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Public Boards/Beginner 
TenTaku (Apr 20, 2006)
umm i have this obsession with cat people..
3 comments – latest 3:
Zeal (edited Apr 20, 2006)
Pie is a evil robot waiting to take over the world with banana-phones and monkeys and cake.. Cake is a monkey that eats banana pies .. Bananas are the phones of the 21st century.. the 21st century was so 21 centuries ago.. And pie will make you eat your own nose with your tongue!Like sticks! :3 It looks good :2

I think you need to add some shadeing, Go over the blue with a slightly darker airbrush blue on a layer above the coloring where the shadows should go :3 You're good at this :3
Kakashi_Hitake (Apr 20, 2006)
looking good =D >:3

the eye reminds me of chrono 8D
xiau (Apr 20, 2006)
I think using pen would bring out your art so much more.
And there's nothing wrong with being obsessed with cat people XD
drawn in 2 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
blahaha (Apr 16, 2006)
Jiiii~ =_=
5 comments – latest 4:
blahaha (Apr 18, 2006)
Mildly? Damn. Should've went for the banana.
Seriously wasn't my intention though (probably because of the eyes), but...uh, thanks for pointing it out...? :D

Rukia (Apr 19, 2006)
By this rate, I think you'll have to substitute it with more than just fruits X3
Awesome eyes!
Zeal (Apr 20, 2006)
I love the color, the hair and the eyes!
Sweetcell (Apr 20, 2006)
It's clean, and that hair is nice.
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
patienceisoverrated (Apr 19, 2006)
Indeed it is.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 19, 2006)
The world's a crazy place to anyone, let alone a frog in love. This could sell as a poster Jessie! Very cute.
Gemmy619 (Apr 20, 2006)
I agree, it would make a good book mark and/or poster, i love the little hearts and swerls around them, very cute draw :)
Zeal (Apr 20, 2006)
I believe I have seen the ref. you used for this :3 XD
patienceisoverrated (Apr 20, 2006)
The ref is a poster I bought in Mexico of a bunch of tree frogs. It's on the wall right across from where my computer is, so I drew it :D
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
patienceisoverrated (Apr 11, 2006)
I went to the optomitrist and he said my eyes have gotten worse AGAIN... at this rate I'll be blind by the time I'm 20 :'(

I cannot decide if this is a manly woman or a womanly man... or maybe just gender neutral.
10 comments – latest 4:
nekodesu (Apr 15, 2006)
That sphere thing is so pretty. And I like the colors you used overall. :)
Sweetcell (Apr 15, 2006)
This came out beautifully, the sphere, the tatoo's, the hair, and the bracelet. Wonderful.
patienceisoverrated (Apr 15, 2006)
thanks so much. It's nice to read those sorts of comments :) <3 <3

The colours are funny 'cause I did the majority of the colouring on a laptop, then I saw it on my good monitor right now and was like 'whoa, the brightness'
Zeal (Apr 20, 2006)
The hair and the Orb have tio be the best parts :0 It's so pretty :0
drawn in 8 hours 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
TenTaku (Apr 20, 2006)
Umm.. I dont know
2 comments – latest 2:
Zeal (Apr 20, 2006)
Welcome to 2draw :3
xiau (edited Apr 20, 2006)
Hello~ I recognized your style immediantly. I think you know "Zeal"? (psst, that's how I know who you are! XD)
Cute hoodie X3; Welcome to 2draw!
drawn in 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
xiau (Apr 3, 2006)
Requested by Becksie

Sorry I couldn't do the original request... Really really sorry!
But...I hope you like it anyways... .__.

And sorry if the face looks a bit odd *3*;
6 comments – latest 4:
Rukia (Apr 4, 2006)
Gawd, how do you make your backgrounds so pretteee >w<
woah_pockster (Apr 5, 2006)
eee it's so cute :D
the texture=awesomeee, it makes it look like a watercolor =D <333
hi1022 (Apr 7, 2006)
So cute!<333 the bg!
Zeal (Apr 20, 2006)
the background is sexy :3
drawn in 1 hour 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
kristine (Apr 15, 2006)
6 comments – latest 4:
Zeal (Apr 15, 2006)
Beware the sexy-artistic K?
Opium (edited Apr 17, 2006)
you're boring Nyuusen.
DoOp (Apr 18, 2006)
the K owns <3
Sweetcell (edited Apr 19, 2006)
I love doing font work and I can tell you there is nothing boring about this. It's fantastic, and not as easy as some think.

Try it yourself nyuusen.

You know kristine if you take the k away from your name this icon becomes the indented Capitol.
drawn in 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Ani-MangaCreator (Apr 13, 2006)
Im sorry hakki i wasnt trying to take your character...I was just.......
32 comments – latest 4:
DoOp (Apr 17, 2006)
*pets natsuna* you're trying! :]
kuramafan89 (Apr 17, 2006)
Whats going on? Is she gonna really do that!Man I should have gotten on more often.
Natsuna (Apr 17, 2006)
:3 Yay~
Yes Kuramafan89 you should have D: You can still catch up with the timez..
I doubt she's gonna.........
((Probly just wanting attention.....Or like do0p said over-reacting))
kuramafan89 (Apr 17, 2006)
hmmmm, Maybe so Lol.
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
xiau (Apr 1, 2006)
Artwork long overdue for Woah_Pockster darling \(*D*)/
Because... you're so sweet and talented and wonderful and--- (rambles on)

Love you! <3<3<3

EDIT: I remember when I used to think this was good rofl. Screwy proportions much?
19 comments – latest 4:
Punky (Apr 7, 2006)
Dang it xiau, I hate you. :b You're awesome.
Zeal (Apr 8, 2006)
I love the purple highlights in the air
xiau (Apr 9, 2006)
The purple highlights are there because I thought the hair was too boring without them XP
alichanotaku (Apr 16, 2006)
GORGEOUS I adore the clothes...the way they fade to yellow...I'm SO JEALOUS <3
drawn in 3 hours 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Shanghai and samsam (Feb 1, 2006)
let's see what miss samsam does~
1 comment – latest 4:
Shanghai (Feb 1, 2006)
drawn in 9 min
rabbit hole~?
samsam (Feb 1, 2006)
drawn in 14 min
Shanghai (Mar 3, 2006)
drawn in 24 min
I feel like having it finished and moving on to new pictures now~
Zeal (Apr 16, 2006)
I see a cave, and a fairy and a moose/horse and a dinosaur of some kind .. depends on how you look at it.. Its a really good draw/paint :3
drawn in 2 hours 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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