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Public Boards/Beginner 
mkkmypet (Sep 24, 2005)
Hey! Who remembers me? Please don't glomp me to death if you do (like the picture)! I'm back and hopefully I'll be staying. I've improved quite a lot, and you'll see that when I get over to the intermediate boards soon. C+C is welcomed. This was sort of a quickie, but I think it's pretty good for the time it took. Cookies to anyone who can name all the special people in the picture!

5 comments – latest 4:
SneakyWalter (Sep 25, 2005)
Yeah, You'll have to improve even more (as I will Too, in my opinion) before the intermediate board.
taori (Sep 25, 2005)
dude, i remember you. nice to see you again.
mkkmypet (Sep 25, 2005)
This picture wasn't quite up to par for me. I am better than this, and I'm hoping to put up a really nice pic today. It's the strangest thing though, what made me come back. I was on Deviant Art and by chance, Knockoff was online too, browsing the latest entries. He happened to find mine and asked "Hey, you wouldn't be the mkkmypet from 2draw, would you now?" and I told him I was. That reminded me of 2draw and I came back.
Nightmare (Sep 25, 2005)

Not recalling anything.
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Jul 8, 2005)
Had to save, hope I don't lose the next version.
24 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 9, 2005)
This one is a showcaser Clox.. brilliant work .
Axil62 (Jul 9, 2005)
The lighting is just amazing on this.
two-na (Jul 10, 2005)
'you stay in a low range of values'
ambermac (Sep 25, 2005)
So are you saying the missing link is a Margaret Keane's orphan? just kidding--very appealing painting.
drawn in 2 hours 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
R. (Sep 19, 2005)
What more is there to say? What's in a gnome? An Englishman's gnome is his castle? The green, green grass of gnome? Don't leave gnome without it?
5 comments – latest 4:
Nightmare (Sep 19, 2005)
Damnit, you took my idea. D:>
davincipoppalag (Sep 19, 2005)
Is THAT how they move around so quickly.. I wondered!
Kloxboy (Sep 19, 2005)
Wow, that is pretty well drawn...sick but well drawn.
ambermac (edited Sep 28, 2005)
oh plenty! for one, and i shouldn't be surprised- had no idea they're submissives-or is that a misgnomer.
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Rudeezy (Aug 24, 2005)
Conker L&R is my favorite game for the xbox right now. :)

oh and here is my ref.
10 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Aug 29, 2005)
You drew the fur so well, very good drawing. |:)
Nightmare (Aug 29, 2005)
Heh. I remember Conker. Especially in CBFD.

Mighty Poo pwns. :D
xiau (Aug 30, 2005)
I played the Nintendo 64 one. So gorey...
Great job on the fur! I knew who it was as soon as I saw it ^_^
Anna (Sep 24, 2005)
lol this is cute \o/
drawn in 2 hours 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 20, 2005)
I love boys who has a long hair.. <3_ _ _ _ _~ and if you have glasses it's good too!
If you're also good-looking.. then OMG I LOVE YOU! X'D

++ this pic is for you meri, vigilante. i love you and i hope you have fun time in NYC ! <3

VOODOOBUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! delete some of your comments please.
12 comments – latest 4:
Nightmare (Sep 22, 2005)

You people scare me with your: OMG liek so-and-so hate supercutekawaiihair and big molars that are so kuute. :|

Pakasutemanshikuka (edited Jan 3, 2006)
hey. c'mon! we're girls, ya know?! it's very natural for girls. phuhj..
you don't know much of girls.. -_ _ _-''
edit: kill me i'm a stupid little human who's evil =(
Nightmare (Sep 22, 2005)

The 'girls' I hang around with don't scream their heads off at the sight of a guy they fancy. :|
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 23, 2005)
yeah. maybe we're younger? *~~~* this is stupid! XD
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Kenshin (Aug 25, 2005)
Whee! XD This is so crappy. I wasn't really trying to make it be really good or anything :P
It's supposed to be Gackt, but I guess it doesn't look much like him ;\
I hate this picture :D
24 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (Sep 17, 2005)
Masa is a cuuutie~
Totchi [Toshiya] is hot, too D:
So is everyone in Dir en Grey <3
voodoobunny (Sep 19, 2005)
Gackt is gay. That is the only thing I like about him. (Have anyone seen the live video Vanilla? He...well..better if I don't say anything XD)
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 19, 2005)
i like gackt and this pic here *~~~* cool!
voodoobunny! i have seen it! :33
Kenshin (Sep 20, 2005)
OMFG Vanilla live is the best video EVER XDDD!
This picture bothers me XD
drawn in 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Week 2: Chemistry
DinoFlorist (edited Sep 10, 2005)
Wow! I was overwhelmed and impressed with all the great submissions. Only one entry can win (and its pretty subjective), but they all were very good and I was impressed with almost all of them. Hopefully everyone who entered had fun creating their creatures, and thank you so much for entering. Every week there will be a new contest to enter, so if one doesnt pique your interest, maybe the next one will. Week 2: Chemistry You knew that you weren't supposed to go there, but Julie a...
Main Forums/ 
lycene (Sep 6, 2005)
How exactly do the rankings progress (Newcomer, Apprentice, Artist, etc)? I know Apprentice starts with 100 points, Artist with 200, and Dabbler with 300, but what happens beyond that? And is Dabbler relatively new?--I don't remember ever seeing it before. (Whew, lots of questions.)
Public Boards/Intermediate 
HunterKiller_ (Sep 11, 2005)
Safety save.
Ref used.
13 comments – latest 4:
lufiamanaelf (Sep 12, 2005)
*gasps* That's so cool! One thing, wouldn't the reflection be a little more distorted and blured?
DivineStar (Sep 13, 2005)
Wow....that's very nice
Nightmare (Sep 13, 2005)
Heh. Now you can join the Water Club along with Axil, Poppa, and DBA. Nice draw.
Mal (Sep 13, 2005)
Very nicely done
drawn in 1 hour 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Jun 16, 2005)

Now let me see some fuckin hands.
5 comments – latest 4:
sephiroth54321 (Jun 16, 2005)
Yeah, here's my fuckin hand in the air, every finger down except the fuckin one in the middle.
Jk, lol this is good but it looks nothing like the ref.
Nightmare (Jun 16, 2005)
In my eyes, it resembles a close appearance of the ref. But, besides that, I did it in my own style.
Ty854 (Jun 16, 2005)
Thats pretty sweet, but personally, I like the polka dot geetar better.
revco83 (Sep 11, 2005)
"Wine is fine, but wis-key's quick-a!" All hail Randy Rhoads! The fingers could od been improved but thats all I think. Great work man, I love it!
drawn in 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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