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Specialty Boards/Collaborations | |||||
When im done lining does anyone want to color?
– latest 4:
deathking (Feb 22, 2007)
Im srry but the tan is white and the darkbrown is dark purple in the original older hinata pictures.
senshi (Feb 22, 2007)
Hinata is teh awesome!
kikyo_hikaru (Feb 23, 2007)
good pic but hair is off a little in color
fleeting_memory (Feb 24, 2007)
oh uh-I wasnt done but ok :) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||
(Feb 14, 2007)
I sat down to doodle, and this came out. Trying to decide on a hair color, any ideas? 8DD
deathking (edited Feb 15, 2007)
Wait, dont you need a name? You could just make it a a non chibi version of Hyde or watever his name is.
Visual-Kei (Feb 15, 2007)
Ah not really worried about a name :) This was just one of those random drawings. I knew this looked like something familiar. It's a blood elf from World of Warcraft. xD
Can anyone give tips on how i should color? I'd like to cell-shade it.
fleeting_memory (Feb 17, 2007)
ooooo I like the revision-this looks like such a fun picture to draw! Please continue :) |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||
(Feb 2, 2007)
i think its pretty good :3she sorta looks like me if i was older
whitebunny1063 (Feb 2, 2007)
That's a sad game I ever seen,btw I never played any of the Xenosaga games.
kikyo_hikaru (Feb 2, 2007)
i only played 3 lol.i got stuck at citrine(erm a boss).yeah i heard it ends with kosmos dead |
(Jan 28, 2007)
This is for my sister who is going through some bad stuff in her life..i can't really tell people what i think.. so i drew this for her and hopefully things will get better for her. i'm gonna fishthis up sometime and show her.
PS (Sep 20, 2007)
I hope she does well, this is a nice drawing.
foxfiresaint (Sep 20, 2007)
Yeah honestly it hasn't really gotten any better but this is the life she's choosing O_o soo i don't know what to do?
Wraith (Sep 20, 2007)
Like the hair. Btw, I just bought me a book called "How to draw female anime" I liked drawing anime back in the day, and still like it but I want to be good at it before I post lame anime.Nice draw!
foxfiresaint (Sep 20, 2007)
I actually hate drawing girls so shocked that you like it O_o yays! most of the girls i draw end up looking like guys anyways. |
(Jan 27, 2007)
Wooo hooo
kikyo_hikaru (edited Jan 27, 2007)
you remade my comic? but its good :) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||
(Jan 26, 2007)
I got the idea from some other oekaki board, bu this looks a lot different from it. The face clothes and neck. What was that board called?
kikyo_hikaru (Jan 26, 2007)
it's very pretty :) it looks like Lulu from final fantasy X
deathking (Jan 26, 2007)
whowho lol. thank you. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||
(Jan 22, 2007)
I have got to get another idea seriously.
kikyo_hikaru (Jan 22, 2007)
from rival schools right?pretty! |
(Jan 22, 2007)
my favorite so far! i love the way i shaded it! <3
R_O_L_O (Jan 22, 2007)
The chest is a bit off, but it's cute.
kikyo_hikaru (Jan 22, 2007)
lol well she is leaning forward so you see one more than the other |
(Jan 22, 2007)
Eh...just some more boredom in Horticulture...Playing around with stuff...bleh... *yawn* blah blah blah
kikyo_hikaru (Jan 22, 2007)
Kawaii <3!
marcello (Jan 22, 2007)
we're in ur class! drawing ur furriz!
choc_gum_dropz (Jan 22, 2007)
Yesh...hehe People wanted me to draw..so I decided to just poof something up..I should have put "unfinished" (that's a weird word) because I want to go back and put a much cooler version....instead of a doodle to keep retards humping my shoulder entertained (yes they were humping my shoulder...and more...ugh)
whitefox0 (Jan 27, 2007)
that is a really cute kitty |
(Jan 21, 2007)
a random school girl.
Great_white (Jan 21, 2007)
I love purple reminds me of sakura, from street fighter alpha!Nice picture!
extrahenry (Jan 21, 2007)
nice picture
kikyo_hikaru (Jan 21, 2007)
thanks! |
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