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Public Boards/Intermediate 
15 comments – latest 4:
padmooks (Jun 12, 2010)
maybe the cherry. ho ho ho
backmagicwoman (Jun 13, 2010)
Haha!..pretty good.
vlad.the.hamster (Jun 13, 2010)
Ooh, pretty.
firecracker (Jun 14, 2010)
She must be very agile to be able to do that.......nice draw! :)
drawn in 42 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Axil62 (Jun 10, 2010)
19 comments – latest 4:
vlad.the.hamster (Jun 11, 2010)
Why are you so good? haha
backmagicwoman (Jun 12, 2010)
He has excellent subject matter.
lori (Jun 13, 2010)
I'm just shitting him bmw ;) he knows I'm just a goof
Wraith (edited Sep 2, 2010)
Hey look! It's Garth Brooks getting ready to put on a show! Nice draw.
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
DuquedeBlangis (May 31, 2010)
40 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jun 10, 2010)
HA HA!! "Menards"
"Hey, you ever seen Menards?" lol
backmagicwoman (Jun 10, 2010)
No!..but I'd like to.lolol..hysterical..
Miss_DJ (edited Jun 11, 2010)
Their jingle is, "Save more money at Menards!"
Nekoampy (Jul 11, 2010)
Cool colors
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drawn in 12 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
ChellaBella (Aug 28, 2009)
Crona from Soul Eater~ my favorite character :D
Should i draw Ragnarok in demon form or sword form?..i'm not too good with drawing muscles x3;; but it'd look much cooler..

btw, i'm one of the people who think that Crona's a guy :D <33333 so rawr~
4 comments – latest 4:
SaiWataki (Aug 28, 2009)
I love the lines on this
kupocoffee (Aug 28, 2009)
Like it so far. hope you finish soon!
sharalakemiah (Jun 10, 2010)
how do u get those beautiful lines
backmagicwoman (Jun 10, 2010)
I eat lots of salad.
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
miartist (May 28, 2010)
I am in way over my head here but gonna try it anyway. I just need to know where the eraser is.I know nothing about anyof this,lol Honestly
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
xvolcomx (Oct 22, 2003)
Messing around with Lascaux. I would have liked to made this bigger, but the theme board is only 350x350.
Some flaws......but eh.
edit: Thanks everyone. I had alot of fun with this. I'm begining to really like Lascaux very much now that I understand it(a twenty hour crash course helps..last two pics). I used to really like the Oekaki applets until I installed Java2, then it seems all the applets responded poorly except Lascaux. Its prob. jes my comp.. And I would like to let everyone know that I use a mouse(optical) on all my pics and I think they look ok.
16 comments – latest 4:
Destervetha (May 2, 2005)
Oh wow! this is wonderful! I especially love the blue jelly one :)
Kamll (Mar 5, 2007)
i always liked that lil blue elephant guy... This picture brings me joy. It looks like something some teenager alien would have hanging on his bedroom wall.
davincipoppalag (Nov 20, 2017)
drawn in 7 hours 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Axil62 (Jun 10, 2010)
42 comments – latest 4:
elly (Dec 23, 2016)
You can say that again, Dan! I even got a windows laptop hoping to draw here but it still won't let me!! >\ /<
Axil62 (Dec 28, 2016)
Well in that case, one thing I always try to remember is if you get captured by the enemy try not to let them stick something up your butt.
pianist (edited Jan 2, 2017)
davincipoppalag (Jan 4, 2017)
always a good thing to remember
drawn in 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
17 comments – latest 4:
lori (Jun 10, 2010)
thanks peoples
madscientist111 (Jun 10, 2010)
Sweet and adorable face! A cutie!:))
lori (Jun 10, 2010)
thanks ms :)
backmagicwoman (Jun 10, 2010)
She's saying.."You want me to suck what to get my food?.."
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Moosh (Oct 25, 2009)
11 comments – latest 4:
TheeJamos1 (Jun 10, 2010)
crazy coool..
Teapot (Jun 10, 2010)
Okay, who else can't help seeing that scene from A Clockwork Orange when they look at this? It's wildly imaginative and so lively and so insane. The teeth are amazing.
enjoydotcom (Jun 10, 2010)
Hahaha, this is soooo funny!
firecracker (Jun 14, 2010)
This is sooo cool....I really like it....."lol"!! :D
drawn in 1 hour with Lascaux Sketch Classic
cyclops (May 23, 2010)
what no bacon?
15 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Jun 8, 2010)
cyclops (Jun 9, 2010)
I can't see your dimples in that photo flubbles.
backmagicwoman (Jun 9, 2010)
gross...looks like he may wear the same bra size that I do..
drawn in 3 hours 28 min with Chicken Paint
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