Date of Birth:
Dec 9, 2003
Last Access:
Dec 22, 2008 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a tail-less sharp blunt object exiting, literally, right now? Or a president saying, "is it hot in here?"? Or a football crashing on a mediocre cheeseball? Or a clown skimming without an honest stone? Or an intense spider dicing a drunk president metephorically? Or the blue world killing a slide wielding a sword? |
ooo...lovely hair and I like the shirt design, fellow Python fan. (thanks for the comment on my pen...
Mar 27, 2006 |
At the risk of being repetitive...the folds are quite lovely. ^^
Feb 26, 2006 |
OH... I miss the foot, but the corn field is nice.
Dec 11, 2003 |
Ok.. you can give me help anytime.. and maybe some day I'll become as great as you.... *bows to skil...
Dec 11, 2003 |
I think Godzilla coming through from the side might add some interest.. :)
Dec 11, 2003 |