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Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Roytje (Apr 18, 2008)
R.I.P. grandma.
10 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 20, 2008)
Congrats on second place Roy!
jpjp1052 (Apr 20, 2008)
Congratulations on 2nd. Great entry.
QTgillie (Apr 20, 2008)
I think this is the most beautiful turtle I have ever seen. Lovely draw and congrats on second place!
Miss_DJ (Apr 20, 2008)
congratulations on 2nd place...wonderful water effect..he truly looks like he's gliding right through it!
drawn in 2 hours 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
backmagicwoman (Apr 13, 2008)
7 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Apr 18, 2008)
pretty and creative piece
gel_o (Apr 20, 2008)
This is very good...nice style!
ShiShi-Danna (Mar 16, 2009)
You have such a weird style....AND I LOVE IT!!! MUWAHAHA!! ^__^
backmagicwoman (Jan 20, 2011)
I barely remember doing this....looks like it could use some updating.
drawn in 6 hours 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
jpjp1052 (Apr 17, 2008)
12 comments – latest 4:
Meno (Apr 18, 2008)
I see the old masters, too ... makes me crave an apple :)
Miss_DJ (Apr 18, 2008)
deliciously painted
gel_o (Apr 20, 2008)
Impressionistic style....I like it!
Moosh (Apr 21, 2008)
Love all the colors. Great stuff.
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
gloworm043 (Apr 12, 2008)
I've been to a couple events to watch the air balloons take off. It was really neat to see the sky full of them.
5 comments – latest 4:
Wizzard (Apr 13, 2008)
Very,Very Cool!! gloworm043,
gel_o (Apr 13, 2008)
Very colorful and very nice!
Aakyra (Apr 13, 2008)
So colorful! I would love to try this... have you gone up in one of these?
enjoydotcom (Apr 13, 2008)
Cool, eastereggs and baskets to collect some more of the eggs.
drawn in 4 hours 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
QTgillie (Apr 6, 2008)
34 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Apr 14, 2008)
QT: I agree, this is not an advanced oekaki applet painting. I also agree you've posted a lot of work on the Advanced Board that doesn't belong there. However, I don't blame you for thinking your artwork belongs on the Advanced Board, there are a few pieces by other artists on the Advanced Board that don't belong there either, yet no one is pointing it out. Had you listened to Sweetcell a while back, none of this would have happened. Maybe if she was a little more polite, you would have listened. That's all behind us now. The current situation is, the Advanced Board's rules need to be better defined and the moderators need to be more pro-active about keeping Intermediate (or lower) level submissions where they belong. As I've said before, if the boards aren't going to be regulated properly, the boards should be divided by "canvas size", not artistic ability.

I have one thing to ask you, QT, please learn to use the niftyToo system. When you post large links in the description section of your submissions, it expands the whole site to the right, which is not good. Thanks.
clover_pocky (Apr 15, 2008)
Shit, lol, my artwork never gets this kind of bitching.

Nice, guys.
I just think this bird is or looks like a faithful Led Zeppelin Fan
QTgillie (Sep 14, 2008)
LOL Marlonseppala and Clover pocky
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
QTgillie (Apr 8, 2008)
He led a good life. 4 October 1924, Evanston, Illinois, USA Date of Death:5 April 2008
Heston Reference
18 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Apr 12, 2008)
A nice tribute, but it looks unfinished.
QTgillie (Apr 12, 2008)
LOL Sweetcell, can you be more specific?
Sweetcell (Apr 13, 2008)
It looks like a preliminary sketch before working on the details.
QTgillie (Apr 17, 2008)
drawn in 1 hour 18 min
Tweeked a Little
drawn in 5 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
QTgillie (Apr 10, 2008)
These draws always take longer than I expect.
9 comments – latest 4:
QTgillie (Apr 11, 2008), I don't think time matters at all. I just sometimes (late at night usually) sit down at the computer and intend on doing a quick sketch and most always spend more time than I origionally intended. Then it gets late and I am tired the next day.....LOL
gel_o (Apr 12, 2008)
Very nice QT. I agree with Meno in that your ballerinas are the best!!
Aakyra (Apr 12, 2008)
Oh yes! That touch beneath the toe makes a big difference! This is beautiful Gillie!
QTgillie (Sep 14, 2008)
Thaks Aakyra!!
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
mikergee (Apr 11, 2008)
this is my first time to use the site.
10 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Apr 12, 2008)
Better than a lot of art I've seen around here lately. Welcome. Don't worry about taking your time and perfecting your pieces. We ECOURAGE that. Well most do. :)
Cameo (Apr 13, 2008)
This is great and welcome to 2draw! ;o)
gel_o (Apr 13, 2008)
Nice work here and welcome to 2draw!
Miss_DJ (Apr 19, 2008)
welcome! nice gallery so far!!!
drawn in 1 hour 48 min with PaintBBS
gloworm043 (Apr 8, 2008)
5 comments – latest 4:
Wizzard (Apr 11, 2008)
This is cool, I like the waves,very good
QTgillie (Apr 12, 2008)
This looks so turmultuous! Very nicely done glow.
gel_o (Apr 13, 2008)
Yes, this is very nice. Nice work on the water!
jpjp1052 (Apr 13, 2008)
I'm getting sea sick! Great job on capturing the motion of the water.
drawn in 2 hours 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Axil62 (Apr 10, 2008)
7 comments – latest 4:
gel_o (Apr 10, 2008)
This is very good and a very interesting perspective.
Axil62 (Apr 10, 2008)
Hey thanks guys. Perspective was the motive.
Xina54 (Apr 10, 2008)
Someone to look up to eh? is it you? and what on earth is that sticking out from near the ashtray? But seriously, the perspective is great - I loved watching you develop the figure in the animation.
Miss_DJ (Apr 15, 2008)
perspective achieved..nice.
drawn in 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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