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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Flubbles and Roytje (Jan 26, 2009)
20 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Feb 13, 2009)
Im not sure i just came across the ref and liked it.
RideTheWashingMachine (Oct 21, 2009)
PRETTY LIGHTING O_O i love the highlight on the horse it makes it look that much more realistic VERY pretty :D good job ^_^
backmagicwoman (Oct 21, 2009)
It's really beautiful...makes me feel like this..
Flubbles (Apr 12, 2010)
I forgot we even did this.
drawn in 6 hours 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Jan 26, 2009)
9 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jan 27, 2009)
Melting Chickenheadman you rock Klox
tscott (Jan 27, 2009)
you have in my opinion,the best gallery and your work is just both facinating and simply amazing klox!
Roytje (Jan 27, 2009)
You always have the best style. This is a little bit different, but I like it even more. Those small brush strokes are great. Are those exploded heads your idea or did you get inspired by someone?
Kloxboy (Jan 27, 2009)
Thanks man. "Are those exploded heads your idea or did you get inspired by someone?" I don't remember what or who exactly inspired the unfinished heads and limbs but I've been doing it for years. It probably started when I started looking at anatomy books, they always have unfinished figures in them, I always liked that quality. Unfinished figure paintings have been done throughout the ages, it's hardly new but I'm trying to put my own stink on it.
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jan 27, 2009)
8 comments – latest 4:
lori (Jan 27, 2009)
awesome, you look like a professional wrestler
Miss_DJ (Jan 27, 2009)
you look meaner, bigger and older here than in your pics. this looks like a combination of you and Axil. Axil is the neck part. lol
tscott (Jan 27, 2009)
like clark kent turning into the hulk'
montezmaria (Jan 28, 2009)
Is this you? I'm really enjoying your artwork here. I've said it before, I really like your technique and coloring to your drawings. This expression is really great, funny and makes me smile. Great use of all those muscles in the face and neck : )
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Alter.Native (Jan 25, 2009)
8 comments – latest 4:
montezmaria (Jan 26, 2009)
Very beautiful. Gorgeous coloring to this too.
elly (Jan 26, 2009)
Love the painterly look and muted colors! Wonderful form as well! Very nice =)
firecracker (Jan 27, 2009)
Very beautiful sorta reminds me of Venus de Milo. :)
Alter.Native (Jan 27, 2009)
Thanks! :) - and Chibi is good -
drawn in 1 hour 58 min with Chicken Paint
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Am I crazy or....
Axil62 (edited Jan 25, 2009)
... is this page fun? Well a lot of you won't remember but even so, go check it out. browse the 70's! Groovy, man.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
PS (Jan 16, 2009)
I promised to my wife and children, I'd never touch another drink as long as I live. But even then, it sounds so soothing. This will blow over in time. This will all blow over in time.
8 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Jan 24, 2009)
Looks a little like Scott Weiland. Good painting.
QTgillie (Jan 24, 2009)
this is so nice from the forshortening angle and the shadows and the texturing...I like it a lot.
Pantera (Jan 24, 2009)
I like it too, well done :)
bette_davis_eyes (Jan 24, 2009)
great job on this.. I just love the suit :)
drawn in 2 hours 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
sumo paint
marcello (Jan 23, 2009)
another 2draw-style site... thoughts?
Public Boards/Intermediate 
xswirvex (Jan 22, 2009)
4 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Jan 22, 2009)
That's awesome, really pops out at ya.
Murdock (Jan 22, 2009)
long bacon
cyclops (Jan 22, 2009)
nice, looks like a potato peel in the thumb.
davincipoppalag (Jan 22, 2009)
It's a rusty tapeworm
drawn in 47 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
cyclops (Jan 16, 2009)
...prized cock.
11 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jan 22, 2009)
Congrats on the win Tim
cyclops (Jan 22, 2009)
thanks everyone.
HiroDaZero (Jan 24, 2009)
...Bush? Congrats on first place.
cyclops (edited Jan 25, 2009)
drawn in 6 hours 24 min with Chicken Paint
Contest Week 92: The Scene
Kloxboy (edited Jan 22, 2009)
Contest Week 92: The Scene Below is a vague description of a scene, you've got a character, a setting and a mood. I had someone put this description together with no prior knowledge of 2draw or this contest. Your goal is to render the scene described below using the details listed and anything else you feel needs to be added. This contest is all about using your imagination and creativity. You get to invent what's going on in this scene. Who is this person? Is it a man or a woman? What...
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