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Public Boards/Intermediate 
kaT (Jun 27, 2006)
Uhhh....the Citylight Ninja. If you couldn't tell, I like ninjas.
3 comments – latest 4:
kaT (Jun 27, 2006)
drawn in 33 min
Okay, some shading done, off to do ninjaing of my own...
101_Torchic_101 (Jun 27, 2006)
At first, I thought it was Gaia art..Guess not. But, I still like it =P
hideyourface (Jun 27, 2006)
you should try to draw more freely and not focus on the rules that need to be followed, such as the folds and clothes and where to shade. You should look at a real person and learn the rules. Then if you wanna draw anime, just draw a cartoon and use the rules you've learned from your own eye.
kaT (Jul 1, 2006)
I know, and usually I do. I just have a lot of trouble in general with oekaki's. Also, I think it might make more sence when you realize in the final he's holding a giant lightsource of a fireball.
drawn in 1 hour 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DMV (Jun 8, 2004)
Your next....
6 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Jun 8, 2004)
Is there anything you can't draw?
Thear (Jun 9, 2004)
Yay! Predator is so cool!! ^^ emma...i think there is no such thing that DMV can't draw! =p
davincipoppalag (Jun 9, 2004)
Hoooey..creepy! Great draw.. love the textures on this one D
DMV (Jun 9, 2004)
Thanks all:) and yes emmma There is alot I can't draw and alot I have to learn....
but you and davinci really inspire me with your drawings of landscapes and both need to collab:)
drawn in 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Blind_moose (Feb 12, 2004)
its very green
4 comments – latest 4:
kaT (Feb 12, 2004)
This is excelent, espically the perspective. would look much better if it had a BG tho...
DinoFlorist (Feb 12, 2004)
I like that very much. It's really well done.
Edward (Feb 13, 2004)
i love it and the way you used the colored cross hatching to shade it looks really kewl and did not say hi earlier so

Hello! and welcome to 2draw, word of advice: dont get on marcello's bad side!
marcello (Feb 13, 2004)
Looks nice, but the shading on near her right eye really bugs me for some reason, competing strokes... You could try shading with a skin-shade, or simply limit the black shading near the eye.
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Soshell (Feb 10, 2004)
happy valentines day...
5 comments – latest 4:
Gigandas (Feb 10, 2004)
Looks like that one stone.....forgot what it was called but it looks like what this heart is made of^^;;.Anyways, I really like the BG.It sorta reminds me of the BG in battle during EarthBound^^;(why....?).
kaT (Feb 12, 2004)
I love that, black on cyan, and more black! perhaps I've become too cynical.
Noremac (Feb 12, 2004)
well i dont like the thought but its a good picture, well i hope you have fun. :)
spiffy (Mar 2, 2004)
obsidian. it's made of obsidian. or maybe coal...
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
ToraNeko (Jan 31, 2004)
I was trying for a more depresed note here, and tryed this Grey style thing. Does it work?

Also, I'm a little bent over on the Background....
6 comments – latest 4:
The_Chosen (Feb 1, 2004)
i love the pickey the mouth is soooo good
Porcelain (Feb 1, 2004)
Lovely. :) Absolutely lovely.
Northern_shadow (Feb 3, 2004)
Wow, ns. It remindes of Final Fantasy 8 beginning :D
gothamgirl (Feb 3, 2004)
Beautiful. I love the hearts. Great colored pencil.
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
kaT (Dec 31, 2003)
don't'ch just hate getting headshotted just as you spawn? FOR LIKE THREE F***ING ROUNDS IN A ROW!!!!!!!
2 comments – latest 2:
mikhail (Jan 2, 2004)
wup, that sucks balls
kaT (Jan 3, 2004)
I know
drawn in 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DragonClaw and ky (Dec 31, 2003)
Almost Finished completely. Just waiting on porcelain to do the speed lines.!.!
8 comments – latest 4:
DragonClaw (Jan 2, 2004)
if anyone wants do do the speed lines as a collab be my guest ( sucks at speed lines )
Enishi (Jan 3, 2004)
Woo sonic! Yeah speed lines were make it awesome...get Porcelain they did a good job on speed lines with their Sephiroth pic
ky (Jan 3, 2004)
drawn in 30 min
Aggh. I'm sorry. 'Tis shit. And compression. You'd better get Porcelain.
DieChan (Jan 4, 2004)
I think it looks cool the way it is. Ky is awesome at coloring! Uhh... not saying that DragonClaw isn't either, tho!! Good pic, you two should collab more often.
drawn in 2 hours 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
JesusFreak89 (Nov 16, 2003)
Definitely unfinished!

For some reason it's not letting me finish it so I'm just gonna enter it like this..
7 comments – latest 4:
kaT (Dec 26, 2003)
woah, it's like getting shot on shrooms. the gun could have some more detail. always a good idea to have refrence material anyways.

Oh and hey, do you also use your name for aim? Do you know luckidukirachi?
JesusFreak89 (Dec 26, 2003)
Nah to neither...Thanks for the comment :-)
Serchul (Dec 27, 2003)
Drugs are bad.
boblaff (edited Dec 27, 2003)
There's is something happening here
What it is aint exactly clear
there's a man with a gun over there
telling me I got to beware
better stop hey what's that sound
every body see what's going down....
good foreground background...the blur of the
background implies distance..but the bright colors
brings them forward again, usually colors loose there intensity
with distance. The resulting picture gives a Picasso cubist feel of space
treatment. Although the hand and the gun are two dimensional, I like
the contrast with the somewhat 3 dimensional background pretty
complex composition but I do like the results :) Very Nice!
drawn in 1 hour 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Charuba (Nov 29, 2003)

reference thanks for the reminder, Marcello. =P
31 comments – latest 4:
Enishi (Jan 3, 2004)
Holy cow...that is AWESOME, let me buy your talent pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! Seriously...its awesome
fleeting_memory (Jan 28, 2004)
you coppied that off of Digital Blasphamy didn't you? That's my background-VERY nice
marcello (Jan 28, 2004)
read the description, a reference link was added after I commented on that
KiwiKitsune (Apr 9, 2004)
STOP. O_O It's way too awesome... I suck at drawing with a mouse... and......................... you............ x.x you rock!
drawn in 4 hours 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
morbidboblover (Nov 27, 2003)
Insanity chases after some but waits for others
1 comment – latest 1:
kaT (Nov 27, 2003)
honestly, I have seen worse (and in this situation, it works on so many levels...).
drawn in 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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