Date of Birth:
May 30, 2004
Last Access:
Oct 30, 2009 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing an incredibly funny guy kissing an idiot, right now? Or some terrific beer hurling without a white republican? Or a decided mouse sleeping, on a bike? Or a decided frog hurling around a mouth-watering musical instrument? Or a soccer player skipping with an honest ping-pong table? Or a blunt shoe squashing a snazzy chicken with a temper? |
whoa that is one great pic~! I especially like the cow and it's furryness :3
Jun 5, 2004 |
That is AWESOMELY WONDERFUL lol :b~~~ I've seen other portraits of legolas and this is the best by f...
Jun 3, 2004 |
I love the overall coloring :) Especially the folds in the clothes!
Jun 1, 2004 |
How pretty n_____n;
May 31, 2004 |
He reminds me of Mickey Mouse...I don't know why but he does! ^-^ *wishes she could draw people*
May 31, 2004 |