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Public Boards/Beginner 
cyclops (Sep 27, 2009)
11 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Sep 29, 2009)
Yesterday I thought the brown thing was his hair. I've no idea why.
But youve a nice style.
Bubblicious (Sep 29, 2009)
Nice >:)
cyclops (Sep 29, 2009)
drawn in 16 min
thanks guys.
dorothyblueeyes (Sep 29, 2009)
wow ,great
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
Flubbles (Nov 15, 2008)
10 comments – latest 4:
bette_davis_eyes (Nov 18, 2008)
great likeness flubbles!
backmagicwoman (Sep 28, 2009)
Not sure how i missed this..but this is HOTTT! ..
Flubbles (edited Sep 28, 2009)
If you think this is hot...Check out my hairy man draw.
backmagicwoman (Sep 28, 2009)
Hairy men draws are super hot!
drawn in 9 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Flubbles (Aug 11, 2008)
22 comments – latest 4:
Nekoampy (Sep 28, 2009)
Flubs is right backmagicwoman, this one is hotter.
backmagicwoman (Sep 28, 2009)
Wow!..that is hot...I am especailly drawn to the pitted scars on his know i got a thing for cheeks...
Flubbles (Sep 28, 2009)
I drew this back when i didn't draw ferret penis's,and took my art more seriously.
backmagicwoman (Sep 28, 2009)
I like your ferret's SEXY!!..
drawn in 17 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
staci (Nov 18, 2008)
i used a REFRANCE. movie still from phantom of the opera.
20 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (Feb 6, 2009)
the textures on all your surfaces (face, hair, rose, lace) are phenomenal. Wonderful work.
transienthobo (Mar 5, 2009)
ohhh... how i envy you! Such beautiful, subtle details.
raeli (Sep 28, 2009)
the lace is suuch a nice touch!
backmagicwoman (Sep 28, 2009)
I know you have a lot of amazing stuff..but this is definitely one of my favorites of yours...
drawn in 3 hours 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
cyclops (Sep 25, 2009)
hey man, sorry I couldn't make it to the Penis Party, I worked all day and now i'm just beat
11 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Sep 27, 2009)
drawn in 55 min
weiner time
Flubbles (Sep 27, 2009)
This should get bumped to the front again.
staci (Sep 27, 2009)
i like where you put your sig.
backmagicwoman (Sep 27, 2009)
I wish it would have been a tattoo right on his ball sack...
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
PolythenePam (Jun 25, 2008)

Hey! You! Get outta my studio!
35 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Sep 26, 2009)
I'm not a big reader.If i read it's normally a biography, i find them quite interesting.
backmagicwoman (Sep 26, 2009)
I usually prefer horror..or more darkly oriented children's books..and sometimes historical fiction..depending on the subject matter....Read one a while back called The Historian..relly enjoyed it...
firecracker (Sep 26, 2009)
I never heard of "Midnight Meat Train" sounds good though. I really liked the car chase at the end of "Death Proof" too.....but I really liked the whole movie.....I thought it was one of Tarentino's better movies. One of the reasons why I liked it was because Kurt Russel was in it.....I've always liked him, even though he gets killed in this movie....."lolz"!! :)
drawn in 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
cyclops (Sep 26, 2009)
for Lori
20 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Sep 26, 2009)
You dont have to be nice, we both know it's a bit pants.
staci (Sep 26, 2009)
i like his blue underpants. i noticed on your second revision you added something inside them. or am i seeing things?
Flubbles (Sep 26, 2009)
He definitely added a skidmark.I posted a link to some underpants simular to these in the forums once, they came in orange and white aswell.I was thinking about buying a pair.
cyclops (Sep 27, 2009)
underwear candy.
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Sep 19, 2009)
15 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Sep 19, 2009)
Cool, marcello. I see five layers of cans. Even if this was your experiment, it would be very cool, indeed.
marcello (Sep 20, 2009)
axil: yea, I noticed that depending how you cross your eyes it will sometimes look like that...
I just used your original image. Of course, all of the cans are flat...
Axil62 (edited Sep 20, 2009)
None the less, it was pretty cool of you to do that. You've created the living breathing thing called 2Draw and you spend almost zero time interacting with the people here, like you enjoy just sitting back and watching it all happen. I'm sure that the man behind the curtain is busy busy busy tweaking little knobs and pressing important buttons to keep it all afloat seemingly effortlessly but when you do come out from behind the curtain and interact with us common folk it makes that person feel good knowing that you do see what we do and you do think about it, so thanks.

P.S. I'm not sure I'll use the cans for my experiment and I may as well divulge exactly what it will be. It will be crude in comparison to your generating that image but hopefully entertaining at least to a few. I'm going to attempt a 3D image, you know, the kind you wear the red and blue glasses to see. I've ordered some 20 pair of the glasses and I was thinking of sending a pair to whomever may want to take a peek at the image through them if they don't already have some. Of course, this all depends on whether or not I am successful at generating a true 3D image using Lascaux. If I am maybe it will catch on and we'll have a rash of people here giving it a go at generating their own 3D images.
Miss_DJ (Sep 26, 2009)
I need a pair please, Axil.
drawn in 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
ChalkDust (Sep 19, 2009)
13 comments – latest 4:
ChalkDust (Sep 21, 2009)
Thanks all. : )
@Enjoy--Ha ha, I use colour to counter my thoughts in a way; Someone asked me that same question not too long ago. I wish I thought in this kind of colour though.
backmagicwoman (Sep 21, 2009)
I always enjoy your style so's very unique...and so pretty..
Alter.Native (Sep 22, 2009)
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 24, 2009)
awesome! you draw the most interesting pictures .. I am always intrigued by your work :)
drawn in 4 hours 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
cyclops (Sep 20, 2009)
10 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Sep 22, 2009)
yes i see what you mean. i will try again.
backmagicwoman (Sep 22, 2009)
Looks like little zombie baby (no offense)..from this movie i watched the other day called Grace...
Suntan (Sep 22, 2009)
When I made my first comment, I meant it in a good way. Even if the eyes are not what you wanted, the painting is still great to me as it is. :)
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 24, 2009)
this is nice.. I love that eery look in the eyes
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Chicken Paint
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