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Public Boards/Intermediate 
misterjimsan (Aug 2, 2005)
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 3, 2005)
Flowing pumpkin lanterns in a cavern..very cool
renire (Aug 3, 2005)
I dont get it. How did it take 2 hours?
darkshadow (Aug 3, 2005)
wow nice job on all the blending and mixing i liked the color of the first lantern you can see it in v2
like the colores and the way i turned out nice job
and also i can see how this would take 2 hours
Kasha (Aug 3, 2005)
lovely, I love the organic shapes.
drawn in 2 hours 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
TaCO (Aug 2, 2005)
I like colors
5 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Aug 2, 2005)
umm... no

The circle with the Line is a D.
My capital D's look like a circle with a Line
Xodiak (Aug 3, 2005)
Sexy naked lady, it takes a few seconds for Xod to realize the female form, but she looks great! >:D
hideyourface (Aug 3, 2005)
haha, sneakywalter..

I hope this place doesn't get filled with spend-more-time-on-future-drawings whores.
JK-Arts (Aug 3, 2005)
I do hope it gets filled with many skilled artist who spend more time on their drawlings.
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Seklyan (Jul 26, 2005)
i have no idea..... interpret it any way you like.
10 comments – latest 4:
Seklyan (Aug 2, 2005)
hey thanks a lot poppa. i think you might have sent me that. i honestly dont even know. i kinda dove into a drawing frenzy and didn't really looks to see what was what around this site.

And thanks Emma. XD it IS a scary clown isn't it.. ah well. fears manifest again.
TaCO (Aug 2, 2005)
It pulls me in and makes my mouth water. I think I want to eat It. This pic is beyond words. but the face flaws the pic.
Seklyan (Aug 3, 2005)
haha. it seems like i always do somethign at the last minute that totally messes with the rest of the picture. first the butterfly and the bear, and now this. i did the face because she was lacking one. i know in the first version she has one, but that face really didn't work when i made the changes to the rest of the pic. oh well.. better luck next time.
darkshadow (Aug 3, 2005)
the hair it is awasome dont know i am just drawn to it good pic
drawn in 3 hours 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
TaCO (Aug 1, 2005)
I start with a line, then i look for the dots, but I see no dots so I put another line then i look for more dots, but there are no dots. And i stay doing this until I find those dam dots.
4 comments – latest 4:
renire (Aug 2, 2005)
what are you on about?
davincipoppalag (Aug 2, 2005)
Derrick is a bit dotty.. lol
AmyLurvesRichard (Aug 2, 2005)
Odd picture care explaining?
TaCO (Aug 2, 2005)
You don't wan't me to explain.
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
p3ndragon (Aug 1, 2005)
Oh wow.
It would be really awesome if this had anything to do with Wasil at all. But it doesn't.
I'm going to draw another one!

Dear W,
Happy Birthday!
2 comments – latest 2:
TaCO (Aug 1, 2005)
This is Awesome!!!!!
Looks like something I would hang on a wall.
Maiko (Aug 1, 2005)
X3 awww danke~ <3
It's awesome O_o looovely design
drawn in 1 hour 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Orkdoop (Aug 1, 2005)
*sigh* I just wanted to do something fun and easy...because Im sooo bored today....
so this is the profile of a girl, and I drew it because profiles are the most easy, and my fav...and uhh green is my favorite color.
2 comments – latest 2:
TaCO (Aug 1, 2005)
I love It!!!
It has a good feel and flow.

And green is my fav color to. Well actually olive green.
Xodiak (Aug 7, 2005)
She is pretty, I like her cheek alot. >:)
drawn in 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
TaCO (Aug 1, 2005)
senseless makes sense make sense.
dose that make sense to the seneless???
2 comments – latest 3:
TaCO (Aug 1, 2005)
drawn in 20 min
just playing for now.
davincipoppalag (Aug 1, 2005)
I sense the sense in the senslessness..that's my two cents
TaCO (Aug 1, 2005)
looks like copper.
does that make sense???
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
What is beautiful?
LisaAnne (Aug 1, 2005)
Human beauty and other proportional systems... I always find it interesting how mathematical everything seems to be, yet so many artists "hate math". I don't know if I agree or think that things are really broken down to just numbers, but I do think that things can be broken down into smaller units, if we see fit. Anyway I don't have alot to say, just thought it was interesting, and wanted to see other's thoughts on it. What do you think defines beauty? ...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
solve (Jul 31, 2005)
for lisa.
9 comments – latest 4:
inatyrb (Aug 1, 2005)
Beautiful art as always Marcus. I love it. very smooth. Very nice. ^^
TaCO (Aug 1, 2005)
Great color
Looks like she's over inflated.
Kenshin (Aug 1, 2005)
I really like the skin colors.
The lines are really smooth, it looks great :3
Xodiak (Aug 1, 2005)
Very beautiful and smooth lines! She is so pretty. <:)
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Advanced 
hideyourface (Jul 22, 2005)
my first advanced. tell me what to do with it.

(The lines would be straighter if I actually had a tablet -_-)
23 comments – latest 4:
Animegirl250 (Jul 31, 2005)
I like it ^_^
nekodesu (Jul 31, 2005)
Great work on this. The murder looks awesome in this. :)
TaCO (Aug 3, 2005)
O.O Your Color choices kick @ss!!!
vertex (Feb 4, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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