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Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Aug 20, 2010)
14 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Aug 22, 2010)
That are some great, realistic textures.
Alter.Native (Aug 23, 2010)
What Roy said.
Axil62 (Aug 25, 2010)
Shults, I used the gradient fill tool
Suntan (Aug 25, 2010)
sad to see summer go..this is great.
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
cyclops (Aug 19, 2010)
5 comments – latest 4:
padmooks (Aug 19, 2010)
oh i love you.
at least in theory.
davincipoppalag (Aug 19, 2010)
he shouldn't have eaten those refried black beans
firecracker (Aug 20, 2010)
Why is he eating his hand????? "lol"!
Kulu (Sep 9, 2010)
he has the chipolte spray
drawn in 37 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Bobstained (Aug 14, 2010)
I sure hope flubbles gives me first place.
16 comments – latest 4:
Bobstained (Aug 21, 2010)
I'm not being judged, I just entered for a nobble.
pawillie (Aug 21, 2010)
thanks for letting me know
davincipoppalag (Aug 22, 2010)
a nobble nipple
Suntan (Aug 25, 2010)
ooh, very nipply! nice skin work, btw. :)
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Axil62 (Aug 10, 2010)
5 comments – latest 4:
adxaidl3692 (Aug 11, 2010)
Sunnybeech this is nice! :o)
backmagicwoman (Aug 14, 2010)
i love it when u use shi painter.
montezmaria (Aug 16, 2010)
Very nice, clean and crisp looking.....let's go and get some relaxing sun.
Miss_DJ (Aug 20, 2010)
I'd love this in my home. Wonderful just says, "ahhh"
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
cyclops (Jul 27, 2010)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 27, 2010)
kinda looks like young neil diamond with a red earring
madscientist111 (Jul 27, 2010)
Little bit modern Abe Lincoln! Nice work!
backmagicwoman (Jul 27, 2010)
In the thumbnail it reminds me of the one agent from the Matrix...loving the pop of red , that's cool..
Suntan (Aug 1, 2010)
drawn in 14 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Jul 27, 2010)
20 comments – latest 4:
Bubblicious (Jul 30, 2010)
It's called cotton mouth, firecracker. It's what kool-aid and soda and water is for. :P My mommy got preggers with me when she was 18, though she was married at the time to my dad.
5p00k3n5t31n (Jul 30, 2010)
Manson :)
firecracker (Jul 30, 2010)
I never heard of the kool-aid and soda water "thingy" before .....what is that supposed to do? Is it supposed to help get rid of that dry mouth feeling??Thanks for reminding me that the dry mouth is called "cotton mouth.....I had completely forgotten that....."lol"! Did you ever smoke pot bubbles?? I'm just don't have to answer that...."lol'!
Bubblicious (Aug 2, 2010)
Nope! I know what it does to people and, even though it makes some people act hilariously stupid, I won't touch it. I'm lazy enough as it is, I don't need pot to add to it. Plus the munchies would just be horrible.
drawn in 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
elly (Jul 11, 2010)
A friend of mine took this pic on her vacation of her sweet lil girls enjoying the sand and surf. I decided to surprise her with a drawing of it. I'll never be completely satisfied with the results but it'll do.....
10 comments – latest 4:
montezmaria (Jul 23, 2010)
This is beautiful and I'm sure she will love this.
Marla (Jul 24, 2010) beautiful :)
shults (edited Jul 25, 2010)
Very nice elly.. did you show her?
elly (Jul 25, 2010)
Thanks y'all =) Yes, Shults I showed her and she was thrilled! Wanted to know some where she could get it printed on a canvas right I gave her a link to get her started. Thanks for asking!!
drawn in 7 hours 58 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mawns (Jul 22, 2010)
19 comments – latest 4:
lori (Jul 23, 2010)
great job, the mouth is my favorite
mawns (Jul 23, 2010)
Thanks everybody! Your comments means alot.
HiroDaZero (Jul 24, 2010)
nice! xD
enjoydotcom (Aug 1, 2010)
Great, haha
drawn in 3 hours 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Miss_DJ (Jul 22, 2010)
9 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Jul 22, 2010)
Wonderful :D
Miss_DJ (Jul 22, 2010)
thanks friends!!
davincipoppalag (Jul 23, 2010)
This one came out well :0)
Marla (Jul 23, 2010)
very pretty
drawn in 2 hours 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
cyclops and padmooks (Jul 5, 2010)
8 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jul 22, 2010)
"I pity da fool who don't have no rainbow comin outta his butt!"
firecracker (Jul 22, 2010)
This is soooo weird....but it's sorta reminds me of a green tomato worm....."lol"!! We had a vegetable garden when I was a kid, and our tomato plants would get these weird looking bright green tomato worms on them......eeeww....:)
Marla (Jul 23, 2010)
great imagination you two have :)
Jessor (Dec 28, 2010)
drawn in 5 hours 50 min with Chicken Paint
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