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Public Boards/Intermediate 
marcello (Jul 28, 2003)
Consolation cookie for hakkai....
13 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Mar 3, 2004)
notice the date... this was drawn back in july...
method3 (Mar 3, 2004)
So... damned... funny.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 9, 2004)
Okay, then you lazy thing, you! Get busy and draw something *recently*! lol Something with some substance, like you are capable of! This is your dog, Charlie Brown, after all. :)(And don't back-talk me this time, boy, I won't stand for it!)
davincipoppalag (Mar 9, 2004)
is the cookie stale yet? cookie looks good..(tad fuzzy around the edges) but it looks deliciously golden and the plate looks like its made of irresistible package... I've been waiting to see another like the blonde girl too...
drawn in 55 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Mar 3, 2004)
Here's me being a self righteous wanker asshole. :) Refrence pic here
20 comments – latest 4:
ambermac (Mar 5, 2004)
your self portrait harkens me back to the town of my youth. some of the young women often referred to them as "metal heads", i do believe.
Axil62 (Mar 5, 2004)
Metal heads...metal heads...metals heads...hmmmm, nope. I don't get it. Heavy metal fan, some variety of dildo, my big shiney forehead....I'm just not sure. :)
ambermac (Mar 10, 2004)
don't play coy with me.
shell (Mar 1, 2011)
oh COME ON XD the ref link doesn't work anymore :/ ah well, I guess it was just like the drawing anyway but I just can't believe you used to look so different
drawn in 3 hours 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
how come?
dixielandcutie (Mar 3, 2004)
ya know how you can change the level of a picture if its saved as hidden? well how come you cant change the level down, only up? or can you and im just too stupid to figure out how? just wondering...
Polls, Notes, and Other Things
marcello (Feb 15, 2004)
Read the rules if you haven't! Poll: Do you think there should be an Expert Level board? Expert level is the next step up from advanced, where pictures have a level of finish and detail that sets them apart from the rest. Professional artists would have a hard time finding anything major to validly critisize. Drawings here would most likely be posted far and few between with 5 hours as a reasonable minimum time for this board. You would get ...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
morbidboblover (Mar 2, 2004)
Being Booted, Not done, just a sketch, please dont delete!
3 comments – latest 4:
oz0005 (Mar 3, 2004)
i'm not sure but are these people dancing or is this a fight?
morbidboblover (Mar 3, 2004)
Its a fight, thats why they have daggers and are scowling
morbidboblover (Mar 3, 2004)
drawn in 17 min
Wow its coming togeather! Yay! Btw I wuv comments ^_^
morbidboblover (Mar 3, 2004)
drawn in 10 min
Done! I like the back ground!
drawn in 1 hour 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
simonelle (Mar 3, 2004)
another sunflower arrangement
4 comments – latest 4:
dixielandcutie (Mar 3, 2004)
oh i like this one too. the leaves are cool. and i like the color variantion. nice work!
lilypad (Mar 3, 2004)
cool! it looks so realistic, yet so not realistic. it looks like an oil painting or a painting by monet/van gough
sal (Mar 3, 2004)
its a nice pic.... wouldnt say it looked van goughish tho... looks too smooth and blended..
davincipoppalag (Mar 3, 2004)
this one stands out better from the bg.. but the petals arent as interesting and the leaves need more substance and clarity
drawn in 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
KiLi (Jan 15, 2004) brain is starting to revert to slow-motion/thinking's been a while since i've drawn here, so i might as well...draw...oh, and it's supposed to be all sketchy-looking. ^^
3 comments – latest 3:
bluesky (Jan 16, 2004)
finally!!!! you've finally drawn something again!!! i wuz waiting for you to draw something...
very awesome light technique, pretty! ^ ^
WildMageDaine90 (Mar 3, 2004)
whozaat? someone i might know (from math core, i mean) Very pretty...melikes the lighting.
--Again, Sim The Crazy One :)
dixielandcutie (Mar 3, 2004)
oh man. i love this! the lighting is awesome, and yea. whoa. so nice
drawn in 39 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
lilypad (Mar 3, 2004)
okay, guess again. (i'm on a 'thing')
i had to change the title 'cause no one was guessing. *sob*
2 comments – latest 2:
dixielandcutie (Mar 3, 2004)
lol, youre cute. nice work... nice job at shading, youre getting better
lilypad (Mar 3, 2004)
thx! and who do you guess? if anyone? <hopes>
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
LovelyLori (Mar 2, 2004)
well... ya see...
4 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 2, 2004)
Yes, I do! And... did you hear...? I like the original palette you used in this. The colors work well together.
davincipoppalag (Mar 2, 2004)
interesting ..I like the patterns..looking at it one way I see an abstract Orca swimming and another I see an eye... I like how you experiment...
dixielandcutie (Mar 3, 2004)
yup yup. the pattern is very neat! hehe. i wanna be inside your head. thats be so interesting >.< ;p
LovelyLori (Mar 3, 2004)
you don't wanna be inside my head....!!!! lol... no no you don't... lol...
drawn in 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
A Great Tip for Tablet Users
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Feb 27, 2004)
I don't know how many ppl know this or already do it, but a friend shared it with me so I thought I'd share it with yall. I have a Wacom and don't know if it works with other types of tablets, but if you put about 3 pcs of typing paper over your tablet, it gets rid of that slippery feel when you draw, and it becomes more like using real tools, and you have more control. It doesn't affect the pressure sensitivity or anything. It takes a few minutes to get used to it, but I like it better that way...
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