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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
TheCrimsonKing and theusualsteve (Jan 29, 2009)
6 comments – latest 4:
HiroDaZero (Feb 1, 2009)
Yup. She's a complete look alike, right down to the mole on her lower lip.
davincipoppalag (Feb 2, 2009)
Now there's unusual usual
Kloxboy (Feb 2, 2009)
She's kind of cute...sort of.
Bubblicious (edited Feb 15, 2009)
For some reason, it reminds me of a darkelf on Oblivion 8( I really don't know why, but it looks great! (probably the ear and dark skin)
drawn in 2 hours 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Flubbles (Jan 27, 2009)
21 comments – latest 4:
katloo (May 1, 2009)
This is soooo brilliantly done.
Flubbles (edited Sep 24, 2009)
backmagicwoman (Sep 24, 2009)
Ha!..that is funny but disturbing at the same time....
CookieMonster (Nov 21, 2009)
:D so good
drawn in 6 hours 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Week 93: War
Kloxboy (edited Jan 31, 2009)
Contest Week 93: War Paint a picture of what war means to you. You may use references but they can't be from famous war photos (that's another artist's vision, not yours). When using references, make your own composition, your own painting, -own- the imagery. Merely copying a photo is not what this contest is about.................................................................................................................................................................................
QTgillie (Jan 23, 2009)
Not quite done yet.
10 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 1, 2009)
Congrats on the win QT
Suntan (Feb 1, 2009)
Bravo, gillie!
QTgillie (Feb 1, 2009)
thanks dave and sunny, glad to see you up and about and on as the case may be!
Miss_DJ (Feb 1, 2009)
Great work! Congratulations!
drawn in 9 hours 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Flubbles (Jan 28, 2009)
16 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Jan 30, 2009)
I wasnt to concerned about the background, everything has there imperfections so i left it :p My screens really bright so i pretty much see every detail!
QTgillie (Jan 30, 2009)
The only one that is really annoying is the mark right by her left hip, or our line of sight, the left side. The others are not distracting at all. Sorry Flub....Your draws are usually so perfect I get excited if I see something I can CC... take me with a grain of salt.
Alter.Native (Jan 31, 2009)
Insane detail!
You've got great skills..How about taking a reference, 'distorting' it, and creating your own individual vision?..maybe with smudges all over the place..;)
Flubbles (Feb 18, 2010)
Hot or what.
drawn in 2 hours 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DMV (Jan 29, 2009)
Going to add something later.......
5 comments – latest 4:
DMV (Jan 29, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 1 min
was listening to "Lunatic Fringe"
davincipoppalag (Jan 29, 2009)
Hahahah great
davincipoppalag (Jan 29, 2009)
Hahahah great
Kloxboy (Jan 29, 2009)
Classic face. The second his dad sees that face, he'll say "I'll miss you son" as he's bolting out of the house.
drawn in 2 hours 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jan 28, 2009)
14 comments – latest 4:
PS (Jan 29, 2009)
gel_o (Jan 30, 2009)
This is really good Klox....your skin tones are just perfect!
Aubrey (Jul 4, 2009)
Lookin for some sort of guidance from above maybe.
Oxinide (Jul 26, 2009)
I love this, he looks so surprised in a scared way xD
drawn in 3 hours 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
two-na (Jan 28, 2009)
hard going way wears
dreaming of waste after waste,
going on, and on.
3 comments – latest 3:
Kloxboy (Jan 28, 2009)
Wow, that looks just like him.
firecracker (Jan 28, 2009)
Very nice "dots".....they look like "nail heads" :)
davincipoppalag (Jan 29, 2009)
That looks like a Braille panel (Why DO they have Braille buttons on drive up ATMS)
drawn in 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
bette_davis_eyes (Jan 23, 2009)
29 comments – latest 4:
gloworm043 (Jan 31, 2009)
"AYE" !!!!!!!...:)
davincipoppalag (Jan 31, 2009)
Double "Aye" !!
bette_davis_eyes (Jan 31, 2009)
you guys are simply the best! thanks again :)
Miss_DJ (Feb 1, 2009)
Aye Aye Aye, now please move to showcase! Bravo Bette!
drawn in 4 hours 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
garbonzo666 (edited Jan 27, 2009)
Please check out my new art site at I will be updating it very often. Thanks for your time and enjoy! -DMG
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