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Public Boards/Intermediate 
DMV (Jul 11, 2004)
Didn't know where I was going with I just let it go:)
6 comments – latest 4:
DMV (Jul 11, 2004)
Thanks people, yeah I thought he looked lik Elton also :)
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2004)
Lmao! It really does! He ain't happy neither!
emmamommalag (Jul 13, 2004)
Oh my gosh.. it's Elton John all right. Love it!
Knockoff (Jul 14, 2004)
lol, he has nice "cheecks". HAHAHAHA. Nice glasses. ;)
drawn in 1 hour 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
davincipoppalag (Jul 6, 2004)
From a photo in a National Geographic calendar
14 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Jul 14, 2004)
Planned this way or not.. it's very beautiful. Wonderful job. (((poppasweetie)))
Aubrey (Jul 16, 2004)
Yet another one I missed. I dunno how. Must be blind or something but CAN'T be if I can see how purdy this is :) All those lil details in the flowers are really pretty and I like how they just trail off along with the mountains ((((poppadarlin)))))
fleeting_memory (Jul 16, 2004)
I saw the title and the first thing that came to mind was:
Sping time for Hitlet...and Germany!
Weird song, good play. Good pictre too very vivid
LEELEE (Jul 19, 2004)
ooooo. i like it. it's perfect.
drawn in 4 hours 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DMV (Jul 9, 2004)
Watch your fingers?
7 comments – latest 4:
Supergurl103 (Jul 9, 2004)
nice, DMV, always love ur yellow teeth and weird looking face :P hehehe ;) just love the eye
DMV (Jul 9, 2004)
Thank you all...I should have made the eyes more crazy like.
Gigge (Jul 9, 2004)
Those yellow teeth always creep me out. They're great/ I like the way his hair looks like tarantula legs. Freaky.
DMV (Jul 10, 2004)
Thanx Gigge:)
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Aubrey (Jun 22, 2004)
Yayyyy Finally done!! This is my lil baby girl Paige. The picture was taken in my car stopped on some tracks outside the neighborhood.
72 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jul 10, 2015)
Remember when people used to actually draw here?
davincipoppalag (Jul 10, 2015)
yea.. a lot are havin the java issue...
dorothyblueeyes (Aug 5, 2015)
well, beautifully detailed picture! nice doggie!(about the java; I keep refusing to update java, and keep putting it of; if I have major java trouble later anyhow, i'm going to "chickensmoothie oekaki", ask THEM how to get around repulsive new update.they have an expert tech head on their forum. they helped me last time java did this crap.)
davincipoppalag (Feb 24, 2020)
Aubrey is so good
drawn in 1 day 6 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 7, 2004)
Aww, kitty kitty. Ugh. All I have left to do is to get him in my sights.

Lots of ppl will think this picture is mean. It is. When I was about three years old there was a cat that hung out in our garage, and I had a little rocking chair in there and I would go out and hold the cat and rock it and sing to it. She had kittens and one day I picked her up to rock her and she bit me in the face. The cat was sent to be tested for rabies but while we were waiting for the results I had almost a whole series of rabies shots in my stomach over a period of days (6 of them, I think). This is probably one reason I love cats so much.

edit: Please note that I do not really shoot cats, and no cats were harmed in the drawing of this picture. :)
26 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 21, 2004)
Looks like everybody'll just have to gun me down for this one. (lol)
_Neko_Sama_ (Jul 23, 2004)
Wow... This looks exactly like my cat Shabobodobobigobo... Or Shadow .... It is very realistic like all your drawings! Don't shoot poor kitty! I love kitties!
aznanime93 (Sep 3, 2004)
WOW....Thats like so real! sure are good at drawing!
two-na (Sep 3, 2004)
extremely real, that is amazing for sure
drawn in 6 hours 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DMV (Jul 6, 2004)
This from a poster on the internet .....But the poster did not say "Black Cat" :)
19 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Jul 8, 2004)
Wow! This is pretty nice DMV. Nice blue coloring ;)
Pantera (Jul 8, 2004)
Very very nice dmv :) how about sharper nails? great job on the colours also.
DMV (Jul 8, 2004)
And thank you Pantera lol! yeah the paw needed to be sharper:)
LEELEE (Sep 1, 2004)
this is fabulous...i can't say anymore!
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
emmamommalag (Jun 28, 2004)
I see you!
13 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Jul 1, 2004)
Oh, well... since it's been moved, it's over the limit so it's going to stay as it is.
JackSprat (Jul 26, 2004)
Awwww....cute! What the rest of you dont see is that he's holding a knife, 'cause he's ascared.
emmamommalag (Aug 11, 2004)
Lol, Jack! He does look like a scared-y cat.
davincipoppalag (Aug 12, 2004)
Lol I almost fergotted dis one! So cute..
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Gigge (Jun 28, 2004)
@!*@%^#$%#! Lascaux! This was really a hands study, The background was just because I've been working on faces and light and dark.
11 comments – latest 4:
Gigge (Jun 29, 2004)
Thanks for all the compliments and especially the suggestions on how to improve. They really help me.
laurael (Jun 29, 2004)
Wow...the hands are so realistic...and I love that ring. Fabulous job, :]
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 29, 2004)
Very nice hands, and good distribution of light and shadows. Love how the ring and the irises match.
JackSprat (Jul 26, 2004)
All I can say on this one, is Wow! The details on wrinkling and texture on the hands is fantastic.
drawn in 10 hours 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
foxman8245 (Jun 25, 2004)
Just a quick monsta to satisfy the scare side of me.
6 comments – latest 4:
sal (Jun 25, 2004)
lol.. nice fox... i like the eyes... lookin good..
emmamommalag (Jun 25, 2004)
I see DMV's influence here. Those eyes are really spooky. Nice pic, fox.
gloworm043 (Jun 29, 2004)
I like the draw Kev...:) XO
foxman8245 (Jul 29, 2004)
thx mom........ I like to use the burn tool with a very light opacity on the eyes when I'm done.
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 23, 2004)
Hurry up and wait.
17 comments – latest 4:
Supergurl103 (Jun 26, 2004)
nice, dba!! always love ur art, amazing ;) wow, that is some weather u have, dba :S
gloworm043 (Jun 29, 2004)
Just amazing are awesome..I love the variety of your ideas almost as much as your pictures. Wonderful painting...:)
Linwe_lover_1990 (Jul 2, 2004)
Hey DBA I adore your style, very original. I didn't even have to look to see it was yours. This is a great scene. I love days like that on the road...
shell (Apr 2, 2010)
cool ref and draw
drawn in 8 hours 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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