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Public Boards/Intermediate 
shudson (Apr 12, 2004)
So... what do you do when you don't want to draw certain parts of the anatomy? Leave them out of course! Obviously I'm refering to the hands ;) haha, can't spell!
4 comments – latest 4:
LovelyLori (Apr 12, 2004)
it's androgYnous... and this is cool but scary, lol
Xodiak (Apr 12, 2004)
It reminds me of the drawings a friend of mine draws, people with male bodies and female genitals and people with female bodies and male genitals! I like this kind of drawings! Very nice androgynous person. Xod finds her/him sexy! >:D
tappie_chan (Apr 13, 2004)
i'm lovin' the BG. very nice it is.
Pandora (Apr 13, 2004)
I think it's great just the way it is with the shading. I really like the hair.
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drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kasha (Apr 12, 2004)
yay! I learned about Hendri De Toulouse-Lautrec in Art History today. :) haha, when I saw this image I instanly feel in love with the sickly colors and the careless strokes that the lovely impressionist use. I don't think I can exactly capture the truthful artistic qualities of the actual painting but the colors and lighting effect looked really fun to do :D
9 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 12, 2004)
Toulouse-Lautrec was a dwarfish mishappen man. He felt outcast and started frequenting prostitutes. That led him to the Paris cabaret scene and most of his work was done in those places. I love his work. It is full of color and action. There was a great movie about him starring Jose Ferrer back in the 60's I believe. THis captures that flavor quite nicely. What was that saying? Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder? lol
Pandora (Apr 13, 2004)
I think you captured this beautifully. I wonder why he made the eyes so hollow looking. Did he not see anything in them?
Knockoff (Apr 13, 2004)
Really nice kasha! I love the colors also.
Also you did a great job with shading n stuff.
concannon (Apr 13, 2004)
Oh, I love Toulouse! Great job.

His full name: Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec Monfa.

Oh yes.
drawn in 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
shudson (Apr 12, 2004)
This one was fun
9 comments – latest 4:
thug (Apr 13, 2004)
very cool picture. I have seen the sky do this but you have drawn it really well, good job.
Knockoff (Apr 13, 2004)
Oh, this is lovely shudson. :) I love the clouds, there really good. They look real. :) I love the sky to, really soft colors!
Fin_beast (edited Jun 20, 2004)
Missed this one. Very nice.
Teh crepuscular rays are something I must try. :)
emmamommalag (Jun 22, 2004)
OH! Another one I missed. This is beautiful, Sarah. You did an excellent job backlighting the clouds. I love this. :)
drawn in 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
bananalicious (Apr 10, 2004)
not finished but i think its a good start
1 comment – latest 1:
Pandora (Apr 10, 2004)
I think it's a wonderful start. I like the brightness of the cross.
drawn in 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
zep (Apr 2, 2004)
a face trying to show a feeling
15 comments – latest 4:
foxman8245 (Apr 12, 2004)
this is nice... looks alomost like a chalk drawing
davincipoppalag (Apr 12, 2004)
...where did everyone come over from?
staci (Apr 12, 2004)
check your glasses! we followed axil from youdraw..well indirectly anyway..i could draw a chart of how it all spread but i would like to take credit for bringing dinoflorist and indirectly bringing the ever popular DBA. ; P
marcello (Apr 12, 2004)
I came from ... some other site. which I won't mention, cause.
drawn in 48 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Advanced 
davincipoppalag (Apr 11, 2004)
Just a scene that came to mind...
21 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Apr 15, 2004)
Yes! Poifect! : )
cmb (Apr 18, 2004)
Oh must try landscapes after seeing this!
debem (Apr 30, 2004)
I love the colors!!! I'd like to walk right into your painting and dip my feet in the ocean.
emmamommalag (edited May 4, 2004)
I just looked at all the versions.. The final version is very nice, but I think #2 is the best. The darker foreground allows your eye to be drawn to the water. It's a calmer and more inviting scene.
drawn in 2 hours 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Pandora (Apr 11, 2004)
I was drawing a cross but was booted, came back on started drawing a cross and this image appeared in the drawing. I followed it. It's strange when I take my things to galleries they always say bring nothing that is religious but how can an artist not feel whats in their heart? He was in my heart and I really want to share today for all that believe.
8 comments – latest 4:
Wraith (Apr 11, 2004)
Its pretty good! Dont pay attention to rude comments. These are the kinds of images I see in my dreams sometimes, so good job on trying to interpret what comes out of your mind. :D
marcello (Apr 11, 2004)
I was responding to the comment "they always say bring nothing that is religious"
Pandora (Apr 12, 2004)
I'm sorry, Marcello I misunderstood.
foxman8245 (Apr 12, 2004)
I love this.... after seeing "The Passion of the Christ", it's good to see some drawings on here of Jesus.
drawn in 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Pantera (Apr 10, 2004)
This is here on Oahu not far from where I live, I wish I could do a better job, because it is a beautiful site, and yes the name is Chinaman's Hat
6 comments – latest 4:
gloworm043 (Apr 11, 2004)
Beautiful...I love your colors and the water reflections...I'm trying to learn how to do that...pretty pic P.
Pandora (Apr 11, 2004)
I was in Maui and Kona and I have never seen anything so beautiful. This is truly like it.
Pantera (Apr 11, 2004)
Thank you all. I will practice making waves if I get good at it I will do a north shore drawing.
foxman8245 (Apr 12, 2004)
Hey, really nice outdoor scene!! I like the reflections off the water|!!
drawn in 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
scarfeh (Apr 9, 2004)
'Her name was Lola,she was a dancer.'My gym teacher always plays this song when we're in gym.I decided to draw my version of Lola.How does she look so far?
Edit:I guess she's fine.But my ma' thought the song went 'Her name was Lola,she was a showgirl.'Maybe she's right...maybe it's both.I might draw something for the's it called?'Blue' by LeAnn Rimes(and I probably spelt her name wrong).Then I'll hook up a printer and print it,then annoy my friend with it.She hates the song.Just kidding.But she does.I gues it's the yodel.
2 comments – latest 3:
Deformed (Apr 9, 2004)
Doin' good!! Just keep it up!!
Pandora (Apr 9, 2004)
Lola, I remember that song. I must say she looks like a Lola. Very nice draw.
scarfeh (Apr 10, 2004)
drawn in 9 min
I'm still working on the skin...must do background,too.My layers are messed up because I split the coloring into both the one that was supposed to be the color and the lineart one.Oh well.
drawn in 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
longway (Apr 4, 2004)
window and ivy
5 comments – latest 4:
Pandora (Apr 5, 2004)
The sheen on the curtains look real and the reflextion of the window with the pink is cool. Love seeing one of the ladies in the frame..Nice touch longway..really nice
LovelyLori (Apr 5, 2004)
good job... cool pic
longway (Apr 9, 2004)
drawn in 42 min
peaceful ivy afternoon....
laurael (Apr 9, 2004) likey...what a nice pic. Glad you came back, I always enjoyed your pics.
drawn in 3 hours 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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