Date of Birth:
Mar 5, 2007
Last Access:
Dec 22, 2008 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a rock chasing a ping-pong table in the name of all things good, right now? Or an excellent dinosaur smacking a sorry plant secretly? Or a programmer crashing over a football? Or a clown fish squirting a warm mugger? Or some sharp beer saying, "all your base are belong to us"? Or a transvestite spitting on a mouth-watering dinosaur? |
Don't be rude! Everyone starts out somewhere, you know.
Mar 5, 2007 |
Wow... That's amazing, you must have spent a long while on that o.o
Mar 5, 2007 |