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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 27, 2004)
best place I ever found, wasn't close to any town, was a little swimming ground, every thing was floating around....
LovelyLori (May 27, 2004)
nice thug! I wanna go swimmin' now :)
dixielandcutie (May 28, 2004)
oh i like this one a lot...awesome work
emmamommalag (May 28, 2004)
Yes, very nice work. :)
davincipoppalag (May 28, 2004)
Very nicely done thug. You did a great job showing the water surface from below.. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 26, 2004)
I dunno, just sounded like something Homer Simpson would say.. mmmmm
Childlike_Vampire (May 27, 2004)
lol looks yummy. You should put a chocolate flake in it, it'd be even yummier looking. *nods* lol cute idea.
dixielandcutie (May 27, 2004)
ok...ill brb...gotta go get me someice cream now ;p hehe, nice work
strawberry (May 27, 2004)
dooodee, that looks just like the twister ice cream i bought today after school!!! ..cept mine was half vanila n half choclit.......but ne wayz......this picture is making me shooo hungryyyyy foorr ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SCREAM FOR SOME ICE CREAM!! GIMME GIMME!!!!!!!
acidplanet (May 27, 2004)
very detailed |
(May 27, 2004)
lol... didn't wanna draw hair... so this is what I came up with...grrr... I f'd up... forgot some blue... outta space.. oh well... just a weird thang anyway... lol
Supergurl103 (May 27, 2004)
o lori.. lol... who is this person?? very funny lol
Pandora (May 27, 2004)
haha.... Oh my stomach hurts from laughing so hard. You know here in Vegas, we have a lot of people standing at the street lights, saying they will work for food. One guy years ago, was out of a job..He put on a suit and went out at the lights holding a sign that read... Will work for $40K..Not only did he get the job but he got $40k more than expected, because he was so creative and took a risk. This reminded me of that situation. Really Cute
mooseflower (May 27, 2004)
hahahahaha laugh *snort* hee hee hee :)there. that goof was buggin' me... thanks Marcello
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 27, 2004)
A wannabe.....his head is a little off?
dixielandcutie (edited May 27, 2004)
LOL, hey laurel....he's stealin your turf....cute draw tho dmv!
davincipoppalag (May 27, 2004)
Yea..where's the Turtlemistress when she's needed.. I haven't seen Miss Laurael in two days! waaaa..this is a good one D |
(May 27, 2004)
break time!
davincipoppalag (May 27, 2004)
Lol THAT's the DMV we know and love. heehee
dixielandcutie (May 27, 2004)
hehe, psssst right back atcha ;p nice work
emmamommalag (May 27, 2004)
He's lookin at the world through rose colored glasses. Another good one. |
(May 26, 2004)
Pandora (May 27, 2004)
This looks like a cover to a game..How cool DMV
davincipoppalag (May 27, 2004)
This one is cool but it doesn't have your usual smoothness and glow.. different technique?
DMV (May 27, 2004)
I didn't like the way it came out...except for the eyes.
dixielandcutie (May 27, 2004)
whoa...he's one green pickle...lol...thats my jump start for the day ;p |
(Feb 14, 2004)
playing with color
Kloxboy (Feb 14, 2004)
Sweet. Cool colors, bright. Reminds me of Mortal Kombat, I remember playing that for hours, drink coke and play, those were the days.
davincipoppalag (Feb 14, 2004)
You people amaze me with what you can make with one or two colors... this is great... On a side note...I could see this silkscreened on a t-shirt..for a new band called Yellow Ninja! lol
dixielandcutie (Feb 15, 2004)
i like this a lot. the bg is awesome, and so is well...everything. so nice!
KiwiKitsune (May 26, 2004)
AH! This is sooo awesome!! Good job! |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 4, 2004)
Come on baby, let's do the twist (er) (Tornado in a circa 1950's neighborhood :)
Soshell (May 9, 2004)
hey i was doing the twist last night at my mom and stepdad's reception last night :D..but seriously cool picture :) i like those cars it looks like the pic is set in the fifties (they did the twist back then right?)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 9, 2004)
Well, yeah, actually this is kind of early sixties I guess. They were twisting then and twisting again in the 60's. I was born in the mid 60's so alot of these cars were still driving around when I was little and I have always loved them. :)
thug (May 12, 2004)
this is my favorite of your most recent art. That looks just like the neighborhood I lived in until I turned 3. We go back there sometimes and it still looks like this, only without the classic cars. Never got a tornado but my dad burned up the back yard accidently once. Ahhh, reminiscing about the good old days... I can still feel the ashes burning my eyes.
cod25 (May 25, 2004)
cindy you a genies you such a good drawer plz talk back |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mar 10, 2004)
umm i might not be able to draw on this again until a little whiles later, so please i beg on my knees don't delete!ehh first realism pix...bleh nothing compared to gigandas's legolas! hey lily, remember what i said about trying this out? ughh that mouth is killing me... probably doesn't look much like the ref pix...well i tried, and that's what counts for me! ^^ here's the ref pix: http://www.thai.net/smorking2003/poster/inter/Orlando%20Bloom.jpg
dixielandcutie (Mar 17, 2004)
that is a very good job! looks a lot like him too :) keep it up!
laurael (Apr 6, 2004)
Nice job for sure...like it a lot.
rainstar (Apr 21, 2004)
it's amazing, blusky! wow, i wish i could do that...check out my new piece-i didn't mention this in my comment on it, but it's dedicated to you, bluesky!
bumpinthenight (May 25, 2004)
tis goot, but the nose needs alot of work.... Also, the colors should be much more defined for a more dramatic appearance... I dunno.... |
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Sep 27, 2003)
Tripping the light fantastic...-------------------------------- The first edit went over the 800kb limit on the advanced board, so it is therefore ending up on the elite bastard board because I really don't have a choice. At least it seems submittable, although notably still abstract and un-interesting for the most part.
dixielandcutie (Mar 10, 2004)
lol, davinci. i do like what you're doin with it! keeeep it up!
ProjectZeppher (Mar 11, 2004)
this sucks...
Maiko (Mar 13, 2004)
teh head's a bit big O_O;; an' her body is kinda scary ^^;;but i like the lineart, very smooth
bumpinthenight (May 25, 2004)
Woah.... Good anatomy.... Interesting headpiece you got there, too! (or is it a headpiece... :P) |
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