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Public Boards/Intermediate 
TRIP (Apr 13, 2006)
to break the chain of generic anime picture #459876, here is a troll from some fantasmical tribe in some exiled place of Kalimdor.
49 comments – latest 4:
sephiroth54321 (Apr 21, 2006)
No i think it's a good picture, i just think the body could be lines up a bit more. I play a troll, so i know what i'm talking about :)
mazi (Apr 22, 2006)
sweet. that looks awesome. and i love warcraft. i just wish i could still play oldschool warcraft. i miss good ol' warcraft 1 and 2. those were some good times indeed. i'll have to set up an old pc just for those two. but over the summer im thinking about starting up WOW. woot.
squee (Jul 5, 2006)
I appreciate this drawing more than you know it. Horde is the best. I don't care what those Alliance pansies say, the Horde owns all.
woah_pockster (Oct 20, 2006)
horde ftw<3333
you did a kick ass job on this. I don't know why it's not showcased.

drawn in 3 hours 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Opium (Apr 25, 2006)
30 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Apr 30, 2006)
Why is she quitting 2draw?
kristine (Apr 30, 2006)
Theres a forums post about it
shining_star_sam (Jul 26, 2006)
HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY <33333 great drawing hunni bun! i've been gone for four months cos my pc went bung. just lettin u know i'm back and leavin ya a comment. luff ya loads!
iamawalnutt (Sep 29, 2006)
what is it?? its just all white....
drawn in 3 hours 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
ssmario100 (May 20, 2006)
Yo man, forget about the memo I sent you, I just saw what you wrote on my to pics dawg, and I don't like it, man. If you don't like my pics don't look, and or comment on any of them! I came here to draw what I like, and I love Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog, and you can't me what a dang thing of what to draw, or how to do it,because I came here to draw what I love and what I feel and would like you know nice comments, But man, If you don't like my pics thou don't comment because I don't want to here it. I'm sorry for others who have to see me like this, because I'm mostly a good natured person, but when he got on nintendo characters, its like he hates me because this is me.
8 comments – latest 4:
SYTHE (May 20, 2006)
Viva la Xbox!
kristine (May 20, 2006)
woo :D
Anna (Sep 25, 2006)
lmao, kraisa... i was thinking the same thing. it's like... Mario, Joe Dirt style
Nyuusen (Sep 25, 2006)
Xbox sucks. XP but...Mario doesn't have long hair, and I think you use the fill tool too much.
drawn in 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
SYTHE (Dec 7, 2005)
A little something nauty I hope you like. Used a picture from FHM.
15 comments – latest 4:
IkariIreuL (Jan 12, 2006)
So sensual :)
thug (Jan 12, 2006)
beautiful work, it looks airbrushed.
MadeInChina (Sep 23, 2006)
how can she feel dirty when she's in the shower?
friend (Sep 23, 2006)
Not her, YOU.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 4 hours 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Anna (Jan 3, 2006)
23 comments – latest 4:
kristine (Feb 20, 2006)
why in the world has this not been showcased?!
monk (Feb 27, 2006)
Absolutely amazing.
bad_dream18 (Jul 15, 2006)
That looks amazing. I love it!! Nice job! :D
fleeting_memory (Sep 15, 2006)
oh! I never saw this, I really like...well everything!
drawn in 3 hours 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Mal (Mar 1, 2006)
Yes its a leek
11 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Mar 1, 2006)
excuse me, that's a federal offense. Step out of the cab please...*sigh* I'm gonna hafta measure ya...
mm4833 (Mar 3, 2006)
naughty mal :P
Mal (Sep 14, 2006)
ok i have to add this to the leek
Sweetcell (Sep 14, 2006)
Hate the vegetable, like the painting.
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
terracotta (Dec 31, 2005)
26 comments – latest 4:
woah_pockster (Jan 3, 2006)
woah. you did a beautiful job with this her hair is amazing and the eye to the left is especially drawing my eyes in. <3 your art is wonderful, do moremoremore :P <3
Buu-dai (Jan 12, 2006)
Wow, this is fabulous! w0w. the truest sense.
suzie (Feb 9, 2006)
:O This is beautiful work. such clever tone blending and the hair texture is just fantastic! Can't wait to go see your other stuff now. :)
KuteDymples (Sep 8, 2006)
She looks like she just floated down from the 40's, she is amazing, as you are! True quality work.
drawn in 12 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
staci and Axil62 (Apr 27, 2006)
would anyone like to add a subject?
18 comments – latest 4:
kristine (May 5, 2006)
I really love this. I dont know why, but its just addictive to stare at.
Sweetcell (edited Sep 22, 2006)
hi1022 maybe your thinking of the up-dated animation of treasure island, only it was called treasure planet, I think.
O_O (Jul 27, 2006)
same as them.
Reminds me of that movie treasure planet.

I like it.
A lot.
Cordelia_Pink (Sep 7, 2006)
Niiice! You guys actually went to Neverland on that ship, didya?
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
The_Chosen and Skai (Jan 3, 2006)
Any one with good coloring skills want to color this?
8 comments – latest 4:
Skai (edited Jan 27, 2006)
Yeah, I was just experimenting witht the hair and colors. I haven't truly started yet. ^^;;

Edit- Gah, I'm sorry I'm taking so long. ._.; If you can find someone else to do this, I won't mind.
The_Chosen (Aug 22, 2006)
drawn in 27 min
I finished it ^_^
Skai (Aug 22, 2006)
You did a lot better than what I would've done. XD;; Sorry for being a bum.
Ashes (Sep 3, 2006)
Reminiscent of Kitte's CD... whatever it's called, Until the End, I think.

Yeah, to me, anyway.
drawn in 3 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
solve (Jun 17, 2006)
There is a lot of anime. Almost every other picture.
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