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2Draw Issue
PlainJerzel (Dec 15, 2023)
So upon trying to load 2Draw in my browser sometimes it takes like 5 minutes, anyone else have this issue or is it just me? Also when I load other tabs they all load just fine
Public Boards/Intermediate 
luv2 (Dec 27, 2023)
I've read some old threads and did the wiki on lascaux but I can't figure out the texture tool there.
Anyone who knows how to use please explain.
3 comments – latest 3:
bearfink (Dec 31, 2023)
Awesome drawing!
dingaling (Jan 3, 2024)
Hey luv....I'm still using the original lascaux, sometimes I dabble with the other programs. Not sure what texture your after but Lord know you've got skills....all combinations of flow/opacity...jumping from layer to layer, or merging all layers for one complete piece in the end.....that d under the the scatter can mess with those along with opacity and many ways with all these programs...good luck, i love this.... would Not want to mess with those teeth ugh!
luv2 (Jan 3, 2024)
lol, Thanks Lori
I do that for other programs with scatter, spacing, and etc., but on lascaux I see a texture tool on the left side box area.
So, I've tried several different things and brushes to try for texture but not achieving anything I want.
I'm just using hundreds of dots and etc. to blur or blend which I'm doing now to achieve a texture for lascaux and don't like my results for this either.
Practice I guess, but was hoping for an easier explanation.

Thank you bearfink
drawn in 6 hours 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
---Luna (Dec 20, 2023)
If any one wants a tutorial on how to color skin like that, just ask. Okay time for me to go to where the dragon puppets come from...
6 comments – latest 4:
---Luna (Dec 24, 2023)
drawn in 28 min
---Luna (Dec 24, 2023)
drawn in 17 min
detailing 3.0 (final i think)
RUSSIANFOXX (Dec 24, 2023)
mmm blood looks scromptious
---Luna (Dec 24, 2023)
nom nom
drawn in 3 hours 7 min with Kleki
Public Boards/Intermediate 
luv2 (Dec 21, 2023)
5 comments – latest 4:
PlainJerzel (Dec 22, 2023)
Reminds me of a drawing from a classic children's book
dingaling (Dec 22, 2023)
reminds me of some of mine, nature, landscapes.... those give you a nice relaxing mood 'eh?
luv2 (Dec 23, 2023)
Wow, thanks for comments.
I disliked this draw and Winter so it was heading for the delete pile like most of my stuff.
Who knows why I let it fly.
PlainJerzel (Dec 23, 2023)
Yes yes keep it very nice
drawn in 3 hours 22 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
dingaling (Dec 18, 2023)
3 comments – latest 3:
luv2 (Dec 19, 2023)
Whoa, that's dark!
RUSSIANFOXX (Dec 20, 2023)
damn bruv. das tough.
dingaling (Dec 21, 2023)
No worries.... seems the second I start imagining good stuff in my mind, things start changing around. But don't think that's not confusing for a while....
drawn in 1 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
dingaling (Oct 31, 2023)
9 comments – latest 4:
dingaling (Nov 2, 2023)
Yup, lame as it is!
kik (Nov 2, 2023)
jon arbuckle
elly (Nov 3, 2023)
Not lame...more please
dingaling (edited Dec 18, 2023)
well all I can accomplish at the moment is that pitch dark one..... that's how fast my wicked stepmother and my evil stepbrother think they are...and do ya think the cops in this town care?
drawn in 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
TheCrimsonKing (Apr 7, 2023)
6 comments – latest 4:
elly (Apr 10, 2023)
Good to see you and your work! Very nice!
Cursed_Kennedy (Apr 11, 2023)
RUSSIANFOXX (Apr 11, 2023)
Beautiful anatomy
CoffmanXXX (Dec 4, 2023)
drawn in 2 hours 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
luv2 (Oct 15, 2023)
Still trying to find the sweet spot at using tools again. (not that I ever had it)
7 comments – latest 4:
dingaling (Oct 25, 2023)
How did you do all that skin? It looks so difficult!
luv2 (Oct 25, 2023)
I use the brushes to scatter and space a lot, and a big thing is finding the right opacity level.
Each time I see it, like now, I'd like to fix it.
elly (Nov 3, 2023)
This is just really good!! Ugly SOB!! LOL!! Great work luv2!!
luv2 (Nov 6, 2023)
Thanks Elly
drawn in 6 hours 42 min with Chicken Paint
kik (Oct 27, 2023)
A drawing I'm making for my friend because we used to love WOF and this was her OC lol
I've never done a lineless dragon pic before so this was kinda like an experiment, but I knew I wanted to make it special for my friend :)
5 comments – latest 4:
susu (Oct 29, 2023)
Stabilizer helps when I make my cartoon character that use basic shapes…
kik (Oct 29, 2023)
drawn in 13 min
luv2 (Oct 29, 2023)
I think you did a great dragon draw!
kik (Oct 29, 2023)
ty! :D
drawn in 18 hours with Kleki
Public Boards/Beginner 
AmigeEctordiss (Sep 29, 2023)
We've all got that one page on our notebook that we fill with the most abstract things
2 comments – latest 2:
dingaling (Sep 29, 2023)
I like the notebook paper
RUSSIANFOXX (Oct 8, 2023)
p a p e r
drawn in 28 min with Kleki
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