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Public Boards/Intermediate 
catfish (Feb 19, 2009)
ref from a post card
6 comments – latest 4:
catfish (Feb 20, 2009)
Thank you
Suntan (Feb 20, 2009)
Is that you enjoying your day? Nice pic! :)
catfish (Feb 20, 2009)
I enjoy being outdoors playing golf or fishing or just enjoying God's gift of nature
gloworm043 (Feb 20, 2009)
I think somebody's anxious for warmer! I like how you distanced the background and made it look like early morning mist...well done Cat...:)
drawn in 3 hours 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nekoampy (Feb 18, 2009)
This was a bit of a challenge, I used one layer, only the pen tool, no pen pressure, and no reference. All things considered I'm very happy with the end results. If the moderators do not believe this to be of Intermediate Skill, I implore you to move this down to beginners before a problem starts.
9 comments – latest 4:
Nekoampy (Feb 19, 2009)
Lol, idk but for some reason or because of some personal stigma, I doubt I'll ever be ready for the advanced board lol. But thats wonderfully nice of you to say. Thank you all for your very kind comments.
montezmaria (Feb 19, 2009)
Very nice work and well deserved to be here. Love the coloring you did this in. She is very pretty and the shading throughout is really nicely done as well.
Miss_DJ (Feb 19, 2009)
very nice work
firecracker (Feb 19, 2009)
Very nice draw....what does she have in her hand? It looks like a sparkler. :)
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
QTgillie (Feb 14, 2009)
doesn't quite look like her yet tho
18 comments – latest 4:
QTgillie (edited Feb 18, 2009)
Flubbles wins with the actress and Hiro you were correct with it being the same actress as Pirates. I don't know, I think her hair and her outfit need a bit more work. Oh, yes...too many details!
montezmaria (Feb 18, 2009)
Oh this is so nice. You've really out did yourself on this, wow. What a gorgeous blue to her outfit and that hat is so full of detail. Wonderful job.
enjoydotcom (Feb 19, 2009)
I am so not a Keira Knightly fan, but I love this drawing you did. Nice hair and blues. The feather on the hat looks very soft.
QTgillie (Feb 19, 2009)
Thank you both Marie and enjoy. Very appreciative.
drawn in 4 hours 55 min with Chicken Paint
ChalkDust (Jan 16, 2009)
No refs except for the hand, I posed my own hand with a pair of scissors.

***Thank you all so very much! : )
14 comments – latest 4:
enjoydotcom (Jan 30, 2009)
You have such an imaginative way of drawing. The details are excellent, especially on the ... heck... everywhere!
Miss_DJ (Jan 31, 2009)
very likeable draw creative!
GrowingArtist (edited Feb 1, 2009)
Very dark, sad, and I love it so much. Very creative :) Reminds me of a sort of twisted Alice?
brit24 (Feb 19, 2009)
hey it's your sister. I love this picture, great detail! Can't wait to see what you do next!
drawn in 16 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Miss_DJ (Feb 17, 2009)
9 comments – latest 4:
enjoydotcom (Feb 18, 2009)
This is a giggle, I see the exploded bunny sticking out his tongue.
Miss_DJ (Feb 18, 2009)
glad you all appreciate my sense of humor! joyce, it's a doggy, his ears are wet and floppin
enjoydotcom (Feb 18, 2009)
Ohhh, I see it now, flipping between V3 and V4 :D. Even more of a giggle.
Miss_DJ (Feb 18, 2009)
haha...that is pretty funny the way the water flies all over then. just like it does with my Belle.
drawn in 1 hour 30 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Marion (Jan 8, 2009)
7 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Feb 18, 2009)
I agree! what a difficult pose this must have been to do and so beautifully done. :)
enjoydotcom (Feb 18, 2009)
Very good drawing, again. :D. Ben niet anders van je gewend.
firecracker (Feb 18, 2009)
Awesome picture!!! :)
Miss_DJ (Feb 18, 2009)
great drawing of Simone. What an awkward position of her hands to duplicate! Nice.
drawn in 3 hours 43 min with Chicken Paint
jpjp1052 (Feb 15, 2009)
One of my favorite paintings, so I had to try to draw it.
7 comments – latest 4:
Sodefeather (Feb 17, 2009)
simple and neat, it's a good classic style =)
elly (Feb 17, 2009)
Nice and painterly! She has such a sweet face! Nice one! =)
gel_o (Feb 17, 2009)
Awesome jpjp! One of your very best paintings for sure. Wow.
Suntan (Feb 18, 2009)
I tried this once, omg. lol....Sweet success on this one. ;)
drawn in 3 hours 25 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
catfish (Feb 13, 2009)
ref from a calender
7 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (edited Feb 13, 2009)
How fun, I think you and Dave would create something wonderful like this. :)
firecracker (Feb 13, 2009)
"Ooohhh"....I love this picture!! I want to "move in" to that lighthouse!!! My german shepherd and I would be very happy to live there!! "LOL"!! I would be fishing every day!!! Very nice draw "catfish"!! :)
catfish (Feb 14, 2009)
Thank you very much
gloworm043 (Feb 16, 2009)
This is really pretty Cat....great colors and detail. Very well done! ....:)
drawn in 2 hours 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
QTgillie (Jan 31, 2009)
right now the sun is shinning on my computer so I cannot exactly tell what this looks like....have to finish tonight or tomorrow.
24 comments – latest 4:
jpjp1052 (Feb 8, 2009)
Looks beautiful...and delicious.
elly (edited Feb 8, 2009)
Oh this is fab QT! It's very painterly looking but photolistic as well! Very unique effect! Nice!!!
BTW, I'll have some please... =O
FuzzyWuzzy (Feb 8, 2009)
Mmmmmmm yummy! This has a wonderful quality about it and it looks tasty to boot!
QTgillie (Feb 15, 2009)
thanks all, serving at 9:00, next week during the oscars.
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with Chicken Paint
QTgillie (Feb 6, 2009)
7 comments – latest 4:
catfish (Feb 15, 2009)
this is good, it reminds me of when I was a kid playing "hide and go seek" hugh, that's not poison ivy is it?
Suntan (Feb 15, 2009)
I like the weathered wood. Reminds me of my dog..when he goes and scouts around the under edges of the old barn for woodchucks or something. Speaking of old barns...elly? ;)
firecracker (Feb 15, 2009)
Very very nice.....I like the finished picture. It reminds me of our old chicken coop that we had in our back yard when I was a kid. I remember one time I saw a big snake slithering it's way underneath the chicken went under a log, and I stepped on the log to hold the snake down....and I called for my Dad. he came and he managed to get a hold of the snake....he said it was a copperhead. Thanks for the "memory"!! A great draw!! :)
QTgillie (Feb 15, 2009)
TYVM dave, fire, gel, cat, sun and Fire!!
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Chicken Paint
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