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Public Boards/Intermediate 
6 comments – latest 4:
lori (Jun 23, 2012)
I love all the detail in this.
elly (Jun 23, 2012)
Great mix of textures and detail! Your work is very good Sweetlove!! Keep it up! =)
Imperfect (Jun 24, 2012)
Amazing. Really interesting to watch how you built up the textures and colors here.
pawillie (Jun 24, 2012)
very nice
drawn in 2 hours 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (May 24, 2012)
Passed all my exams. Time to draw here again :)
8 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Jun 4, 2012)
Yea! Congrats on your exam outcome. Look forward to seeing some new work by you.

Loose and powerful strokes here.
Alter.Native (Jun 5, 2012)
wonderful light, as always..
Suntan (Jun 6, 2012)
way to go. :)
montezmaria (Jun 24, 2012)
Very nice.
drawn in 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Jun 23, 2012)
Teapot (Jun 23, 2012)
And speaking of Georgia O'Keefe....
Imperfect (Jun 24, 2012)
Pretty drawing...You've really nailed Oekaki ahaha.
drawn in 52 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Teapot (Aug 22, 2010)
Three of the most intriguing, complex and difficult (for me) parts of the body to draw. This is referenced from a photograph Alfred Stieglitz took of his wife, Georgia O'Keeffe in 1919.

Cleaning house. Old stuff. Rummage sale time.
10 comments – latest 4:
Alter.Native (Aug 31, 2010)
Liking this a lot!
davincipoppalag (Jun 23, 2012)
clavicle ear fingers almost sounds like some kind of fancy appetizer
lori (Jun 23, 2012)
it's that lady again isn't it?
Teapot (Jun 23, 2012)
No, Lori, this time it's from a ref photo of an actual person. Er, former person. No longer living type.
drawn in 2 hours 48 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
staci (Mar 29, 2009)
practice makes perfect. or close enough.

47 comments – latest 4:
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 6, 2010)
nice picture can't afford therapy, I live in Oregon; it's normal to be mentally off here. nice. (did you know mental illness is described as "not being in the behavior rules of the society"? leaves the door wide open.) Like that movie, "Never Let Me Go."
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 3, 2011)
I've been meaning to comment on this since I saw it some time after you first posted it, didn't do it just then and since have been too lazy to go looking for it when I was here, which isn't often anymore. Just now as it came up in the Showcase thumbnail strip I realized if I didn't do it now, I might never. You know I've always hated you because I'm so jealous of your talent, and loved you because you're so very real, which is rare. (and because you always inspired me to strive to do better)
This, I believe, is one of your best paintings, because as a self-portrait I see in that expression the Staci I think I've come to know and love/hate here. ;) Along with being absolutely perfect realism, you've done the impossible "capture the expression" thing... something that almost NEVER happens in a portrait. There's depth in those eyes, something fascinating behind them. Some people see that in the Mona Lisa and say that's why it's so upheld. (One major difference there is that I think she's ugly and you're beautiful, so... ONEUP on that one for sure... hah)
Teapot (Jun 23, 2012)
I've looked at this a lot of times and been blown away every time. I just now realized what I like about it most, the way you slightly exaggerated the things a camera does when the shot is a little overexposed and the flash is causing it. How the light shows the details in the skin in a way normal vision would never pick up on. And the corona of color around the iris. And the way the hues of the skin tones are uniformly off. It's a great painting of a 'bad' photograph. That and the killer cupid's bow mouth.
staci (Jun 23, 2012)
yes! you totally get it. this is a HORRIBLE picture, horrible. Bags, blotchy skin and all. if I had a zit that day I would have drawn it in as well. thanks!
drawn in 10 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Roytje and Dr.Moony (Jan 3, 2010)
Just a start. Will continue after dinner :)
38 comments – latest 4:
vlad.the.hamster (Jun 15, 2010)
Only just went through all the stages now... somehow it's even more incredible now.
cyclops (Jun 15, 2010)
..... gorgeous.
Flubbles (Jun 15, 2010)
Yes babes?
staci (Jun 23, 2012)
dang, all versions.
drawn in 10 hours 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Imperfect (Jun 19, 2012)
Wasn't drawing half the time, so the timer is inaccurate.
14 comments – latest 4:
Rat (Jun 21, 2012)
Man. If 2draw had a "favorites" feature, you'd be littering my page!
itchymonkey (Jun 22, 2012)
the Corgsta, if i'm not mistaken.
nice work..
how much time should it take? how much do you have?
karl (Jun 22, 2012)
i agree, time is first drawing i intentionally left the applet says i took 9 days haha
Teapot (edited Jun 22, 2012)
This is really fine. Love the skin and the lips and the eye wrinkles and...he has a very weird philtrum, doesn't he? Kind of looks like a baby Tom Cruise.
drawn in 8 hours 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
7 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Jun 17, 2012)
You are on a hot streak here. Lucky us! Really enjoying your work.
paladin590 (Jun 18, 2012)
Great Job Em.
shults (Jun 18, 2012)
I like looking at it. I even stopped my own drawing to look at it earlier. :)
itchymonkey (Jun 22, 2012)
drawn in 2 hours 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Alter.Native (Jun 19, 2012)
7 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Jun 20, 2012)
Yeah, the ear looks better now.

You draw the most awesome eyes.
Teapot (Jun 20, 2012)
What's this from? Beautiful job on the face.
Alter.Native (edited Jun 21, 2012)
Thank you both!

Teapot: it's a composition i thought about..basically..title comes from a Blade Runner quote, the angle of the face comes from a Fiona Apple image, while everything else, including characteristics, expression, bkg, colors etc, my own stuff.
Teapot (Jun 21, 2012)
Oh, Fiona. No wonder it looked familiar. I like it all very much. And thanks for the explanation.
drawn in 5 hours 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (Dec 23, 2011)
7 comments – latest 4:
Marion (Jun 18, 2012)
seven (Jun 19, 2012)
I think it looks brilliant
Teapot (Jun 19, 2012)
i want that hat. love the lights and shapes in the background.
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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