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Public Boards/Advanced 
Fin_beast (May 19, 2004)
F*cking Hell.
Lost the damn thing. Well... It's a good job I took some screenshots! :D
Spose I probably spent another 2 - 3 hours on this.
You can see the finished piece here.
Didn't know if I was allowed to link it directly.

Marcello: This was just to prepare me for tomorrows exam. Please will you move it to another board. Thanks.
Lascaux came up with an error saying "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError", which I guess means that it was my computer got too low on resources. Am I right?
If I am right, it seems wierd because my computer did not seem slow at all. :s
3 comments – latest 4:
Fin_beast (May 19, 2004)
drawn in 48 min
davincipoppalag (May 20, 2004)
This is Huuuugggee.. lol I like the finished one fin.
bumpinthenight (May 29, 2004)
woah..... awesome..... What exam was this for?
Bumble_Beez (Jul 12, 2004)
Deep breaths Fin_Beast x_x

WOW! This is awesome!!!!! I'd never had that kind of patince -sigh- See? I can't even spell x_x Too lazy too look up in dictonary.....
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
staci (May 19, 2004)
very handsome bloke if you ask me...thankees for the idea Wav
21 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (May 23, 2004)
Aubrey - Eh, who cares right, I feel like an ass for pointing it, but I did it for your benefit Aubrey, so it's Icats talent you see now and not Kasha's.
Aubrey (May 23, 2004)
No no I appreciate you pointing it out. I feel like an idiot for getting it wrong in the first place! lol I'm sorry Icats.. you have alotta talent for sure :)
bumpinthenight (May 24, 2004)
The eyes have to be the best part of this picture... Quite lifelike, if you ask me! Did this come from a picture?
Ty854 (May 26, 2004)
Reminds Me of the "Float on Video" by modest mouse. Nice moustache ^^
drawn in 3 hours 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
SaheraNights (May 19, 2004)
XD w00t!
2 comments – latest 2:
Childlike_Vampire (May 19, 2004)
lol, that's cute as hell. Great icon. ^^
bumpinthenight (May 25, 2004)
Woah... I love the glowing ring thing, dude!!! Niiice.... This only took 8 minutes? I worship thee... :P
drawn in 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
tattered_wing (May 18, 2004)
not done yet
9 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (May 19, 2004)
Woaw, very nice.
The coloring is great!
lol nice "heart"!
Thear (May 20, 2004) cute she is... ^^ nice little wings =D
MD_Anonymous (May 21, 2004)
Wow, contrasting moods. She's all sad and then you have her in this happy yellow dress. Cool. I like the sime-clear gloves too.
bumpinthenight (May 28, 2004)
oooh... nice sheer cloth on her arms.... XD kool stuff!
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Clueless3 (May 18, 2004)
Not finsished :(
Java at school is messed up:(
1 comment – latest 1:
bumpinthenight (May 25, 2004)
Woah... Looks like a mix between Kakashi (naruto) Nightcrawler (Xmen) and... Cyclops??? Woah.... Frakky....
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Teste (May 14, 2004)
just a test...
1 comment – latest 1:
bumpinthenight (May 25, 2004)
interesting... I like your use of shading, even at such a small size... However, at 100% size, it does appear as if there are gaps between the lines of the cross.... Just something I noticed....
drawn in 1 hour 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
Mod's can't read.
Fin_beast (edited May 13, 2004)
I say:
Not Advanced Quality. Sorry Mod's. Put it on 2draw 'Ink' please. :)
Mod says:
not advanced, or finished.
and takes 6 points off me. I would like to know which dumbass mod changed it to unfinished and told me to finish it. Read my comment on the picture aswell.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
reenaleena (May 12, 2004)
This is copied from a reference and i bet noone can guess who it is...its very VERY un-obvious...i hate being crap at stuff.
8 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 13, 2004)
this is wicked. kinda scares me.
emmamommalag (May 13, 2004)
It looks like Leonard DeCrappio to me.. has that Arnie-ish look anyway.
Aubrey (May 13, 2004)
When I first saw it I thought Eminem, but I dunno if he smokes or what... not really sure who it is but this is a really good picture of whoever so far.
bumpinthenight (Oct 2, 2004)
slim shady? XD mebbeh on the set of the d12 song purple pills? XD tis good, though!
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
lp_phaery (May 10, 2004)
tra la la la la la la la la la. it would be nice if i could actually have a snowy christmas but that will never ever happen (well not where i am anyways) and YES i do realise its not christmas yet.
7 comments – latest 4:
Supergurl103 (May 12, 2004)
nice lovely winter background, lovely lady too, nice pic :)
davincipoppalag (May 12, 2004)
I like the lil snowflakes!
Thear (May 14, 2004)
wow! that background roks!! ^^ lady is nice too! =P
bumpinthenight (Jun 10, 2004)
very sweet.. I love both the expression and the blue background.... the snowflakes are nifty as well!
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Aubrey (May 9, 2004)
Cowboys always get to "choose their weapon" before dueling.. which I think very much symbolizes the choices we have with applets and boards... and what the hey, they even say DRAW!! afterwards.. I think that pretty much sums up this whole experience. Whether the opponent (the picture) is defeated in the end or the opponent defeats you.. speed.. talent... and experience with the weapon you choose is what will decide the outcome.
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 11, 2004)
Speaking of which...mizz lois.. when are YOU gonna draw something here!!
Supergurl103 (May 11, 2004)
hehehe nice guy in here.. lovely, looks like he is ready to ''draw'' ;)
bumpinthenight (May 25, 2004)
Hehehe... Very shiney clothes, etc... I like it!! I want to steal that shirt, though...
the_thoroughbred_lady (Sep 26, 2004)
home..home on the range............
drawn in 1 hour 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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