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Public Boards/Intermediate 
furyofroy (Aug 22, 2003)
While I haven't drawn in a while, I have been commenting, as some of you might have noticed. There have been a lot of newbies lately...and while their "inexperience" doesn't necessarily bother me, their sloppy typewriting skills do. -_-;;
5 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (edited Aug 22, 2003)
You just love to push my buttons, don't you? *grumbles*
concannon (Aug 23, 2003)
Leave furyofroy alone, Turtlebuster. XP *pats Roy* You make a very sexy furry.

Oh, and I feel your pain. o___o
TheLIVR (Aug 24, 2003)
Is that sign impaling his hand?
trixy_kitty (Mar 20, 2004)
note to TheLIVR:
-:repost:- Is that sign impaling his hand? -:unpost:-

-:my comment:- no, i believe he just has two right hands... *being sarcastic*
drawn in 1 hour 48 min with PaintBBS
Marienkind (Aug 22, 2003)
timer is wrong because paint is fooking up. hopefully it will let me edit.

edit: brighter.
edit: blarg? .... yes, he is on a flower. and yes, my vocabulary is limited for i am lazy capitalist american bovine thingy!
4 comments – latest 4:
amuy (edited Aug 22, 2003)
Awww, i love the colors and the froggie! i wuv froggiez!!! the watercolors and colors and EVERTHING is awesome... its perfect!!!
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
The best thing about this picture is the wonderfully tasteull comments by each of your edit updates. naw, it's a cool picture -- your 'vast' vocabulary just make it funny
taori (edited Aug 23, 2003)
*Glomps frog* Itsh sho cuuuute!
*Slaps self* Sorry. No, the frog is really great though, looks extremely froggish. Question, though, is he sitting in a flower? It looks like one from the way you shaded it, but I'm a moron so I'm not sure.
AmericanIdolUSA1 (Aug 24, 2003)
Wow!!!!!!!! Nice Job Marien. I love the little froggy with the flower. Excellent
drawn in 28 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Loopydoop (Aug 22, 2003)
I have to say, it turned out pretty good for my first Oekaki Drawing :).
3 comments – latest 3:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
I love it.
Loopydoop (edited Aug 22, 2003)
:) thanx
taori (edited Aug 22, 2003)
Aww, it's so sad! The poor doggy.
drawn in 38 min with OekakiBBS
Gothic_Otaku (Aug 22, 2003)
What can I say? It'
5 comments – latest 4:
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 22, 2003)
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
either you have hairy eyes, or your hair is made of cones and rods. For a self portrait, i think you could have spent more time on it. also, i don't know if you were going for realism, but if you were, remember that things in real life don't have black outlines.
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 22, 2003)
dragon_girl (edited Aug 22, 2003)
sence when do you were black t-shirts well at lest I have not seen you were one and I practically see you every day and IT does not look any thing like you
drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Darkempire91 (Aug 22, 2003)
Just looked at M.C. Cracka swords and thought wow,would it be cool to draw a sword like his so i did.
1 comment – latest 1:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
so... you ripped of someone else's picture and added odd patches of orange around it?
drawn in 22 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
nyao (Aug 22, 2003)
oi. me try to do realism, first time on comp. and my reference pic only has half of the eye... me gonna finsih later. now eat lunch and clean room.
EDIT: Oi. me dont like realism.... me dont know where eyebrow is... none in reference... and me no like eyelashes... oi.
2 comments – latest 2:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
oh, an eye, who'd have guessed nyao's realism would center on an eye... not I. :)
taori (edited Aug 22, 2003)
Wow, very watercolory. I like.
drawn in 39 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
noxoteus (Aug 22, 2003)
getting better all the time.....if n~t is encouraged, #1 could be the preface to the possible/probable series, to match the tactile + rendered painterly series I've been building for oh-so -long.
auto-erotomania reigns in my Sphere, all in the name of sublimation. btw: weaning myself slowly off of blursmearin', perhaps just to return to embracing it sll the more, as virtual fingerpads never get raw. ALSO- "Solone" is truly Mine, the name and the project...please respect that, and thank you.
2 comments – latest 2:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
as soon as i have the time, i intend to watch your animation to see how you select those colors. Another great piece. I don't think you need to worry about plagerism here -- 90% of the people here are way too into their anime (which I should say i don't think would be unfortunate, if it wasn't so widespread).
Her hands do seem to need a little tweaking. I think her left hand/arm would look more natural resting on the covers, or perhaps in a tight fist.
Sixelab (Sep 14, 2003)
very beautiful, all the colours, interesting pose which isnt done a lot.
her expression is amazing.
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drawn in 1 hour 6 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Noremac (Aug 21, 2003)
im kinda sad because me and my girlfreind have been fightin lately and i thought of this...
2 comments – latest 2:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 21, 2003)
unless you or your girlfriend is a pyro-mermaid, i can't draw any solid conclusions. if she IS a pyro mermaid, you found yourself a keeper. a real 'catch', you might say! :D
Noremac (edited Aug 21, 2003)
OF COURSE she is a pryo-maniac mermaid i mean its cool i can like go to the lake by my house and hang out. besides at least she isnt a man-mer - Cam
drawn in 10 min with PaintBBS
Hochuuami (Aug 21, 2003)
I was depressed. My pa's been trying to turn me against his secratary (who understands me better than he ever will). He's gonna fire her in a few days and I'm not allowed to speak to her anymore. All because he doesn't like her boyfriend. (Can't go into details there, tho. I don't like him either, but my dad's takin' it a bit too far.)

Anyway, the secratary got my dad peeved and now she's sacked. My dad is such an arse. But as for this peice of work.... well, it was sort of an experiment....
~Ryuu, who hasn't eaten in three days, for unknown reasons....
3 comments – latest 3:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 21, 2003)
not to be a horrible ass, but i think most people here have their own problems, without being pulled down by additional worries like yours.
the background in there looks like you cloned a milton bradley game-board. what was that game? snakes and ladders, was it?
taori (edited Aug 21, 2003)
*chutes* and ladders, I think, TB. Sorry you're so depressed, Hochuuami, but hey, shit happens I guess, you just have to live it down and move on. (I know, my advice is so great. ><)
marcello (edited Aug 22, 2003)
Or write a book about it and make lots of money. sometimes the best fiction is in reality.
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with PaintBBS
noxoteus (Aug 20, 2003)
as the title suggests---not to be out-of-line here at 2Draw---but the colorful suggestive female doodles do take precedence some days. apparently so does that blur-smear compound. Oh well--the animation ought to be interesting. to sum up--- i confess to wishing that this is the sort of portraiture i'd really like to be doing. ~a typically prurient n*t @ 12:14 AM
6 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited Aug 21, 2003)
Wow... o.O that's amazing. I think the only way people get really offended by this type of subject matter is if the picture is crap and they're obviously just trying to tick people off....definitely NOT the case here!
concannon (edited Aug 21, 2003)
Yes, I think this is wonderful. Great style, and personally, I don't find it offensive at all. Spifftastic job. (I agree with taori, by the way.)
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 21, 2003)
it's terrific. as long as it's 18+, there really shouldn't be anyone complaining. personally, i think nudism is the most basic staple of traditional and modern art, and something tasteful like this should be seen by anyone who enjoys art (perhaps seen, but not explained, for the kiddies)
dragon_girl (edited Aug 22, 2003)
real nice you really cant see much of the picture. so what is the point of rating it 18
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drawn in 28 min with OekakiBBS
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