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Public Boards/Beginner 
broken-lock14 (Jun 11, 2006)
I'm sorry, I haven't slept in a long time. =^e"e^= Should remember to take my medicine more. :X BUT UM. Might color or tone this later. Or perhaps make someone else do it? *nudgenudge* 8D;; I don't know.

Hee hee. He's so manly. It seems like everyone I doodle has about 5000+ piercings, so I held back this time. X0 Maybe I'll move on to tattoos. Or. Or something.
Oh ho, I'm done. <3 Yey for somewhat trying to color properly~ And um. He ended up really girly. XD;; So much for manliness. My dad said this was stupid looking, and I agree. :V;;;; [This could perhaps be the first time my dad and I have ever agreed on anything. Ever. 8D ]
10 comments – latest 4:
Yukita.Riku (Jun 11, 2006)
Wow. This is really beautiful. I especially like the coloring on his hair it all flows together so nicely.
KH44N (Jun 12, 2006)
The background is really nice and u did a fine job with the hair.

If you dont' mind me saying, she looks like she's drunk and she's gonna die. LOL

But other than that... great work!
broken-lock14 (Jun 12, 2006)
He's a boyyyyy~XD;; Ah ha ha. It's okay, though. He's probably the type that likes the sauce a bit too much. 8D Thank you all~ =^*0*^=
kiketsu (Jun 27, 2006)
as always, this is a wonderful pic. you're very talented
drawn in 4 hours 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
diablo_fan (May 30, 2006)
anyone wanna color?
9 comments – latest 4:
col.jalloppe (Jun 11, 2006)
man thats to cool!!! i used to watch that show all the time on fox or nickelodeon or something but thats awesome!! now i feel like going and buying the seasons or season
ssmario100 (Jun 11, 2006)
I love that show when it was on tv
kiketsu (Jun 27, 2006)
zOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS GIRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<33333
pancakes_rock (Jul 19, 2006)
i love this cartoon it rocks!!!
drawn in 2 hours 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kiketsu (May 28, 2006)
Um.....a lil' character. used a mouse. will clean up tomorrow.
2 comments – latest 4:
kiketsu (May 29, 2006)
drawn in 54 min
i know the lines are still a little wonky, but i'll fix 'em.

ok, so the reason it took me so long to do this is because i spent the first twenty minutes doing this only to realize it was the wrong layer. so then i have to go back and restart only to discover what i was doing was impossible with the layers i had. so then i had to go back and delete all the layers i used to color on and delete them create a new layer and start all over. ugh. and that is the reason i am going to leave this pic for a little while and maybe go work on something else. ^^''
kiketsu (Jun 7, 2006)
drawn in 18 min
ummmm....i decided that i didnt like the original pic after i started "cleaning it up" so i turned it into this out of boredom. heh heh heh ^^'' emm....used a mouse of course!
JK-Arts (edited Jun 7, 2006)
white on black is nice. i sorta liked your first verson better thought
kiketsu (Jun 26, 2006)
yeah, so did i TT-TT
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
broken-lock14 (Jun 4, 2006)
lakdsjfljkdfdf. D: Oekaki hates meeeee. I had been doing a drawing of Miyavi, and when to revise it, and all the layers were blank. WRRRRRYYYYYY. =^;0;^= I am being like sad now. :'C

By the by, the timer's a few hours off. I went off to do things and such...then I kind of forgot about this. XB;; Hurr hurr. It started out as a genderless type person, but now I'm pretty sure it's a boy. Just pretend it's whatever gender makes you happy or something. :V

[I know it's poop.......Shhhh. 8D ]
8 comments – latest 4:
shizuki (Jun 6, 2006)
You're texture crazy! (in a good way, of course.) Lol, one of the reasons why I press the print screen button almost every 10 minutes is because of oekaki's insanity.
Aceshinjashu (Jun 6, 2006)
OMFGWTFLOLXDBBQ!!!! O.O Wow...... i give you lurv.... do you feel the lurv of the XD!?!?! yes.... well anyways, very nicely done.
squee (Jun 6, 2006)
kiketsu (Jun 27, 2006)
this is really cool. you have a very unique style. i like it a lot
drawn in 4 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kuramaandhiei (May 27, 2006)
I had time to make the eyes. but the overall picture will be awsome!
8 comments – latest 4:
kuramaandhiei (May 30, 2006)
Thanks alot
xiahou_dun_rocks (Jun 3, 2006)
YAY!!!!!!!!!! YOU KICKITH THE BUTTITH!!!!!!!!!!!!
go you... go you...
Knockoff (Jun 3, 2006)
Good crisp coloring and lineart.
Nicely done :D
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 3, 2006)
the lineart and coloring have gotten soooo much better
drawn in 2 hours 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Silvair (May 27, 2006)
This is for Xiau ^^. Hope you like it!

I just drew him a random outfit, and he's in a library because I wanted to try drawing an indoor-type scene. Not much effort for the background, because I personally find backgrounds to be boring to do. There are some leaking colours which I'll probably fix later.
18 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (May 29, 2006)
aw its adorable and amazing. Wonderful shadows.
kuramaandhiei (May 30, 2006)
Woah nilie!This is you best one yet! (next to the bunny power one) I cant wait to see some more of your drawings!
bad_dream18 (Aug 13, 2006)
The coloring is really good.
kiketsu (Mar 11, 2007)
aaaaw! so cute :] :pet:
drawn in 3 hours 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
voodoobunny (May 25, 2006)
1 comment – latest 3:
voodoobunny (May 27, 2006)
drawn in 29 min
The dress I'm working on e_______e
(That's not me in the drawing, 'kay?)
kiketsu (May 27, 2006)
cuuuute! this is looking awesome
voodoobunny (May 27, 2006)
drawn in 29 min
fckng hair
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Dromophobic_o.o (May 26, 2006)
No reference.
yay me.
heehee ..
He's cold.
5 comments – latest 4:
Dromophobic_o.o (May 26, 2006)
drawn in 16 min
Heey i don't know why he's naked in the snow either.
Well. Half naked.
SanzoGirl (May 26, 2006)
I just realized(sp?), it's the boy from Loveless.
Wow, I'm slow.
kiketsu (May 27, 2006)
AAAAAW! RITSUKA!!!!!!!!!! i want to adopt him like a little abandonded kitten!!!! :huggles meh ritsuka kitten:
YouLovePoop (Jun 13, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Gemmy619 (May 24, 2006)
The one with the huge lips!

ref pic used.
13 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (May 27, 2006)
That hair is absolutely amazing. Lovely piece Gemmy.
Miss_DJ (May 29, 2006)
this is beautiful...okay now how do apply my eye makeup so my eyes can look like that on my wedding day?
Gemmy619 (May 30, 2006)
Thanx every1 :) Donna if only i lived near u i'd do your make up for you lol i wear my make up like this every day!
Miss_DJ (May 31, 2006)
ok...memo me some hints!! :o)
drawn in 4 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
oikitsumaru (May 25, 2006)
I'll finish... eventually...
6 comments – latest 4:
Akechi456 (May 26, 2006)
The eyes are beautiful and so are the skin tones.Finish it..finish it nooooow~ :3
oikitsumaru (May 26, 2006)
drawn in 25 min
SanzoGirl (May 26, 2006)
Love this
kiketsu (May 27, 2006)
this is adorable! <3
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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