
drawn in 3 hours 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DinoFlorist (Dec 9, 2005)
I have smelled this pig before!
8 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Dec 9, 2005)
Touch my pig and I'll make you taste yummy
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 9, 2005)
I already taste yummy.
TaCO (Dec 9, 2005)
I'll still do It:P
davincipoppalag (Dec 9, 2005)
Smelly pig is happy knowing he is smelly. If he wasn't smelly, he would not be happy. Since he IS smelly..he is also happy. I am happy you made him smelly so he could be happy.
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
SYTHE (Dec 8, 2005)
She has the Mark!
6 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 8, 2005)
I love your flesh tones, they are just yummy looking. (ewww, no tatoos for me, I think they're tacky with a capital T... nasssty)
kristine (Dec 8, 2005)
DinoFlorist (Dec 9, 2005)
is that the neck line leading to cleavage? Or the small of a back leading to the crack? It really could be either, it's like a Rorschach test to see what you like more!
SYTHE (Dec 9, 2005)
DinoFlorist, I noticed that also after I had already posted it. Funny how that works out.
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
narutofan and Kakashi_Hitake (Nov 20, 2005)
your turn kakashi. don't delete yet it's not done and it will get better
5 comments – latest 4:
narutofan (Dec 6, 2005)
drawn in 3 min
fixed something kakashi asked me to
narutofan (Dec 8, 2005)
drawn in 11 min
finally done bg=bad
kristine (Dec 8, 2005)
where are his/her ears? you always tend to forget that.
yuohoo (Dec 9, 2005)
I always wondered about these drawings,why are the naruto charater girls sometimes sticking there tounge out?? I'm just wondering..
drawn in 4 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
DinoFlorist (Sep 2, 2005)
First Day of Monster School
8 comments – latest 4:
Gigge (Dec 9, 2005)
Aww, no wonder he's scared he has to go to school with monsters. Adorable toon Dino.
staci (Dec 9, 2005)
omg first day of kindergarten, i cried, screamed, kicked, ran down the hallway in terror. i was not having it. i feel his pain
TaCO (edited Dec 9, 2005)
I missed your style so much!!!!!!

The moma Tatie looks like she wants to eat the little Tatie's books.
Edit: MMmmmmm Knowledge taste gooood
kristine (Dec 9, 2005)
looks like sulley! good job :)
drawn in 1 hour 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
TRIP (Dec 3, 2005)
12 comments – latest 4:
Punky (Dec 4, 2005)
I may not get the real meaning, but that doesn't mean I can't like it. :)
TRIP (Dec 4, 2005)
wait, there's a significance to this?
IkariIreuL (Dec 4, 2005)
so this deeper meaning was accidentally done .
kristine (Dec 9, 2005)
drawn in 3 hours 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
AzomiaLoverofAllAnime (Dec 9, 2005)
Merry Christmas, one and all~! ^_^ *hughughug, throws snow confetti*
2 comments – latest 2:
kristine (Dec 9, 2005)
merry christams to you too :)
I_Am_Me_Only_Me (Dec 9, 2005)
Merry christmas!!! >XD And happy new year! -From Gwen-chan!
drawn in 2 hours 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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