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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||
(Jan 1, 2009)
Inspired by Phil Hale. |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||
(Nov 26, 2008)
Naz (Dec 23, 2008)
Beautiful drawing. I love the expression on her face.
MelissaMissy (Dec 30, 2008)
Hehe, really cute jumper/sweater! The ears on it are so cute!
pokipsy (Dec 30, 2008)
Great subject and excellent style! :)
ItzChronic (Jan 27, 2009)
I think I might explode if I look at her adorable face much longer.... Gah... >.oYour paintings are so good... |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||
(Aug 26, 2006)
Cocky boy....
Anna (Aug 26, 2006)
You've improved a whole lot! :-)
Trip-Machine (Aug 26, 2006)
Dayumn, I love this dude's expression. Hello delicious!
Naz (Aug 27, 2006)
Lovely colours + lineart! |
(Aug 19, 2006)
will finish later :)
Sweetcell (Aug 19, 2006)
Oooo, ooo one of your cuties. Going to love this one.
Chexi (Aug 19, 2006)
that looks amazing! im totally envious of ure style :p can't wait to see it finished!
Naz (Aug 20, 2006)
Oooh I love your style! Can't wait to see it finished!thank you for your kind comments <3
i will finish later..... |
(Apr 29, 2006)
Sweetcell (Jul 26, 2006)
Well this is the bees knees.
Naz (Jul 27, 2006)
I love the colours and the shading, especially the shading of the clothes. The lineart looks fab!
Shoebox (edited Jul 27, 2006)
Thankees guys, awful nice of you!Sweetcell; It's been SO long since I"ve heard that phrase XD hehe. Pockster; Oh my, as in the 'Dollz' palace? Gosh, yeah, a LONG time ago... I used to do my own dolls, though, I wasn't into preps.
Tsukiko (Jul 28, 2006)
so pretty coloring!! *_* especially on the skirtand on the skin her face is lovely |
(Jul 24, 2006)
It's a gift for you. [edit] I'm never going to finish this.
NOVEMBER93 (Jul 24, 2006)
i love the coloring. your style is so cool. you draw hands very nicely too
Naz (Jul 25, 2006)
Looks great so far. I love the colours.
DrsFan (Aug 5, 2006)
Fiesta (Aug 8, 2006)
Blame the doll. |
(Jul 24, 2006)
for all you pokemon fans out dare XD
pixelpanda (Jul 30, 2006)
I used to love watching Pokemon ^^;; Its a great picture and you sure are improving a lot!
Shortiebop (Sep 27, 2006)
pancakes....pancakes....pancakes you still at it lol....you will grow up 1 day :)
Maiko (edited Sep 27, 2006)
Pancakes, STFU. Do you want to get banned again?I SERIOUSLY think you need to stop being so pissy towards people who give you critique and then insult them because you think you're better.. and you may or may not be better, but your attitude sucks, and really, we don't need people like that around here. anyway, people are only critiquing you because they want to see you get better, okay? geez. EDIT: btw, her shoulders are too round/small, and her head is too big, also, she has no ears and her collarbones are too high up and squished together. LMAO.
(Jul 25, 2006)
Random kitty cat.
Airin (Jul 25, 2006)
the eyes are extraordinarily well done, nice drawing (I agree about the fur patch by the nose though)
Sweetcell (Jul 25, 2006)
So cute. The nose patch just needs to be swept towards the back a bit. The mouth seems off but it's so.... I lost my first cat weeks ago and have only began to get over it so it's great to see this. I definately have to paint her picture soon.
Ashes (Jul 25, 2006)
OH MY GOD. It looks EXACTLY like a kitten I just gave to the neighbor girl. ;; Exactly, to the T. The markings on the face are so perfect. Adorable.
bad_dream18 (Aug 12, 2006)
This is a really good drawing. It kinda looks like my cat. :D |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||
(Jun 27, 2006)
Alter.Native (Jul 23, 2009)
Sweet colors!
Broken_Heart_ (Sep 2, 2009)
WaW[not WoW] this is cute
druyamikyo (Jan 3, 2010)
sweet. Valo is pretty epic
dorothyblueeyes (Jan 4, 2010)
yes,some wonderful color effects,great. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||
(Apr 14, 2006)
~Mainly did this for skin practice hence the reason all else is quite rough xD~I should really learn to take up the whole space 0= ~She strangely reminds me of a barbie(don't ask). <3 |
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Hale is big into shadows and if you check out his Johnny Badhair series, the hair will make more sense. The pose is direct from a photo reference. The piece is essentially a joke, see, his penis is guiding him, get it? "Badguide" instead of "Badhair", pretty fucking funny eh? Just don't shit yourself laughing.
Flubbles: I heard if you hold or look at your own penis, you're a homosexual. If you need to confirm this, just hit up a priest or read a Bible, I'm sure it says that somewhere, probably in the back. Although, just being any kind of artist, also makes you a homosexual. Hell, if you were born anywhere near California, you're a homosexual.