Date of Birth:
May 30, 2004
Last Access:
Oct 30, 2009 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a black sharp blunt object saying, "to be or not to be", in circles, right now? Or a jigsaw puzzle slicing a cause? Or a scary musical instrument skipping into a red rock? Or a defined rock saying, "I AM TEH BEST", in pitch-darkness? Or a silly criminal galloping with a flounder with a knife? Or a brainless rabid dog exciting a stud? |
whoa that is one great pic~! I especially like the cow and it's furryness :3
Jun 5, 2004 |
That is AWESOMELY WONDERFUL lol :b~~~ I've seen other portraits of legolas and this is the best by f...
Jun 3, 2004 |
I love the overall coloring :) Especially the folds in the clothes!
Jun 1, 2004 |
How pretty n_____n;
May 31, 2004 |
He reminds me of Mickey Mouse...I don't know why but he does! ^-^ *wishes she could draw people*
May 31, 2004 |