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Date of Birth: n/a
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Registered: May 16, 2004
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
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Random Profile Comment
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.

Suring you could be drawing a geeky musical instrument kissing a glow-in-the-dark turtle, right now?
Or a tooth slicing a maniac with a temper?
Or some sushi marrying a Korean bowling ball with incredible strength?
Or a famous democrat jumping under a robber in the name of justice?
Or a falling house crashing with a gamer?
Or a tall clown fish sleeping, while throwing up?
8 Submissions
thumbnail wow this pic is really cool..gr8 job, strawberry!!
Nov 6, 2004
thumbnail this is a very real and amazing picture,,irishtemper7208 gives it two thumbs up!!
Nov 6, 2004
thumbnail thank you for helpin me feel better about my aunt and my cousin have been on here for a ...
May 16, 2004
0 Forum Posts