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Public Boards/Beginner 
Shiek (Nov 17, 2002)
The animation's screwed up ><'
3 comments – latest 3:
Shiek (edited Nov 17, 2002)
Oh yeah, did I mention this isn't done yet? ._.' Sorry. I'll finish it ASAP.
Sweallii (edited Nov 19, 2002)
Cool and cute ^_^
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
so cute!
drawn in 20 hours with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Nov 20, 2002)
Still not finished. I need to decide on a background, maybe try some shading. I was debating whether or not to change the colors to yellow and green, haven't come to a decision on that yet.
3 comments – latest 3:
marcello (edited Nov 21, 2002)
Ya it's cool, dunno about cute ;)
finish it!
Shiek (edited Nov 22, 2002)
-_- The animation's fooked up, I can't continue drawing.
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
awwwww its sooo cute!
drawn in 2 hours 38 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Nov 23, 2002)
A roleplaying character of mine, in his younger years-- before his ears were partially ripped off and his body was covered in scars. Those scars across his eyes are the souvinier(sp?) of his rough puphood. *nods* He's a sorry old wolfie, for sure.

Edited it a bit. Geez I suck at backgrounds ><'
5 comments – latest 4:
digiqueen (edited Nov 24, 2002)
marcello (edited Nov 24, 2002)
finish it!
furyofroy (edited Nov 25, 2002)
I like it very much! looks almost disneyish (not to offend you or anything)
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
this one is very nice too!!! ^_~ (dont worry i didnt actually steal ur other pic it was jus a lil *steals ur pic* joke lol:P)
drawn in 1 hour 54 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Nov 25, 2002)
One of Scrawn's friends, on and off. o_O I, uh, forgot the wings... but -damn-, I'm proud o' that tree!
1 comment – latest 1:
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
omg that is sooooo nice!!!! dam i wish i could draw like u!!! *steals the pic*
drawn in 2 hours 42 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Nov 27, 2002)
Not sure if I like this one too much... I mean, what's up with the blue outline? O-o
1 comment – latest 1:
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
its very good! it doesnt matter bout the outline *in awe of ure greatness in drawing*
drawn in 23 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Nov 27, 2002)
This particular dog looks like an amputee...
1 comment – latest 1:
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
ooooo its so nice!
drawn in 55 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Dec 2, 2002)
Awful awful awful awful awful. x_x At least it's practice...
1 comment – latest 1:
_Sakura_ (edited Dec 21, 2002)
i dont think its awful! i think its very nice! keep up the good work n_n
drawn in 46 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Dec 18, 2002)
Unfinished. But ph33r it anyway.
1 comment – latest 1:
furyofroy (edited Dec 18, 2002)
\/3ry |\|1(3. |-|3|-|3. j00 5p3113|) +H3 \/\/r0|\|g.
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Nov 9, 2002)
TaiBor lives on a planet where the grass is blue and the sky is orange. The clouds there are purple because of a bizzarre pie-factory accident. The sun's green, but not as green as TaiBor. TaiBor has purple eyes, but not because of a pie-factory. ((o_O; Strange things happen when the imagination is allowed to wander.))
2 comments – latest 2:
Tamayo (edited Dec 17, 2002)
^_^ Niftyful, my friend!
Shiek (edited Dec 17, 2002)
Why thank you. Drawn anything yet?
drawn in 1 hour 35 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Nov 23, 2002)
The mysterious mountain bean, finally caught on film! This is a rare glimpse into this secretive animal's life indeed.
2 comments – latest 2:
Fin_beast (edited Dec 14, 2002)
LOL! Love random!
Shiek (edited Dec 17, 2002)
Random is my middle name. =p
drawn in 55 min with OekakiBBS
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