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Public Boards/Beginner 
woah_pockster (Dec 29, 2005)
This was amusing to make. I was looking in the car window thing and there were raindrops from the rain and then fog spots. o_o this is what I saw.
6 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Dec 29, 2005)
Cool, scary, & Cute!!!!!!!!!

It made me want to say woot, cry, and hug soft stuff.
Punky (Dec 29, 2005)
I love it. :) This reminds me of a dream I once had, great job.
NedLife (edited Dec 29, 2005)
it makes me thing of a rabbid sqwerril! LOL I Dont know why!
woah_pockster (Dec 30, 2005)
rofl woo hooo <3 thanks everyone. :] <3
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
pandabarrie (Dec 29, 2005)
banana for NedLife
i agree, they are a bit oc a challange^^;
2 comments – latest 2:
kristine (Dec 29, 2005)
itsa naner! =o very nice.
NedLife (Dec 29, 2005)
very fat banana. but they are very hard so i like the littlle humor you added. its good
drawn in 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
NedLife (Dec 29, 2005)
bananaas are hard. i challenge everyone to draw a banana as good as possible.
3 comments – latest 4:
NedLife (Dec 29, 2005)
drawn in 29 sec
pandabarrie (Dec 29, 2005)
i think i'll take you up on that challange >:)
*pets ned*
NedLife (Dec 29, 2005)
omg i just got petted!!!!
kristine (Dec 29, 2005)
=o Ned just got petted!
drawn in 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
pandabarrie (Dec 29, 2005)
trumpet can be quite beautiful at times.
some idea i had lead to this...not what i had in mind, BUT....
3 comments – latest 3:
torchiclover (Dec 29, 2005)
that but looks like torchic's butt
NedLife (Dec 29, 2005)
i dont get it but i dont see what is she holding?
pandabarrie (Dec 29, 2005)
i thought it would be a bit obvious...from the description...Ô_o
its a trumpet
drawn in 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
NedLife (Dec 29, 2005)
thsi is actually a self - protrait i did of myself.
4 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Dec 29, 2005)
That's way to good looking to be you.
NedLife (Dec 30, 2005)
well in real life i have fatter eyebrows
Knockoff (Dec 30, 2005)
Well, you must looking flattering. :|
NedLife (Dec 30, 2005)
i have had 3 girlfriend b4!!!!!
drawn in 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Requests? Ideas?
xiau (Dec 29, 2005)
I'm officially out of ideas. I have a bunch of crap in my studio, but I'm probably never going to finish it. Sooo, anyone have any requests? Any ideas? And remember, I may or may not draw what you all depends on the difficulty and how long I think it'll take. Okaaay, so, have at it.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Alex-Cooper (Dec 27, 2005)
Two blind-folded orthadontists trying to draw a circle on an etch-a-sketch.

I have a pony.
12 comments – latest 4:
NedLife (Dec 29, 2005)
i dont get it
Alex-Cooper (Jan 10, 2006)
Glad I could fuck with your head so easily, Derrick. I'd like to see your picture, even if it is wicked crappy.
Ned: Am i supposed to be surprised? No one else gets it either.
zep (Jan 11, 2006)
ha ha ha so cool Alex...really a nice concept :)
Zack (Jan 12, 2006)
Should have commented on this before. It's kickass. Greatly strange concept.
drawn in 3 hours 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
TaCO (Dec 27, 2005)
any one that is good at making comics needs to make one for Comic Week.

We need aComic Board

I'll never give up on this :P
4 comments – latest 4:
Opium (Dec 27, 2005)
lol love the devil's face! priceless!
NedLife (Dec 31, 2005)
LOL LMAFAO!!! TOOO FUNNY MAN!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE hilariosu!
TaCO (Apr 20, 2006)
Man this is cool!!!!
Draw more like this!!!!

Oh wait your me!!!!!
What did I tell you about talking to yourself????
I need to know.... Cause I.... Forgot....
Sweetcell (Apr 20, 2006)
Derrick, the two of you ned to go somewhere and talk privately... don't get into trouble:D
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
Favorite shows
kitty25 (edited Dec 28, 2005)
Hi ,people. My favorite show is One peice ,And there much more like Zachbell ,teen titans ,and naruto. What about you?
Public Boards/Beginner 
kristine (Dec 27, 2005)
If any of you can breath at all, i cordially invite you to come kiss my ass. =]
17 comments – latest 4:
kristine (edited Dec 27, 2005)
omg are you talking about me?!?!?! .____.
i am serious about my art, just scroll through my gallery.
and if you arent talking about me, then ignore this.
and i got this from that site maiko was talking about :) her name is natalie, yep
Punky (Dec 28, 2005)
kristine: No, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about omfg, who is being a nuisance.
Maiko (Dec 28, 2005)
yeah, sorry >_> maybe I should have left the comments in, since I deleted them, but then he'd never get banned D:
NedLife (edited Dec 31, 2005)
XDDDDD POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
drawn in 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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