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Public Boards/Beginner 
breac (Feb 18, 2004)
ver spooky.. oh, and the timer lies; I accidently refreshed the page ^_^; so I worked on it longer than 3 mins.
1 comment – latest 1:
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
its cute.. like tiny nightmare cute, GJ :)
drawn in 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
tattered_wing (Feb 18, 2004)
just a doodle...Im sorry its not very good...
3 comments – latest 3:
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
coooooool its all like dream looking. maybe you should make one with like tons of different random colors good job
davincipoppalag (Feb 18, 2004)
yea I like this too..very interesting interplay of dark and light.. you should work on this some more and refine it..could be a really good one..
jq (Feb 28, 2004)
cool- looks kinda like the TV when it's all outta wack
drawn in 29 min with PaintBBS
lilypad (Feb 18, 2004)
2 comments – latest 2:
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
hehe this is cool, its purplyness is awesome too. i especially like the green swirly thing on the I good job
lilypad (Feb 18, 2004)
thx! the swirly thing is a lilypad, in honer of my name. purple is also my fave colour, so i put it whereever i can. ^^
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
foxman8245 (Feb 18, 2004)
Hmmm... I dont know what it is LOL.... another one of those "Gee, am I bored" drawings. I put it in the theme board 'cause I got tired of looking at that dollar bill.
5 comments – latest 4:
foxman8245 (Feb 18, 2004)
Good idea... a monster theme would be cool.!.
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
sweet it looks like it could be an offspring of a gibbering mouther and... an amoeba... wow
tattered_wing (Feb 18, 2004)
^^ nice. looks like Lefty from Parasite
Gigandas (Feb 18, 2004)
This looks awesome.Like tattered_wing said, looks like a parasite.A parasite that's starting to evolve into a creature.
drawn in 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
staci (Feb 18, 2004)
2 comments – latest 2:
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
it looks ghostly :O
davincipoppalag (Feb 23, 2004)
I like halftone portraits.. This one is nice.. vaguely familar..though I dont really know why (maybe looks a little like Paul Peterson from the old Donna Reed TV show from the 70s? )
drawn in 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
15grifficorntears (Feb 17, 2004)
This is me in human form, surrounded by fire. It is very hot
2 comments – latest 3:
15grifficorntears (Feb 18, 2004)
drawn in 21 min
I've caught fire.
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
time to burn... WITH A FURY!!!!
darklittlewolf (Feb 20, 2004)
FIRE!!!!! me like alot
drawn in 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
'look into my eyes and i'll take you away, let me save you name for another day, just relax and breathe done try to stray, because im here for you and im here to stay' :)
5 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
well i try
DieChan (Feb 18, 2004)
Wow.... *is speechless* I don't wanna be the one to assume anything, but, IS DAT FOR ME?!?!?! IZZO CUTE i LOVE IT!! Pretty much right on it, too... Your character ish so cool looking. Your best coloring (besides the phoenix) yet. Did I mention that I love it? ^^
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
HOORAY IM SPECIAL ONCE AGAIN. i love it when you do that :)zZzZzZz *dreamy eyed* :D :D :D i love it!! i cant smile enough for it, because i would eventually die!
SaheraNights (Mar 15, 2004)
-sniff- like romeo and juliet..-sniff-
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
cursive (Feb 18, 2004)
this is a mess . I tried to color and shade the skin but then...I dont know >.>
6 comments – latest 4:
cursive (Feb 18, 2004)
hee thanks :D
darklittlewolf (Feb 20, 2004)
i like the colors... its pertty *shake fist* your too good
Noremac (Feb 22, 2004)
woah... very nice cursive and welcome to hell... i mean 2draw :)
SaheraNights (Feb 24, 2004)
So.. Cool! must resist..! NO! -bangs head on desk- I'm ok
drawn in 2 hours 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Yair (Feb 17, 2004)
(Mental) Issues inside.
I like ye'a mad skills!, That Rules!!!
5 comments – latest 4:
Virus (Feb 18, 2004)
hehe. what did greenshoes do to that... erm, ham, or whatever that thing is? cool background. how did you do that thing with the circles?
concannon (Feb 18, 2004)
Haha. *amused*
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
ZOMBIES!!! i love zombie make a zombie one!!
larcilem (Feb 18, 2004)
I like your art, it's amusing.
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kirby34221 (Feb 16, 2004)
I kinda messed-up... The BG is what I'm talkin' about.. PLEASE COMMENT! T.T
5 comments – latest 4:
DieChan (Feb 17, 2004)
Really? Do you know me from there of all places? Do you have a username there, too? If so, what is it? Anyway with the pic, I think it's cute for a first try. But Marcello's right, it's too blurry. And it's lacking shading. You might wanna use layers, too. But this is only your first try, right? RIGHT?! *hypervenelates* Well if it's not, oh well. I'm not a mean and evil person, and I don't wanna be, but the BG could use some work. I'm only trying to give construcive criticism which is good for an aspiring artist. (Look at me sounding like a high school art teacher or something...) Oh, and use Oekaki Shi-Painter, ish teh best! ^^
marcello (Feb 17, 2004)
no, it isn't
DieChan (Feb 18, 2004)
*sits on Marcello* Hush you. ô_- It was an opinion. Nothing wrong with opinions.
Noremac (Feb 18, 2004)
i wanna be sat on.... :(
drawn in 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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