usersdeathking's profiledeathking's comment board
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Public Boards/Beginner 
popopo12 (Oct 13, 2007)
i made a luckystar character, what should i call here? *looks up at duration* 14 MINS???!!
9 comments – latest 4:
deathking (Oct 14, 2007)
Are you not japanese, were you brought up speaking and normally speak english and know the word goodbye? Well if you do then you shouldnt mix different languages in with your speech, not only is is spastic, rude, and weird but it down right makes you look stupid. I dont like being mean but I did like it now and you made it that way so please improve because in the name of Ludwig Wittgenstein I shall teach all english speakers the ways of coherent speech.
marini135 (Oct 14, 2007)
mh.. cute
Sweetcell (Oct 19, 2007)
Lord..... LORD. Spend more time on your pieces. This isn't a doodle/sketch/I'm just diddling site. It starts to spam. If you just wnat to doodle there are plenty of places for that. Raising my ire.
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Oct 19, 2007)
Ooooh yeah......>:D
How I love fights in here......XD
No mean to be involved in this but, DK is right, it does gets really annoying when people tryies to mix in languages in one phrase, is like
spanglish, I hate it.........D:<
OR Englinish or something like that I guess, well....... nice to get that out of my chess........X0
............Logging of Lore.V..............
drawn in 14 min with PaintBBS
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Week 63: Vampyre's *<;-;>*
Sweetcell (edited Oct 27, 2007)
Contest Week 63: Vampyre's *<;-;>* Two week contest. Otherwise known as Vampires, bloodsuckers, blood sucking demons, the walking dead, ghouls, leeches, parasites, etc, etc, etc. Well there had to be ONE Halloween theme. So get out those teeth, put on that fabulous death cloak, and start suckin' some bloo.... I mean start sketching some blood suckers. Be it the most well known or obscure. Regardless if you use a ref do make sure to include a picture and description of who the gh...
Public Boards/Beginner 
popopo12 (Oct 13, 2007)
i look like this!!! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
4 comments – latest 4:
popopo12 (Oct 13, 2007)
I drew it because I thought it was good
deathking (Oct 13, 2007)
Why are young people that like anime so spazzy, its really annoying...
tokyomewmew (Oct 13, 2007)
I like higurashi >:D
popopo12 (Oct 13, 2007)
drawn in 47 sec
drawn in 28 min with PaintBBS
Akatsukinocamila (Oct 5, 2007)
Gaia avi.
Environmental Friendly.

Im done.
3 comments – latest 4:
deathking (Oct 6, 2007)
Nice coloring.
Akatsukinocamila (edited Oct 6, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 27 min
Now for the background~
Fiesta (Oct 12, 2007)
Love this. ^-^
chi_ginnyweasley (Nov 3, 2007)
love it also <333
you can add me at gaia : wakaremiCHI_gazette
drawn in 7 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Naei (Oct 11, 2007)
Currently: working on lines
Plans: a more modern Sakura, from Naruto
Practicing: weird pose/cleaner lines
6 comments – latest 4:
Naei (Oct 13, 2007)
the thing? i'm glad you love the thing! (if you mean the thing shooting out of her fingertips, it's going to be a chakra scalpel.)

i'm going to at least try and finish the lines now. ::slow draw-er::
Axil62 (Oct 13, 2007)
No, you don't get it. See, I was making fun of Dave.
deathking (Oct 13, 2007)
giggle snort
Naei (Oct 13, 2007)
drawn in 56 min
that's okay. i knew i wasn't getting something, but i like to presume people aren't being sarcastic when they type.
so, no thanks, then?
drawn in 3 hours 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
enjoydotcom (Oct 8, 2007)
no reference used.
Traditionally, in the weeks between his arrival and the 5th of December, before going to bed, children put their shoes next to the chimney of the coal fired stove or fireplace, with a carrot or some hay in it "for Sinterklaas's horse", sing a Sinterklaas song, and will find some candy in their shoes the next day, supposedly thrown down the chimney by a Zwarte Piet or Sinterklaas himself. However, with the advent of central heating children put their shoes near the boiler or even just next to the front door.

Typical Sinterklaas candy is the first letter of the child's name made out of chocolate, chocolate coins, a figurine of Sinterklaas made out of chocolate and wrapped in painted aluminium foil, and coloured marzipan shaped into fruit, an animal or some other object.

Children are told that Black Pete enters the house through the chimney, which also explains his black face and hands, and would leave a bundle of sticks or a small bag with salt in the shoe instead of candy when the child had been bad.

Children are also told that in the worst case they would be put in the gunny sack in which Black Pete carries the presents, and be taken back to Spain, where Sinterklaas is said to spend the rest of the year. This practice however has been condemned by Sinterklaas in his more recent television appearances as something of the past.

(I love wikipedia, saves my fingers from typing it all)
4 comments – latest 4:
deathking (Oct 8, 2007)
So santa claus is the foundation of commercialism.
davincipoppalag (Oct 10, 2007)
Great entry Joyce.Interesting tradition, too!
enjoydotcom (edited Oct 11, 2007)
Thanks Dave, I'm pretty pleased with the lines and coloring. And the tradition is great too, when you're a kid that is. The sweet anticipation, anxious to find out if there is a little goody or candy in your shoe. I always put my shoe under the central heating, because we didn't have a stove or a fireplace. Added bonus were the warm shoes :D.
And yes DK, Sinterklaas may have been the foundation of commercialism, I prefer to think commercialism took over Sinterklaas, because before stores, people made the gifts themselves. One of the other traditions I like(d) very much is "surpises" (pronounced surpreese - kinda French). Everybody draws a name out of a bowl, the name that is on the paper, is the one you give a gift. You make something that is specific for that person, a train for a train freak etc. And inside that you hide the real gift. Usually done in schools or sportsclubs for children. Lotsafun.
Auw, arms hurt now...
davincipoppalag (Oct 11, 2007)
Sounds fun..over here we just get into total crass commercialism and go into debt buying unneccessary stuff for everyone.
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
tokyomewmew (Oct 9, 2007)
RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 comments – latest 4:
Fiesta (Oct 10, 2007)
Its going to eat us..! =o
Cute picture... :]
popopo12 (edited Oct 12, 2007)
cute! mew, looks just like you!
deathking (Oct 14, 2007)
Do you enjoy talking to yourself?
tokyomewmew (edited Oct 19, 2007)
XDDDD no i don't enjoy talking to my self lol.... thanks for the nice coment popopo and fiesta your also my best friends!
drawn in 49 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Tattoo Stories....(post them here ^^)
Rebel-Inc (edited Oct 8, 2007)
Hello everyone, I wanted to make this forum to talk about tattoos that "you've" drawn and got on "your" body. I am 17 years old and got my first tattoo, I drew it myself.. [link1- [link2- Hehe hope you like mine... (more to come soon!!) If Anyone has a Tattoo they have drawn and or got, post the link to the pictures here! ^^
Public Boards/Intermediate 
yessireebob (Oct 7, 2007)
2 comments – latest 4:
yessireebob (Oct 8, 2007)
drawn in 16 min
deathking (Oct 8, 2007)
Its cute, but if you only knew how much I hate gaia! ooooh god I hate it so.
Sweetcell (Oct 8, 2007)
Yes this is cute, but I don't feel it's Intermediate. As a newcomer it's reccomended to start in begginers before making your way up to the other boards. Welcome.
yessireebob (Oct 21, 2007)
drawn in 30 sec
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Mal (Oct 2, 2007)
Tasty unfinished
6 comments – latest 4:
Mal (Oct 8, 2007)
drawn in 14 min
Kloxboy (Oct 8, 2007)
Well that's different. It looks like he somehow mutated together with the ice cream cone.
deathking (Oct 8, 2007)
it looks like the icecream is licking him XD
Mal (Oct 10, 2007)
Thanks, I have no idea where it came from it just appeared.
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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