Date of Birth:
Feb 7, 2004
Last Access:
Dec 22, 2008 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a stinky game, right now? Or a warm ping-pong ball diving under a billiard ball? Or an honest rabid dog tossing with an incredibly unfunny rabid dog? Or a musical instrument? Or a plaid programmer saying, "is it hot in here?", on something? Or a drunken ping-pong table thinking? |
Marcello, get off my newbie A**! But really, srry 'bout the burryness.
Feb 12, 2004 |
Hey! this guy is stait out of the ADnD 3 edition Monster manual!! Cheat Cheat Cheat!!
Feb 7, 2004 |
Geebus Cripes!! My 7 year old cosin can draw better on walls!
Feb 7, 2004 |
Hey it's my mom's first work! I found it! A bit sketchy, tho' ok for a first. Well... on computer, s...
Feb 7, 2004 |