Date of Birth:
Aug 3, 2005
Last Access:
Dec 22, 2008 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a hippy tracking a green programmer against all that is wrong in the world, right now? Or a solemn gamer swimming without an empty mugger? Or a dork saying, "eat fish!", on something? Or an incredibly unfunny box falling into a house literally? Or a gooey termite exiting? Or a psychopathic tree saying, "all your base are belong to us", with a friend? |
thank you all very much *^^* I will work on this some more with what has been stated ^^
Aug 5, 2005 |
so cute >w<
Aug 4, 2005 |
:D....;; I like Phantom of the Opera too!! phans are neat ^O^!
good job
Aug 4, 2005 |
Wow!! XD
Thats very clean lineart! =D Nice job
Aug 3, 2005 |