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Public Boards/Beginner 
Marienkind (Apr 25, 2005)
Asian girl. No reference. Blah. :P I'll stick to big eyes and small mouths.
6 comments – latest 4:
The_Chosen (edited Apr 25, 2005)
very pretty love the hair
Pence (Apr 25, 2005)
oooh, i love the hair! The whole effect of the picture is just so smooth and perfect. XD
Xodiak (Apr 25, 2005)
So pretty asian girl... Makes Xod want to brush her beautiful hair. >:)
Hakkai (Apr 25, 2005)
It looks wonderful! And you said you were bad at this. =[
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
amalee22 (Apr 25, 2005)
Kinda cute, huh? in a wierd, horror, twisted, phyco kind way
1 comment – latest 1:
Punky (Apr 25, 2005)
*hugs* thats just cute,not pyscho or twisted orwierd. just cute.
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
sincity (Apr 25, 2005)
Had this Idea in my head for a few days now and wanted to spit it out before it went away. May redo it another time on the advanced board. Now, Off to work. Later all. :}
2 comments – latest 2:
Punky (Apr 25, 2005)
i like the concept. :)
davincipoppalag (Apr 25, 2005)
This would be great on advanced in true mikey fashion..look forward to seeing that
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DireOnion (Apr 25, 2005)
2 comments – latest 2:
Punky (Apr 25, 2005)
i love how you did the smokey stuffs.
Ty854 (Apr 25, 2005)
Cool! It looks like a birch tree!..with orange stuff floating out of it!
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Zaffie (Apr 25, 2005)
I'm thinking maybe I should of posted it on the intermediate board...
2 comments – latest 2:
kougra (Apr 25, 2005)
wow! thats awechum! i love the shading! can you teach me? *huggles*
Punky (Apr 25, 2005)
i actully think it should stay on this board. :P
i do like your shading howevevr. :)
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Apr 24, 2005)
the nightmare before christmas is my favorite movie in the whole world!
3 comments – latest 3:
Punky (Apr 24, 2005)

*hugs* makes me wanna do a nightmare before christmas pic too. :0
Katsumi (edited Apr 24, 2005)
How cool >o<
I love how you shaded it ^o^
Truearashi (Apr 25, 2005)
ow yeah!! he kick ass ^_^
the face is just so cool with the eyes *pat pat*
drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Apr 25, 2005)
That extra fun feeling.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 25, 2005)
Im always happy to see a new Cloxpic.. especially an unusual one.. Nice
Xodiak (Apr 25, 2005)
Hehe, I like the huge mouth with the large teeth! Being that talented is a nice kind of misery. Your drawing style is so... incloxicating. Awesome. >:)
Alex-Cooper (Apr 25, 2005)
That's gorgeous. Seriously. I bet you get all the ladies flocking to you and your skilled hands. I like his teeth and the drab colors.
Punky (Apr 25, 2005)
i love this very much. :)
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Punky (Apr 24, 2005)
its a little jack skellington thingy. i dunno.
2 comments – latest 2:
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Apr 25, 2005)
thats so cool! i love how u drew it!
Punky (Apr 25, 2005)
thanks. <)
drawn in 16 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Zinc (Apr 23, 2005)
i have no idear.
3 comments – latest 3:
Punky (Apr 23, 2005)
i like this alot! :)
nice job, i love it!
Chezas_Place (Apr 23, 2005)
i think he is seksi.can i marry him?
method3 (Apr 24, 2005)
I just watched Cast Away yesterday... Wilson the volleyball has been resurrected as an evil thing and has come back to feast on people's brains! Kekeke... that's what it reminds me of now anyway.
drawn in 11 hours 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Xodiak (Apr 4, 2005)
19 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Apr 5, 2005)
Even tho' a million people have said this, I'm going to say it again "Yay, Xod's back!".
evil_cloud (Apr 6, 2005)
a wonderful and hot picture :)
MoonlitShadow (Apr 7, 2005)
Welcome back n.n
Kenshin (Apr 24, 2005)
-late- Where did you go? o.o; Welcome back n___n
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 8 min with PaintBBS
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