Date of Birth:
Nov 2, 2008
Last Access:
Jun 29, 2009 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a cartoon character tracking a Thai fireman, right now? Or a mouth-watering fireman electrifying a drunk wall? Or an energetic horseman smashing a sharp girl with dignity? Or an American pyromaniac wearing a rock? Or a horseshoe saying, "I AM TEH BEST", with one thought in mind? Or a terrific maniac smashing a rugged squash carefully? |
Bingo! Well, specifically in some type of tube filled with water. I don't really know.
Feb 7, 2009 |
D'aww.. that's cute. (:
Feb 7, 2009 |
Thank you! Really? The eyes only took a few seconds.... well, nonetheless I do appreciate what you s...
Feb 7, 2009 |
Awww... that is so adorable!
Feb 7, 2009 |