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Public Boards/Beginner 
Maiko (Aug 13, 2003)
iono, my sis wanted to draw something... >> but she couldnt so i turned it into link ^__^;;;;;
okay fine, she said she wanted it to be link but then i fixed it for her ^^;;;;;; *glances at sister chewing on her fingernails..* ew...
7 comments – latest 4:
mikemmaan17 (edited Aug 13, 2003)
link, he come to town, he here to save the princess zelda, gungan took her away now the children no play:( until link will save the day hallehuia!!!!!!!
Hochuuami (edited Aug 14, 2003)
EMAIL ME!! email my scribblesams address with your silvertail13 address!!! do it! Do it now, foxchick. Oh and Link is cuul.RAHHHHHHH

~Ryuu, still real, who comes with her own certificate of authenticity, so blah!!!!
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 14, 2003)
crazy people O.o
Hochuuami (edited Aug 21, 2003)
We're not crazy. We're just a little unwell......

Well, actually, We'Re aLL iNSHaNe. But YoU PrOllIeh CaN'T TeLL The DiFfEreNcE.

~Ryuu....... tired, bored, hungry, depressed, and lonely all at once.....
Does that mean I'm multitasking?
drawn in 4 min with PaintBBS
Maiko (Aug 13, 2003)
yay, to celebrate me being ranked 20 (really no reason to) i drew Youko Kurama ^__^ he looks a bit like inuyasha Oo;; but SHHHhh dont say that, cuz i dont really like inuyasha... >>
oh well, C & C please ^__^
9 comments – latest 4:
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 13, 2003)
since when does he have black hair? But it's sexy nonetheless ^_^. *touches him* *gets burned*
Hotaru-chan (edited Aug 13, 2003)
ooooo. he does look like him * takes out note book and write down this look a like* he's awsome!! * blows kiss to picc because I don't want to get burned like Gothic_Otaku * A very well done picc!!! happy 20th thing!!!

mikemmaan17 (edited Aug 13, 2003)
very SHWEET!!!! Awsome hands!
Lark (Oct 24, 2003)
sigh.... you're such a kurama freak.... just like KF..... even then....
drawn in 36 min with OekakiBBS
Maiko (Aug 12, 2003)
this mouse sucks... >>
uhm, this is for Nyao, late birthday present...i've no clue who you are but..oh well ^__^ happy birthday, love your art
1 comment – latest 1:
nyao (edited Aug 13, 2003)
thank you! ^^ this pic is really cute. ^^
drawn in 19 min with OekakiBBS
Maiko (Aug 12, 2003)
i'm in china right now and i'm almost dead...i'm so tired... u__u and my cousins are forcing me to eat food *SIIIGH* u__u i miss all you people and talking on AIM but i'll be back, currently i'm enjoy my home country and the cheap anime stuffs >< woo KENSHIN i miss menchi too
>> oh well...i need to get some sleep now so i'll write back later ^__^ BAIIIII~~~~~~
Forget me and i'll kill you all..... *brandishes knife*
7 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (edited Aug 12, 2003)
Glad you're enjoying China! I've been thinking 'bout you since you left. ;) But remember, traditionally, food tastes better than plants. *kiss* I lub you!
marcello (edited Aug 12, 2003)
flaggiberous7 (edited Aug 12, 2003)
YOUUU NEEDA GET BACK ONLINE! I'M DYING TOO! X___x oh yea.. lauren has something 'superimportant' she needs to tell ya. so.. GO ONLINE. and come back soon!!! um.. enjoy the food if you can.. american 'chinese food' is crap compared to actual chinese food. DON'T FORGET THE ERASERS, INK, AND RADIOHEAD CD! ^^ bootleg and cheap. @__@ and ur missing the persied meteor shower too. unless you can see it there. WESTERN SKY AUG. 12 AT NIGHT!!! ... well.. 2am the next day. but yea! *___* that should be you watching it. pitch up a tent and look up! wow.. this is a llooonng post. um.. i agree w/ turtlebuster. i'm too chicken to visit this year.. i'll go next year. ^^ other than that.. at least you're not in russia where the skinheads can get ya! have fun!!! come back w/out pukin on the plane or dying from becoming a glutton from getting stuffed by all that food. *sigh*... waiting till school starts for wasil to bring back cool stuff for pplz. say hi to the forbidden city for me? #.#.. i'll shut up now.

Hochuuami (edited Aug 16, 2003)
AGH!! DO NOT SPEAKITH MY NAME!! Evil bucket of chatter. WHAT METEOR SHOWER!??!

~Ryuu, the obsessive Cell Fanatic
drawn in 4 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Maiko (Aug 7, 2003)
This is for FuryofRoy (menchi) since i'll be leaving to visit china later today >> it was nice talking on the phone with you, and i hope you can call sometime ater i get back ^___^
and everyone else too bai ><
i lub you menchi ^^
2 comments – latest 2:
Hochuuami (edited Aug 7, 2003)
I feel unlubbed and fergotten
and my poor bishi ish sick!
but i still like the pic.

~Ryuu, who's best friend is going away to China ;____;
furyofroy (edited Aug 7, 2003)
I lub you too!! *sniff* I'm going to miss you while you're gone! Have a good time while you're there! IM me sometime while you is in China, okey? Be sure to notify me when you get back so I know when you call you again! <3 Goo-bye!!
drawn in 10 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Maiko (Aug 6, 2003)
just playing with my tablet >>
sorry for the crappy art ness... u__u
edit: Marcello, can you move this to practice?
drawn in 5 min with OekakiBBS
Maiko (Aug 4, 2003)
attempts at making smooth lineart..
Today's mission.......failed
4 comments – latest 4:
Marienkind (edited Aug 4, 2003)
is that Kite or Shugo? Shugo has larger eyes, but one can never be so sure... (pinches Kite/Shugo). the lineart's okay.
nyao (edited Aug 4, 2003)
it'z ok. me bad at lineart.... and i like the tonez... very nice... ^^
RIKG (edited Aug 5, 2003)
Oo Woow I like it. Is he from .hack/sign?
Hochuuami (edited Aug 8, 2003)
Cell:*coughing fit* X_X *keels over*
drawn in 9 min with OekakiBBS
Maiko (Aug 3, 2003)
guess what i got today? ^__^
mahahahahah ~~
6 comments – latest 4:
Hochuuami (edited Aug 3, 2003)
Tabletnessssssssss. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Happy Birday.

~Ryuu, who thinks this font ish sho coolish, man!
dragon_suicider4u (edited Aug 3, 2003)
luv the drawing!!!!! it sooooo cool and you didn't even use that much colour and i don't think you used effects rite?
cherikit-chan (edited Aug 4, 2003)
awww did... was it expensive? I want one too... I want to draw like wasil ^^ I like the picture very much and I like the bat wings on his head.
nyao (edited Aug 4, 2003)
woooo... cool.... u got a tablet! and i luv the sketchinezz of the pickie. ^^
drawn in 10 min with OekakiBBS
Maiko (Aug 2, 2003)
can i die now..?
7 comments – latest 4:
mazi (edited Aug 3, 2003)
good drawing

love the shadow
Genjo_Sanzo (edited Aug 4, 2003)
boy. do I feel bad, seriously, do you remember my "chibi sanzo" "drawing"? doode, it's not bad. I like it.
nyao (edited Aug 4, 2003)
wow.... great lineart and solid colouring.... blood... *lickz it*... yum...
Sixelab (Sep 18, 2003)
sexy o.O amazing shadow, kinda looks like a blindfold lol

drawn in 21 min with OekakiBBS
Maiko (Aug 2, 2003)
my life is pointless and meaninless..
it heart hurts...
i dont know what the hell is wrong with me..
4 comments – latest 4:
Marienkind (edited Aug 2, 2003)
edit: yes, taori. quite true. still, i like being happy and i will tug fiercely at it, biting ayone who will try to take it away.
taori (edited Aug 2, 2003)
It's not a good world at all. Did you ever notice how suspicious we are of people who are unconditionally nice? Nobody expects to be done any favors, and they don't do any in return. What's left over is a very futile existence, the point of which is, to me, to ignore, until one day you realize you're not quite as miserable as you used to be. Then you hit your midlife crisis and that's another story. o.O;
Minitsaru (edited Aug 2, 2003)
damn, depression sux, i used to be depressed a LOT than one day my bro pissed me off so much i just clenched my fist closed my eyes and punched as hard as i could and poof there's this hole in the wall seperating my room from my brothers (its fixed now tho) after that i started to feel better, maby all it is is bunched up emotions and all you need to do is finally let them out. any ways, hope that helps you out....
marcello (edited Aug 2, 2003)
depression is weakness of the mind. you must overcome mentally. tis the only way.
drawn in 21 min with OekakiBBS
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