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Public Boards/Beginner 
cmb (Oct 21, 2006)
well it was going OK till I pressed the wrong button" now I cant get the colours right
2 comments – latest 3:
cmb (Oct 21, 2006)
drawn in 10 min
thats a bit better eye think...
davincipoppalag (Oct 21, 2006)
I think it's looking good...
cmb (Oct 22, 2006)
drawn in 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
cmb (Oct 21, 2006)
I havent been here for ages- so this is partly a test... I dont think I have the time any more for regular visits... but hi,.....
3 comments – latest 3:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 21, 2006)
But you did, but you did... :) It's okay, lots of people do it. I don't think the bridge to this place burns down when you leave and set fire to it. I like the palette you used here, and the general style of it is just kind of refreshing somehow.
davincipoppalag (Oct 21, 2006)
Hey! Good to see you here even for a quick visit! This is lovely
cmb (edited Oct 21, 2006)
thanks davinci- I still spend most of my time at youdraw- i have almost 11000 drawings there now! thanks for commenting! and Deadly Blonde Archer... brings back some nice memories drawing here...
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cmb (Jan 20, 2005)
I know its a bit late- and computer problems/ hard drive faults have dogged me lately - but I had to come back and say Hi! I have been working on my hatching technique with this one...
7 comments – latest 4:
laurael (Jan 20, 2005)
You could go back to it and change it... click on 'edit'... :)
Rosemary (Jan 20, 2005)
great to see you back!! lovely drawing :)
Pantera (Jan 20, 2005)
Nice to see you drawing again CMB, welcome back :)
Cordelia_Pink (Aug 5, 2005)
Crikey, it's like she's knitted. Nice texture and great job!!
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
cmb (Sep 4, 2004)
a quick sketch
2 comments – latest 3:
cmb (Sep 4, 2004)
drawn in 11 min
WELL!l I come back and I find this has been moved to beginners! I obviously DONT fit in here... this was meant to be impressionistic, which is why it was drawn quickly, and if Im being penalised for drawing quickly ( anyone heard of Rolf Harris?) then it seems pointless to use this site- yes I agree that taking ones time often does equate to better work- but I had an exhibition of painting in September 2004 at Burslem School of art in Staffordshire . England ( where Clarice Cliffe learned to paint pottery) and some of those A1 sized paintings were done in 10 minutes. I was experimenting in the same way here... sorry to be too ARTY! I promise not to bother you again. anyone who wants to get in touch my email is .... sorry to be in a snit about this, but I moderate a website too- and I think I should stand up for myself (just occassionally)
Axil62 (Sep 4, 2004)
You are so fast. I remember at You draw some of your best stuff was lightning fast.
cmb (Sep 4, 2004)
still there axil!
drawn in 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
zep (Sep 3, 2004)
6 comments – latest 4:
kejoco (Sep 4, 2004)
this is subtly gruesome.
great picture though
artistically violent
Aubrey (Sep 4, 2004)
Ouch.. poor guy.. but ya did draw him well.
davincipoppalag (Sep 4, 2004)
Holy crap zep. You did an amazing job on this one..
Zack (Sep 30, 2004)
I'm always amazed by the amount of variation that you are capable of within so unique a style. You are without a doubt the most underappreciated artist on 2draw. Love the colors on this one.
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
cmb (Sep 3, 2004)
LOL- I had to come back here- been a while- dont get too much free time these days...
5 comments – latest 4:
Cianteed (Sep 3, 2004)
Her back is kind of strange... but I suppose you intended it to be that style ^-^
Rosemary (Sep 3, 2004)
nice drawing cmb..good to see u :)
cmb (Sep 3, 2004)
yes it is stylised I wanted to do a nude staring out at the viewer, I know its anatomically incorrect- but I wanted sweeping lines... Hi Rosemary BTW ... call in at Youdraw sometime ? see you!
davincipoppalag (Sep 3, 2004)
Nice to see you here Christine..this is pretty!
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Sep 3, 2004)
She may not be able to communicate for some time you guys.
17 comments – latest 4:
staci (Sep 8, 2004)
so basically i had a long (24 hours long) chat with Frances..bitch to bitch...ok it was more of a cat fight, but the point is i totally kicked her ass..

Axil62 (Sep 8, 2004)
Good, I had $100 on you.
Aubrey (Sep 15, 2004)
lol Frances never had a chance
shell (Mar 2, 2011)
Go Staci, Go Staci..
drawn in 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DMV (Sep 2, 2004)
Shhhhh! my brain is sleeping.
12 comments – latest 4:
friend (Sep 3, 2004)
stick man he blends in with walking stick.

Aubrey (Sep 3, 2004)
Nice job D! The background is very cool but I feel sorry for the guy, how would he ever do anything requiring hands and fingers?
DMV (Sep 4, 2004)
Your all way too kind....BG cool though;)
ajbabyaj13 (Oct 29, 2004)
That is weird, but it's hot stuff! I love it! I agree to what ty854 said.. he does have built in drumsticks.. i guess it would be easy to play the drums.. Though instead of a broken drumstick... he'd have a broken "hand" o.O... plus his "hands" would also probably be sore.. I guess he will now know how a drumstick feels! Very interesting and very cool!
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
thug (Aug 10, 2004)
I like gorillas
11 comments – latest 4:
staci (Aug 10, 2004)
oh i loved her
and this drawing is great
Aubrey (Aug 10, 2004)
That's a pretty cool gorilla Thug. Never seen a purple one before :) The eyes look a bit angry though... don't think I wanna play with him lol
thug (Aug 10, 2004)
drawn in 5 min
thanx for all the compliments. I just looked at this on a good monitor and found several little things that bothered me that I couldn't see on the crappy monitor I used to draw this. I think I am really done with it now.
Knockoff (Aug 12, 2004)
rofl. hHAH. This is awesome thug.
drawn in 2 hours 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cmb (Aug 9, 2004)
Only 5000 left in the wild- sorry so fast- teas burning!
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 9, 2004)
you can burn tea?? Nice job Christine.. I would like a bit more sharpness in the fur though
Gigge (Aug 9, 2004)
Yay. You're back. Missed your art for a few days. *plucks the turquoise whisker for luck*
cmb (Aug 10, 2004)
lol you spotted it ( accidental Im afraid!)
Ty854 (Aug 30, 2004)
I really like the colors of this!
drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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