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Specialty Boards/Collaborations | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2D + Murdoc
Sorry if I took up all the room! Fack, the lineart took ages =P
– latest 4:
inatyrb (Jul 11, 2005)
I always thought 2D was the best looking, but murdoc has got one sexy body there. That's hard to pass down. Love tall lean guys. Tis very sexy. ^^ I love this. Great job. Gorillaz are awesome.
squee (Jul 11, 2005)
2D is the hottest. Murdoc is just sexy as hell. o_o
LasRever (Jul 22, 2005)
Murdoc and 2D look molestable! Even tho Murdoc always seems to give off sleazy vibes XD
AuschwitzBurns (Jul 22, 2005)
Gorillaz! |
The Four Seasons of the Year
– latest 4:If you want to do a season, put up your hand. Rules -Include the season you want to do in the message. If a season has already been chosen, choose another one (summer is taken). -Reply quickly- only the first three repliers can revise the image. -If you need to use two layers, put the background on layer 0 and the foreground on layer 1. Try not to use 3 layers, but if you have to you can. -Draw something sensible. You can draw any season in any box, but anything not related to seasons will not be tolerated. -Have Fun! That is all. There! my part's done
Kabomb (Jul 15, 2005)
Okay! All done :). Good job to you all and thankyou!:P
renire (Jul 15, 2005)
ooh! well done everyone, and thankyou ^_^
AuschwitzBurns (Jul 22, 2005)
Ooooh, Purdy! |
Colour anyone?
– latest 4:EDIT: Coloured by Silver Maiden. Great job.
Urei-sama (Jul 10, 2005)
bah... i wanted to color itI'm so sorry that it's taking me so long, I have to do alot of things before school. But I did manage do do the base colors and most of the scales on the serpent. I really hope the colors are ok. It was the only colors I thought would really fit it. I have to finish the scales and do the BG. I will more than likely finish today or tomorrow. Hope u like it! ^^
HunterKiller_ (Jul 22, 2005)
It's brilliant! Great choice of colours.yay!! im done!! w00t! Yesterday I had done this entry and accendently exited out of the wrong window.
I was like "OMG!!! NOoooo!" But this morning it reapeared and I'm like "Hallelujah!" I hope you like it Hunter!! ^^ |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
– latest 4:
sephiroth54321 (Jul 9, 2005)
was this drawn in watercolor? Welcome back Hakkai, hey, now that your back maybe you could help me on that collab. :)
SanzoGirl (Jul 9, 2005)
Welcome back. ^_^ Wait, your hoodie is green now? What happened to the orange one? O_o;
sephiroth54321 (Jul 9, 2005)
green looks sexier..:)
Akechi456 (Jul 21, 2005)
i like black.black is..blacker!!!>.< green ears... |
(Jul 12, 2005)
Done with my part of the art trade. Hope you like it.Psst. I'm getting pretty gewd with this black lineart. I think so atleast. =/ I might just stick with this for a while.
Xodiak (Jul 12, 2005)
She has nice cheeks, Xod wants to pinch them! <:D|XOD|
squee (Jul 12, 2005)
Wrong.. I was thinking... erm.. MOOSE!
Punky (Jul 14, 2005)
Well, you see, I got it wrong on purpose because...er.. if i got it right ...YOUR PUNY MIND WOULD EXPLODE OUT OF SHEER AMAZEMENT! ...yeah, thats it.
Akechi456 (Jul 21, 2005)
awesome...squee pretty..::steals sweater:: i like this color..0.o |
(Jul 12, 2005)
I couldn't find the actual project I did, but I took the scans off of the teacher's website. Click here for the Manga or comic project I did, staring Koinu-kun! Note: The do0dles were during English class.. I was bored and read ahead of the class when I was at home. =/ The Japanese was hard and I had ALOT ALOT of help from Gigandas and I think a little help from Mai. I don't really remember since this was a while ago. Oh! And Page 8 is missing. It was there in the project, but the teacher never scaned it in. P.s. My penart is horrible. I had to finish this project during several classes the day it was due. P.p.s. I used TRIP's fanart for the back cover. The teacher didn't scan that in either. =/
Hakkai (Jul 12, 2005)
Kay. Link is fixed. =D
Animegirl250 (Jul 12, 2005)
cute! good luck on that manga!
squee (Jul 12, 2005)
The manga is awesome. ^_^;; too bad its hard to read.
Akechi456 (Jul 21, 2005)
good luck wit manga..meow.nice pic..very cute.. |
(Jun 27, 2005)
nekodesu (Jun 27, 2005)
>_O It's painful just looking at it.
squee (Jul 11, 2005)
Holy poopers that's possible?? !!!
emmamommalag (Jul 11, 2005)
Well, I don't know.. somebody at another site uses the name "Suntanned Toes" so I figured if they could be tanned.. they could be burnt. hehe
suzie (Jul 20, 2005)
Oh lee this made me laugh..and think of suntanned toes..:D |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 12, 2005)
done.. started out to draw something a little different lazyness mutated it into this but I still like it ^_^
stillremains (Jul 13, 2005)
jenny your stuff just gets better and better
Kabomb (Jul 13, 2005)
this is great. I really like the details on the dragon and the reflections on the water.
davincipoppalag (Jul 13, 2005)
Really good one..I particularly like where the dragon's body enters the water .This is a good one.
Shrinra (Jul 19, 2005)
0_o eeeeep! thats a big guardian! nice pic! *hides* |
(Apr 22, 2005)
It's a red-bellied woodpecker on the side of a tree.
emmamommalag (Jun 3, 2005)
Thanks, Gigge. :)
laurael (Jun 5, 2005)
You know what? This should have made it in showcase. This is wonderful. You should do more of these. :)
emmamommalag (Jun 13, 2005)
Why thank you, laurael.. that's so nice of you to say. :)
Pantera (Jul 19, 2005)
Oh, I want one, heis so cute and you did such a good job , love it, and I agree with Laurael :) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 26, 2005)
"The proper definition of ""Man"" is an animal that writes letters."~Charles Dodgson
Animegirl250 (Jun 27, 2005)
nice dragon. the intermediate board got better since i left.
Punky (Jun 27, 2005)
This is awesome. :)
Kraisa (Jun 27, 2005)
Glad you all like my jabberwocky-ish thingy guy.
dragonsouls787 (Jul 19, 2005)
Big fan of Dragons =) Good job. I like the combination of blended, and sketch! |
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