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Specialty Boards/Collaborations | ||||||||||||
i can't think of a title but XD wondering if people wanna join in to draw =d Legend of Zelda stuff XD or really hot guys ~.~ meep tell me what you want to draw if you want to help :) XD OYO done cause yea x.x
– latest 4:lovely art to all that drew^_^ |
Public Boards/Beginner | ||||||||||||
(^_^) So cute..But he's angry because there's a Butterfly on his shoulder..He doesn't want it to get any of the gooey butterfly wing stuff on his suit..
– latest 4:(hugs him) Seigfried : *hiss* DON'T TOUCH MY SUIT! (lol) Lineart-Kristine Coloring-Me
kristine (Dec 16, 2005)
pretty =)
101_Torchic_101 (edited Dec 16, 2005)
Thank you =D I'm much better at coloring, now that I use Oekaki-shi, huh?
narutofan (Dec 17, 2005)
cute. i agree torchic
101_Torchic_101 (Dec 17, 2005)
=D |
Specialty Boards/Collaborations | ||||||||||||
(>.<) LOL!..As you can see..Zelos is imagining things..LOL! Anyways..This is teh funneh Tales of Symphonia comic..you can join if you know how to draw the characters..Sooo..Anyone wanna join?
– latest 4:(edit) Uhg, I know, It's not done, but I made it finished because it looked mostly finished..And I can't draw anything else untill I make one of my unfinished things finished! *sigh* |
Public Boards/Intermediate | ||||||||||||
oh-em-gee my hand hurts x_x...i really do not want to color this...going to be deleted unless anyone else wants to color O.o
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Specialty Boards/Collaborations | ||||||||||||
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LisaAnne (Nov 24, 2005)
The whip cream is stupendous.
nekodesu (Nov 25, 2005)
Wow...looks so real...*drools on keyboard* I love pumpkin pies XP
Nyuusen (Nov 25, 2005)
I wish I could just lick that whipcream off...
Punky (Nov 27, 2005)
You darn people and your amazing skills are making me hungry. I hope you're happy. :( |
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pokey (Nov 13, 2005)
oh zowie ! wow! fabulous anatomy and drapery!the background's fine. if it were more complicated it would have taken the focus away. but you coulda put just a little lines on the tree... but zowie! wow! holy cow! :)
Moo-chan (Nov 13, 2005)
wow-! that's really nice. ^^ i like the anatomy, u really got it down >.< ! profile too!
Maiko (Nov 21, 2005)
I wanna collab with menchi +_+;
kristine (edited Nov 27, 2005)
hes a good colorer. |
(^_^) Okay, on this collab, Pick ONE of your Neopets to draw as an anthro..I drew my Shoyru, 11Dartz11 and drew him like Dartz!
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ok this is just a rough sketch...much much much more work to do...
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NekoShahal (Oct 11, 2005)
Thats from Parasite Eve :D <3! Love it.okay, i'm lazy. flattone background/hair coloring. xD it makes her stand out more anyway.
done... unless someone wants to ask kristine if they can finish. o_o
darkshadow (Nov 10, 2005)
wow this is great nice pose
Breakdown (Nov 10, 2005)
This is so..angelic. Just beautiful. |
Quick sketch before bed! Tee hee hee they have undies on thier heads =P
– latest 4: |
Ok, heres what you do:
– latest 4:...Each person picks a section and colors how they choose. Each section must be different from the next! Let's see what this will turn out to look like!!! =) TOP: silver_maiden BOTTOM: sai_wo LEFT: xswirvex RIGHT: xiau
inatyrb (Oct 10, 2005)
Dude, I so want to do a collab like that. That's and incrediable idea. Yeah, I'd do that anytime. Looking great BTW! Haha.. great idea...
renire (Oct 14, 2005)
:o COOL! Spirited away is AWESOME!!! And this picture is too cool....:)
Pakasutemanshikuka (Oct 16, 2005)
wow this is gorgeous. really cool idea and--- O_O// this is just a woooooooooooooooooow.
Minty_hippo (Oct 22, 2005)
I love that film!!! althoug when no face turned into that huge monster thing that freaked me out lol, really nice picture! look just like her, that no face in your pic is huggable!! although he looks a little evil :P |
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